Chapter 57

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Blyke POV

Blyke stared at the sweatshirt on the floor. There was no way it could be what he thought it was. Remi couldn't be a superhero again. It had been very different to suspect, but now, presented with solid evidence, Blyke didn't want to face it.

Remi had broken her promise.

"Hey, let's go. This is getting boring," Isen told Blyke, poking his shoulder. Blyke turned to glare at Isen. His friend took a step back, shock in his eyes. "...what's going on?"

Apparently, he'd noticed the inner conflict going on inside of Blyke. On one hand, he wanted to pick up the uniform, to wake Remi and shove it in her face. He wanted to demand why she'd let herself make the same mistake, even after he'd gone and done it too. On the other, he wanted to pretend he'd never seen it and go on living his life... but he could never do that. If Remi was in danger, he had to do something.

Blyke was saved from making the decision by Isen gasping. The other boy had finally noticed what he was looking at. "Dude, no way!"

He shook his head, not knowing what to say. Before he or Isen could do anything else, they were interrupted by a different voice. "...Blyke? Is that you?"

Slowly, Blyke turned away from the sweatshirt on the floor. Remi had been laying on her bed before, seemingly sound asleep. Now, though, she sat up, rubbing her eyes. Blyke stared at her. Now is the time for answers. She'll know we've found her secret. He opened his mouth to say something, but found he couldn't speak. Instead, he simply looked at her, feeling more conflicted than ever.

"Remi, what were you doing last night?" Isen asked her instead. Remi had fully sat up in bed now; she opened her mouth and then closed it again, glancing at the closet behind them. Her red eyes widened when she saw the sweatshirt that was sticking out of it.

In a flash, she'd jumped out of bed and hurled herself towards it as if to try and hide it from them. Blyke stepped in front of it, sending Remi crashing into him instead. She stared at his feet for a moment before slowly looking up at him. He hated the guilt and sadness in her eyes; what he hated more, however, was the determination that he still saw there. She wasn't going to stop being a superhero, not this time. Not even while knowing the dangers.

"We saw it," He told her as if it needed to be confirmed. Remi sighed, shoulders drooping. She was still standing very close to Blyke. If not for the situation, he was sure his face would've reddened.

"I'm sorry, guys. I had to," She whispered. Isen stepped forwards, staring at Remi.

"Why?? We almost died last time!" He exclaimed, sounding as confused as Blyke felt. At the same time, though, Blyke could almost understand. Remi had something she needed to fulfill; she needed to avenge Rei, no matter what it took. He'd felt a similar hopelessness when John had defeated him time and time again.

"It was for Rei. For John and Seraphina. For everyone the authorities have hurt!" Remi told him, her voice growing louder with every word. She took a step away from Blyke, turning to face Isen instead. "They're all suffering. I can't just sit around!"

Blyke hesitated for a moment at her comments. For John and Seraphina? What happened to them? He'd known that something had happened, but not what it was. Does Remi know more then we do? Still, that wasn't the main problem.

"If you continue, you'll get hurt," Blyke reminded her firmly. Her brother had suffered at the authorities' hands, and it seemed that Remi thought Seraphina and John had, too. However, that wasn't enough to put her own life at risk. He'd almost died the last time he'd played superhero. If anything worse than that happened... I don't want to think about that.

Remi bit her lip, staring at his face. Blyke was sure she could see the concern etched over every inch of it. "I... I'm not alone, Blyke."

He frowned at her words. Not alone? Does she mean in being a vigilante, or...?

"Do you remember my brother's old friend, Kuyo? I've mentioned him a few times, even if you've never met..." She trailed off. "He... he was upset about Rei's death, too. He wanted revenge."

Blyke stared at her for a moment. He could hear Isen stuttering next to him; they both knew what Remi was saying. "He's a superhero? Wait, are the two of you working together, then?" Isen demanded after a moment. Remi nodded, staring at her feet.

"He partnered with Rei, too. He was there when... when it happened. He tried to help," She smiled sadly at the ground. "Rei went out like a hero."

There was a moment of sadness, Remi's words hanging over all of their heads. Blyke had known how angry Remi had been that no one had answered her questions about Rei's death; he could feel how relieved she was to finally have answers. If she was with Kuyo, too, then there was a chance she was safer... however, they both wanted revenge. If she went too far, would Rei's friend be able to stop her? Would he even join her?

Blyke sighed. "I'm sorry, Remi, but... it's still dangerous." He paused, unsure of how to continue.

"You want me to stop," Remi concluded. It wasn't a question; she knew exactly what he was thinking. Blyke nodded, looking her in the eyes. That burning determination hadn't left. Remi wasn't going to stop, and they both knew it.

"Well... I'm out," Isen announced when neither Blyke nor Remi said anything. It seemed that he could feel the silent battle going on between them. "So superheros or not, you two are on your own. I'm not going to die."

Isen turned and left the room after this last comment, plunging Blyke and Remi back into complete silence. They stared at each other for several more minutes until Blyke finally gave in.

"Fine. You can continue to be a superhero with this Kuyo person, but... I'm going to join you," He told her. Remi bit her lip, appearing hesitant, but finally she nodded.

"Meet me outside of Wellston tomorrow night, then," She replied.

Blyke couldn't get her to stop being a vigilante, so he'd gone with the only option he could... he would just have to join her.

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