Chapter 70

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Remi POV

Remi, Kuyo, Blyke, and Isen met in small towns each week to fight as superheroes. Isen found the locations where people were struggling, and Remi confirmed with Kuyo to see if there was any danger; they wanted to go after EMBER eventually, but right now it was too much of a risk. Kuyo seemed to know which towns the EMBER members hung around, and so could tell them to avoid the areas. However, due to all of the trading of ability amplifiers, that couldn't always be easily discerned.

They'd already had some close calls due to this. Usually, Remi and Kuyo went out to fight together first; Isen and Blyke watched from further away, though they were ready to step in when necessary. Sometimes, when things looked a little more suspicious, Blyke convinced Remi to stay back with Isen while he joined Kuyo. This seemed silly to her, as her ability was a little stronger, but the worry in his eyes convinced her every time.

Blyke had been acting differently ever since they'd joined up with Kuyo. He was more overprotective, checking in on her every night and even during the days at school; he'd started putting extra work into the Safe House, too, when she was watching. The club had been running strong ever since Seraphina had talked to John.

She didn't think too much of these changes, however. Kuyo's appearance had reminded her of something else: revenge. EMBER had taken Rei from her, and she'd yet to make them pay. She'd tried, of course, though the last time had ended in her injured... if not for Blyke and Isen, she wasn't sure she could've gotten away.

Now, though, she'd heard the full story from Kuyo. She knew exactly how EMBER had cold-bloodedly killed her brother. Kuyo, too, wanted to get back at them. She didn't have to fight alone. She hadn't before, with Blyke and Isen by her side, but they didn't fully understand... Kuyo had known Rei. The others had never really met her brother.

Unfortunately, a perfect chance for revenge had yet to show itself. They hadn't run into any EMBER executives after the first time, after Volcan. They'd only fought a few mid-tiers away from small towns. It had barely been a fight with both Remi and Kuyo involved.

Isen had managed to find a slightly more powerful criminal for tonight's battle, however; this man was actually a high-tier, even if he was still weaker than Remi and Kuyo. She could have beaten him on her own, but she knew that neither Kuyo or Blyke would let her fight him herself. Blyke had created very specific rules to keep them all safe after the first time, and Kuyo wasn't about to lose someone else like he had Rei. At least Blyke let me fight this time. The last time they'd faced a high-tier, he'd demanded to accompany Kuyo instead. They'd beat the criminal just as fast, though Blyke had appeared a lot calmer than usual.

When they got to the small town, Remi and Kuyo split off from Blyke and Isen. The two boys would be watching from the tops of the buildings, with Isen using his ability to warn them of any incoming dangers. Blyke would be ready to shoot an energy beam at their enemies if necessary.

"Stay safe, okay?" Blyke asked Remi just before they split, his voice low and his eyes full of worry. She smiled at him.

"Of course," She promised. We aren't going against anyone who's too strong. It should be fine.

"Your target should be... that way," Isen told them, pointing down the line of buildings. He frowned for a moment, his ability still active, as he stared at the route. Blyke turned sharply to face him at this pause.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. Isen stared at the buildings for another moment, then shrugged and de-activated his ability.

"I thought I sensed something. I think it was nothing, though," He told them. Blyke frowned at him, concern appearing once again in his eyes, but Remi hurried to interrupt before he could stop them.

"Let's get going," She told Kuyo. "We'll talk to you guys once we get there."

She began down the rows of buildings before the others could stop her. Kuyo followed close behind moments later, glancing over at her with a small frown. It seemed he'd noticed her impatience; even if Remi knew it was dangerous, she'd become even less willing to wait after hearing about Rei's death in detail. She wanted to get this done, all of it.

"Hey," A voice crackled through her comm moments later. Isen? I thought he said we were only going to talk once we got there. "Guys... I think you should slow down for a moment."

"What's wrong now?!" Blyke exclaimed from over the comms. "Maybe I should have gone..."

Remi frowned, wishing Isen would just explain. Luckily, after a moment, he did.

"I'm sensing someone else in the area already. We found the guy you're looking for... but someone else is there, too." He paused. "It looks like they might be fighting."

"What?!" Blyke's voice echoed over the comm again. Isen sighed.

"We're going to get closer," He told Remi. She nodded, realizing moments later they couldn't see her. Blyke had started arguing with Isen on the other side of the comm.

"Kuyo. Let's approach from the side," She called out to the blue vigilante. He nodded, slowing down. They stuck to the sides of the buildings, turning the corner in the shadows. Shouts echoed from up ahead.

"I think there's another superhero!" Isen's voice exclaimed through the comms. "But something about him... it's... huh."

"What do you mean?" Remi asked, but he gave her no explanation. Sighing, she led Kuyo nearer. Two figures came into view, a man who matched the picture Isen had shown them (the one they were targeting) and another, who wore all black. The one in black was clearly winning. His mask covered his entire head, making it impossible for Remi to see who he was, and they were fighting too fast for her to be sure. Moments later, however, the other man fell to the ground with a last shriek. The figure in black took only seconds to tie up his hands. He stepped away from the unconscious body, dusting his hands off.

"That was too easy," The black vigilante sighed. Remi froze at the sound of his voice. Wait, that sounds familiar...

It was only when he turned to face them, however, golden light shining through the two eye slits on his mask, that she realized it with a gasp. That's the Joker mask!

"Joh-" She began. Before she could finish, however, the black vigilante had ran towards her and Kuyo and thrown a hand over her mouth.

I won't be able to update for the next few weeks because I'll be on a trip. Updates should go back to normal in September though! Thanks for all of your support on the story!

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