Chapter 7

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Sera POV

Sera watched Arlo leave the rooftop with a sigh. She wished that he would just leave her alone. His constant questions about Spectre were only succeeding in making her more stressed. She didn't need any more of that, now that her next assignment had been given. Sera glanced back down at her phone. Finding other members of Spectre, huh? The ones with the dampeners? She sighed again.

Things were about to become difficult.

Sera spent the rest of the day on the rooftop, having already reviewed the material for each of her classes. It had seemed easy as always; she'd done the assignments for each the previous day. With the bit of extra time she'd had, Sera had used her ability to test out a few different things. Spectre had told her that she'd only be 'backup' for them, but she couldn't be so sure. Especially after her sister Leilah's concern with the mission.

These people had dampeners, too. Sera shivered to think about it. She did not want to feel the weakness of them; it would almost be like her ability loss all over again. Sera's hands clenched into fists. No. I'm done with those times. She let out a breath. There was nothing more now that she could do to prepare.

Sera was just about to leave the roof to wait in her room until she would meet Spectre when her phone lit up with a text. She pulled it out, wondering if it had something to do with what they were making her do. It didn't. Instead, it was a text from John.

Hey, are you busy today? The text asked her. A few of the words were misspelled. Sera smiled at this, a typical thing for John to do. Then, rereading the text, she frowned.

They'd been able to hang out a few times at school, but never after; firstly because John had a lot of homework he was still catching up on, and then because Sera had things to do. More specifically, things for Spectre. It hadn't been too much before, but all of it was beginning to pick back up now.

Wishing that she could hang out with John and not have to worry about Spectre, Sera typed a quick answer. She didn't give anything away. She couldn't. Although Leilah was pretty high up in Spectre, she didn't completely control the company; this was shown by the fact that it had been able to split and Leilah not able to do much about it.

Speaking of Sera's sister, another text from her had arrived. Kayden's here to pick you up.

Kayden was the same member of Spectre who'd taken her away from the cafe when they were being chased after Sera had first talked to Leilah, and also the one who'd brought her to get her ability back. He had some sort of teleportation ability, which seemed to be pretty useful in Spectre.

Sera's eyes widened. So early? I thought they weren't coming for a few more hours.

We've decided to try and reason with them first. It's better to start now, Leilah answered. Sera gulped. Letting out a deep breath, she calmed herself down. It would be fine.

Burying any worries she had, Sera stood up taller and walked down the stairs to leave Wellston. She reached the front doors without much trouble; school wasn't quite over yet, and so the hallways were limited in people. It was better this way. There was no one to stop Sera, or ask any questions. She would have to leave school grounds and walk for a little to a nearby park in order to meet with Kayden to get to the headquarters of Spectre, but if anyone saw her leaving people could start to wonder. It wouldn't be good if others started to ask about where she was going. Sera wouldn't have an answer for them. She couldn't give anything away. So much for being in control.

Sera pushed open the doors and stepped out of school. It was a sunnier day, but she couldn't exactly stand around to enjoy it; she had other things to do. She still paused for a second to glance around. There were only a few students outside, but they were too busy talking to each other to notice her. Sera continued on.

She was just about to leave school grounds when she was forced to stop.


At the call of her name, Sera turned around. She'd recognized the voice but a part of her had hoped she'd heard wrong. Unfortunately, she hadn't. There stood a familiar black-haired and gold-eyed boy, waving to her from the front of the school. John. What's he doing?

"I thought you were still in class?" She asked as John came up to her, breathing a little harder as if he'd sprinted through the school to get to her. She hoped he hadn't. She was just going to have to leave him in a few minutes, anyway.

"It let out early," He told her. "I saw you from inside and wanted to say hello."

Sera raised an eyebrow. "We can't hang out, though."

"Why not?" Now John was staring straight at her, the happiness that had been in his eyes at seeing her gone. Sera shivered. It felt as if John was staring right through her, as if this was an interrogation instead of a simple question. She shook her head to clear it. He doesn't know anything. Sera forced what she hoped was a casual smile on her face.

"I just have some things to do," She answered. She could tell by the way John's eyes darkened slightly that it wasn't the answer he'd been hoping for. Still, she didn't have time to talk for longer. "See you later."

Sera turned and walked away, leaving John behind. She could feel him watching her as she left.

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