Chapter 64

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Sera POV

Sera gasped as golden light surrounded her, causing the large meeting room of Spectre to vanish. She turned to John, confused, but his face was firm; there was a burning rage in his eyes that made her nervous. He'd almost lost control again, when Spectre had attacked.

Her eyes darkened at their betrayal. After everything she'd done for them, they'd really decided that disabling John was the best answer? Despite knowing he was her friend, despite knowing how useful he could be, they'd still chosen the hard way. Now, they expected him to join out of necessity. There's no way that's going to happen. I barely agreed to let him in on the plan in the first place, and now... I'm not going to let them touch him again. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"SERA!!" A familiar voice exclaimed. Sera jumped, her dark blue eyes opening to find that she was no longer in Spectre's building. Instead, a light purple-haired girl was rushing towards her, green eyes wide. Leilah. When did she get here?

Sera turned in a circle, eyes widening. The Spectre members who'd been attacking them were gone. So were the huge screens of the meeting room. Instead, she found that they were in the middle of Doc's small apartment. Kayden and Doc sat at the couch, both frowning, Kayden's head in his hands as if he were panicking; it seemed Leilah had been sitting there, too, though she now rushed forwards to wrap her arms around Sera. She winced a little, injuries stinging. John took his hand off of her shoulder, reminding her that he was still there, too.

As soon as Leilah released her, she spun to face him. "What happened? Was that... you?" She asked, thinking of the golden glow she'd seen. Did he transport us here? That doesn't make sense, though... teleportation is Kayden's ability. How could John copy his ability without him there? She had so many questions, though the expression on John's face told her that she wasn't going to get much of an answer.

"I... I don't know. I just knew we had to get away, so I..." He hesitated, glancing over to the couch. Kayden had stood up now, staring at them with wide eyes. "I just copied his ability."

"How-?" Sera began. Kayden cut her off.

"I-I left the building. I tried to get to the disabler room, but there was a crowd of people outside... I recognized some of the higher-ups in Spectre. Something was wrong. I teleported here to get help from Leilah," He paused, eyes still wide. "We were trying to figure out how to get the two out of here when you appeared! I wasn't even close to nearby for you to copy my ability." He directed the last bit at John, who frowned. Sera noticed his eyes were still glowing.

"It just... worked," He told them, staring down at his hands. "Spectre disabled me, and attacked, and I was able to teleport."

"Could you try it again and show us?" Leilah asked, though her attention was still on Sera. Her eyes had widened at the news of Spectre's betrayal.

Doc nodded, still seated on the couch. "It could have something to do with your specific ability. Maybe there was something about the disabler that affected it differently."

John's eyes had narrowed. He was still staring at his hands, although Sera noticed that he was breathing heavily now. She frowned, reaching out to touch his shoulder. "John? Are you okay?" Maybe it would be better to take care of their injuries before anything else.

He turned to stare at her, still breathing hard. His hands were shaking now. "I think... I think the dizziness is coming back..." His eyes fluttered, the glow of his ability vanishing from them. He stumbled forwards. Sera's eyes widened as she rushed forwards, grabbing his shoulders.

"Hey, look at me. Stay awake," She told him. Footsteps behind her told her that Doc had stood up too, moving forwards to join Leilah and Kayden.

"The disabler must be kicking in. Let's get him to the couch," Doc told her. "Both of you have a lot of injuries that need healing."

Sera nodded. She quickly guided John to the couch, hating the way she half had to pull him. Finally, he collapsed back onto the couch, his eyes still closed.

"Glad you're... safe..." He mumbled. Then, without another word, he flopped down onto the couch, his hands going limp.

She reached for him. "John?!" She shook his arm, but he didn't move.

Doc moved forwards and grabbed one of John's hands, feeling his wrist and frowning. "He's unconscious. I'd better get a tonic..." He glanced over at her, frowning. Sera had almost forgotten about her injuries, though she could see the blood seeping through her clothes from where the claw woman had scratched her. "One for you, too."

He stood up and left the room, likely to find his chemistry supplies. Leilah gently put a hand on Sera's shoulder.

"You need to rest," She told her. "He'll be fine."

Sera frowned, staring at John. At Leilah's continued stare, however, she sighed and moved to sit on the couch next to John's head. Leilah left the room, likely to help Doc, leaving Sera and John alone.

She gently reached out to touch a small cut on his face, frowning at the blood that came away with it. Even in his unconscious state, he didn't appear fully peaceful; his eyebrows were still furrowed, his breathing edging on harsh. He looked exactly how she felt: confused. Lost. After their plan had failed, after Spectre had attacked, she didn't know what else they could do.

One thing was for sure, though; something strange had happened with John's ability when he'd transported them here. They would have to figure it out if there was any hope for beating the disabler, or for staying safe from Spectre...

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