Chapter 52

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Remi POV

Since the last time had gone well, Remi decided to go out once again to be a vigilante. Although Blyke was still a bit suspicious, she wanted to do it now more than ever; after Seraphina and John's talk that she'd overheard, Remi only hated EMBER more. They may have been talking about NXGen, but it was still a part of the authorities, who were connected to EMBER... if she couldn't take down everyone who was abusing their powers, she could at least start here.

This time, she searched for someone who was slightly stronger to go after. When Blyke had done that, it hadn't gone well for him, but Remi was a high-tier. Even if there were more amplifiers involved and the person ended up being strong, she was confident she could at least distract them long enough to escape. She had her electricity, after all; if she couldn't knock the one bothering the low-tiers unconscious, she could at least stun him for a moment. The goal was to get stronger, too, and going after weak criminals wouldn't help much.

After telling Isen and Blyke she was tired and heading to bed earlier, Remi took a quick nap. If she came into class exhausted the next morning, it could give too much away. She set an alarm to wake herself up at midnight; with any luck, she'd be able to get a few more hours of sleep after returning. She'd tell her friends that she was worried about John and Seraphina if Blyke started asking again.

Grabbing the bag that held her superhero clothes, Remi snuck out of the dorm as quietly as she could. Luckily, everyone was asleep or at least in their dorms by now; no one stopped her as she left Wellston property. A few minutes later, she boarded the train to go to the next low-tier town. Finally, after arriving and putting the rest of her costume on, she was ready.

Similarly to how one of the first towns had been, this one was relatively dead. It seemed that everyone was in their houses. It was late, so it made sense. Remi had come much earlier when she'd worked with Blyke and Isen. They could've told anyone watching that they were just taking a short walk. If Blyke saw her, though, or anyone else she knew that could tell him, Remi knew he would only ask her about it. He was always concerned about her, even if Isen couldn't see past his articles most of the time.

Sighing, Remi walked up to one of the houses. This one seemed to have the lights on inside. She knocked on the door. A moment later, she saw the rustling of curtains in one of the windows; the door opened a crack a moment later.

"Hello?" A timid voice asked. Remi gave her warmest smile although she wasn't sure if the person could see her. The door was still mostly closed, after all.

"Hello! I'm X-Rei. I saw that there was someone bothering this town, and-" Remi began. The door opened wider before she could finish to reveal a short girl who looked about her age.

"You're a superhero too?" The girl asked, sounding confused. Remi saw that there was a bruise on her face; she must've been in some sort of fight recently. A moment later, Remi processed what the girl had said. She frowned.

"What do you mean, 'too'?" She asked. The girl bit her lip.

"There was another one of you... a man with a blue ponytail. He helped me get away after..." The girl paused here, shivering. Her hand flew up to touch the bruise on her cheek. Did the man terroizing this town do that to her? She hadn't been able to find as much information about the criminal she was attacking this time.

"So, there's another superhero here? Where did he go?" Remi asked, keeping her voice soft so as not to scare the girl. Despite her attempts, the girl didn't remove her hand from her cheek; her voice was still shaking a bit as she spoke the next words.

"He went to fight back," The girl told her. "In the largest building in this town... that's where he went."

Remi nodded. If there really was another superhero here, then it was possible she was unneeded. However, there was always the chance that they weren't as strong as she was. What if they were like Blyke, who'd been too weak to beat the last criminal he'd gone against? I should go check on them just to make sure whoever it is can figure things out.

Stepping back from the house, Remi turned her attention back to the rest of the town. The girl shut the door once again as Remi walked away, looking back and forth for the town's center. As she continued down the rows of houses, she began to hear voices. They grew louder as she got closer.

It seemed that the other superhero had gotten the criminal out and fighting. Remi could see two figures standing outside of the largest house; each had their eyes lit up with their abilities. The back of one of the fighters had a blue ponytail. It must've been the other superhero. Something about the hair color felt familiar to Remi, though she couldn't place it at the moment. Standing to the side of one of the houses, Remi waited to see what would happen with the two of them.

Their voices died down as they approached each other. The man facing her, whom she now recognized as the criminal, suddenly ran forwards; his ability seemed to be a type of super speed, like Zeke's. The blue-haired superhero jumped to the side before the criminal could punch him, turning to face him. The criminal frowned and tried again. This time, his punch almost connected; at the last moment, the superhero blocked him with something blue. A sword? Remi frowned. That kind of an ability is like...

Her eyes widened. No, it can't be him. She took a deep breath and continued to watch. The superhero did seem to have a blue sword he'd made with his ability; he eventually hit the criminal enough times to knock him down. Remi was sure the man was dead, though he seemed unconcious to her.

As she'd watched, Remi had taken a few steps forwards. She hadn't realized how close she'd been until suddenly the superhero turned; now, she could see him fully. He had light green eyes with a blue mask around them. His hair was tied in a long ponytail, and all of his gear matched the color. He was more familiar now then ever. It can't be him, though. He's not a vigilate... right? If Rei had been a superhero, though, then there was a chance...

A sword rushed through the air at her. Remi barely moved away in time, activating her ability to move faster. She hadn't realized that she'd moved out of hiding; the superhero had seen her and clearly perceived her as a threat.

"I'm another superhero, like you! I'm here to help!" Remi protested as he held up another sword. The superhero paused. With a wave of his hand, the sword vanished. He took a few steps towards her. Remi created a bit of lightning in her hands in case this would be dangerous, but she slowly deactivated her ability as he approached.

"Pinky?" The superhero asked tentatively. Remi gasped. It is him! Although it had seemed unlikely, that one word and his apperance as he stepped towards her only confirmed it.

Kuyo, her older brother Rei's best friend, was a superhero.

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