Chapter 32

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John POV

So Sera still wouldn't tell him what that 'job' of hers was. After the past few weeks, John had been sure things were different. He'd thought things had changed. Yet, in the end, they were stuck in the same place as before: Sera was keeping a secret.

When she'd suddenly been unable to hang out because of some job once again, John had tried to stay calm. He'd told himself that it was fine, and that it must've been a small thing if she wasn't explaining it. However, the same worry that had made him so upset in the beginning had rose up once again. He hadn't been able to hide his fear this time... fear that Sera would leave him.

This time, at least, she'd admitted a bit more about it; she'd told him it was dangerous. This did nothing to make him feel better, though. He watched her turn the corner of the school with a frown. Could that thing she was talking to Arlo about, Spectre, be related this job?  Both seem to be dangerous, although she hasn't talked much to Arlo since... He frowned. There was still so much he didn't know.

Maybe it was his fear of Sera disappearing, or his growing confusion of what he'd missed, but John couldn't just stand there and watch her walk away. An idea was formulating in his head. He knew it was really dumb, and not a very trusting move, but he couldn't help it.

He followed her. Sera vanished into her dorm first, giving John a few minutes to sprint back to his own. He needed some sort of disguise. She'd notice him way too easily in his Wellston uniform. After shuffling through his closet, he found a dark shirt and pants. Just as he was about to shut the door he noticed something else. A U-Mart hat sat on the bottom of his dresser.

The hat had been a gift from Adrion before John had left his suspension. He'd come back to the store his friend worked in several more times after Adrion had given him another chance. During one of the times, he'd decided to get a U-Mart membership. Although it was mainly because his friend worked there, John had also figured it could give his dad some discounts back in New Bostin.

Adrion had brought the hat to him the next time he'd come. Apparently, it didn't usually come with a discount, but the store had extras and Adrion's manager had allowed him to take another one... He'd given it to John to take back with him.

Now, John smiled and picked it up. A hat was a good disguise. Sera won't be looking for me in a hat.

He pulled it down over his hair and headed outside of her dorm to wait in the shadows. She left a few minutes later, and, giving her a few minutes to get ahead, he followed her.

Sera made her way past the front of Wellston and down a few streets to a small park. She looked back only once, and John was able to duck behind a tree before she could see him. As he continued to follow, however, he became increasingly worried. What if she does see me? She's not going to like that I'm following her. He bit his lip. She wouldn't get really mad... right?

John changed paths to walk behind some bushes after that. I'll just be extra careful. She doesn't have to know about this. He crouched to his knees as Sera stopped at a bench. A man with purple hair sat before her. John frowned. Who's he?

A million questions ran through his head as he watched Sera talking to him. Does he work for whatever Spectre is, or is he a part of Sera's job? John narrowed his eyes at the guy. Whatever was going on, he didn't like it. He leaned forwards in the bushes as much as he dared.

"... ready for your mission?" The man was asking Sera. John frowned. Mission?

Sera sighed in response to this question. "Let's go see... what Spectre is planning..."

Although her words were cut off by the laughter and footsteps of others in the park, John could hear that word very clearly. Spectre. So it was still relevant. So this was what it was all about.

Sera's 'job' really was a part of this Spectre. I have to ask her about it. He bit his lip. Now wouldn't be a good time, though... would it?

Before he could decide, the guy talking to Spectre had activated his ability. He touched Sera's shoulder and both disappeared a minute later. John's eyes widened. Teleportation?!

He jumped to his feet, but it was too late. They were both gone. He couldn't continue to follow her now. However, John had learned one thing: Spectre was what Sera was hiding from him.

If he could figure out what it was, he could finally ask her what was going on... and prevent their friendship from breaking again. With this last thought, John ran back to his dorm to do some research.

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