Chapter 60

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Remi POV

Remi took a deep breath, wiping her face with the sleeve of her sweatshirt as she stared at the bodies around them. Luckily, no citizens had gotten hurt today; the mid-tiers hadn't been hard to knock out with three superheroes involved. Maybe it really was the best solution to work with both Blyke and Kuyo.

She'd been horrified when Blyke had found out her secret. The expression on his face, a mix of anger, confusion, and fear, had hurt her more than she'd thought. She hated to remember the way she'd felt when she'd found out about his superheroism. It had been like a betrayal, but there she'd been, doing the same thing. It's like we never learn.

Even after the confrontation, Remi had been unable to change her mind. She'd thought that after seeing Blyke so upset, she would've felt something different; however, it only solidified in her more what she had to do. They'd already been vigilantes. They were already in danger. The only way to stop that, to make things even a little better, was to continue on. She couldn't avenge anyone by sitting around. Luckily, Blyke had seen this in her. He really seemed to understand. It was one of the things that made him such an amazing friend; he was there for her, no matter what. He'd even joined her when he couldn't stop her.

This decision had seemed even smarter after the fight that had just happened. It was the fastest Remi had ever taken a group of mid-tiers down, and with no injuries to top it off. I guess that Blyke was right. It's safer to have more people. She smiled a little, suddenly glad that she wasn't on her own in fighting anymore.

Remi was just leaning down to tie up the unconscious mid-tiers with some rope that she'd brought when Kuyo spoke. "We meet again, Nobody."

A small gasp from Blyke followed these words, with a few sounds of confusion. Remi frowned. She'd heard Blyke flustered many times; although the words hadn't made sense to her, they'd clearly hit something in him. She glanced back at the other two. They were standing a few feet apart, simply staring at each other.

It was then that it hit her. Something was familiar about the pairing. She'd seen it before... on the news. The name 'nobody' had been Blyke's superhero name, even if he hadn't made it that unintentionally. The only time he'd been on the news, though, was when he'd been saved by another blue-haired superhero...

Remi gasped and turned around, jumping to her feet. "It was you!"

Kuyo and Blyke both turned to stare at her. She noticed Blyke still eyeing Kuyo as if he would somehow forget if he walked away, but Remi knew he wouldn't. The tone Kuyo had used suggested that he knew exactly who Blyke was from before.

"Is this a friend of yours?" Kuyo asked Remi, pointing in Blyke's direction. She nodded slowly, still staring at Kuyo. So he'd been the one to save Blyke's life.

The first time they'd met as superheros, Kuyo had told Remi that he hadn't been able to save Rei. Remi's brother had been cornered, Kuyo unable to step in... Rei had ended up dead, even if it was a hero's death. Dead, just as Blyke could have been.

Remi had found out about Blyke's superheroism through the news. He'd almost died during the clip that had been shown; he would have, if not for a mysterious blue superhero saving him. The same superhero that now stood in front of her.

Kuyo hadn't been able to save Rei, but he had saved Blyke. Remi bit back tears, ignoring the boys' confused stares as she ran towards Kuyo, wrapping the other superhero in a tight hug. "Thank you. Thank you for saving him."

He stiffened for a second in her tight hug before giving her a pat on the head. "No problem. I didn't know he was so special to you... Does your family know you have a boyfriend?"

Remi instantly dropped her arms and took a step back, frowning at Kuyo. "He's my best friend."

"Oof. Friendzoned. No wonder you call yourself 'nobody,'" Kuyo commented, smirking over at Blyke. Remi kicked him in the shins, glaring before turning to look at Blyke. Unsurprisingly, he'd turned red as a tomato.

"Come on, let's head out," Remi told Blyke, giving one last frown to Kuyo before turning around. "It's late."

"S-should we make him take care of these people by himself?" Blyke stuttered, coming back to himself as she started walking. Remi nodded.

"He can deal with it." She didn't look back to see if Blyke was following, but could hear the scuffle of his footsteps a few minutes later.

"Rude!" Kuyo yelled from further back. Remi ignored him, continuing to walk.

She couldn't help but think about what he'd said as she led Blyke through the streets back to the train, however. She'd never thought that anyone would view Blyke as her boyfriend. Yes, they were close, but she'd always thought they were best friends. He thinks of us that way too... right? She paused. Suddenly, she wasn't so sure.

He did turn very red every time she was around... Am I friendzoning him? She frowned. What would it be like otherwise? She already talked to Blyke often. Really, all that would change would be the fact that they would hold hands... hang out without Isen there... cuddle with each other and talk, possibly kiss-

"What?!" Remi yelled, shaking her head to clear away the image that had been filling her head. Now is not the time for this!

"Rems, are you okay?" Blyke asked, concerned. He stepped in front of her, putting a hand on her shoulder. They'd taken off their superhero uniforms a little bit ago, and she could see his face pretty clearly in the light of the streetlamps... he was pretty close to her now, his gold eyes full of concern. He even has a nickname for me. Isen has never called me 'Rems' like he does.

Her eyes widened. Quickly, she pushed him away and continued walking. "I think I just pulled a muscle or something in the fight. It's fine, let's just get back." She could hear Blyke take a breath behind her as if he were going to say something else, but then he went silent.

She really didn't have time for this, not when so many other things were at stake. Stupid Kuyo.  Now she could remember why he'd always annoyed her.

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