Chapter 18

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John POV

The white-haired man was standing in the same place he'd been when John had first seen him in the office. This time, however, he frowned when he saw John. He obviously hasn't forgotten our last interaction. John frowned right back. He hadn't forgotten it either. Things had just gotten worse since then... he sighed.

"I don't want to train with you," He told Alban before his uncle could speak. John then turned to leave. Unfortunately, no one was going to make things that easy for him.

"John, Alban would like to talk to you, and so would I," Headmaster Vaughn told him from his desk. Clenching his hands into fists and letting out an annoyed breath, John turned back around. It took all of his willpower not to just yell no at them and run out of the room.

He almost smiled at that thought. It would've been funny... if he had anyone to tell. His mouth, which had been twitching in a smile, dropped back to a frown. Sera wasn't there anymore. She wouldn't be there to laugh at him, to grin and tell him he was 'so creative' like she had when he was a cripple and trying not to die. I wish it would stop hurting so much....

"Talk, then," John told Alban and Headmaster Vaughn, crossing his arms and waiting. The comment had been just as much for them then as for him. Thinking about Sera would only bring more pain, and at least Alban could give him a distraction, even if it wasn't a very good one.

John's uncle stepped forwards. "John, I encourage you to rethink your decision."

John's frown deepened. Yeah, telling me that is definitely going to make me change my mind. "I already told you my answer."

"I'm the only one who can teach you how to work with your ability. Don't you want to become more powerful?" Alban asked, his amber eyes that were such a similar shade to John's lighting up. John froze at this statement.

That question brought back too many memories. Back at New Bostin, he would've said yes to becoming stronger in any way possible. He'd had no restraint, just done whatever he'd wanted. He'd been an awful person. A tyrant. A hypocrite. A monster.

John couldn't end up that way again. He was already too strong as it was, and this ability was too much... "No."

Alban frowned at his harsh tone. "John, this world runs on power. You have so much potential if you just listen-"

This time, John cut him off. "No. I already know my answer, no matter what you say. I don't want to get stronger. I don't want to try and make my ability more powerful, especially with someone who'll just abandon any weaker family members!" His voice got louder with every word. He could see that Alban was becoming less and less happy with him, but John didn't care. "Go away!"

"Fine. You will come to learn from me, though. You don't have a choice." With those last words, Alban turned and left the office. John frowned after him. What does he mean by that? 'You don't have a choice?' What does he know? He sighed. There's already too much going on...

Still frowning, John stepped towards the door to leave the office before remembering that Vaughn had wanted to talk to him too. He slowly turned around, hoping the Headmaster would have something better for him than Alban.

Unfortunately, it seemed he didn't. Headmaster Vaughn sipped his tea for several minutes before speaking, leaving John waiting in annoyance. Finally, he spoke up. "This is a good offer, John."

"A good offer? Yeah, you might trust him, but I don't," John told the Headmaster with a scoff. "Sorry, sir." He added after a minute. It was Headmaster Vaughn he was talking to after all, and he didn't want to get kicked out of Wellston for being rude now.

Though, then he wouldn't have to deal with anything here. Like New Bostin would be any better. I'd have to deal with Claire. John shivered to remember the green-haired girl. She hadn't betrayed him after all, but her words against him had still been burned into his head.

That was one difference between Claire and Sera... Sera had given him another chance. What did that matter though if she was just ignoring him now? Did she really just dislike him at this point? He winced at the thought.

"You should think over this offer. Alban meant it when he said that this was the best way. It is certainly the most simple," Headmaster Vaughn sighed in response to John's retort, sipping his tea once again. John hated how calm he was. Obviously he didn't know how much John was beginning to hate Alban for all of the things his uncle had done to them. For all that he'd left them to deal with, alone.

"And what other ways are there?" John asked, crossing his arms. Vaughn didn't answer again for several minutes.

When he lifted his teacup again to sip some more, John became tired of waiting. "Well, I'm going to class." He had just grabbed onto the door handle when he heard the Headmaster stand up behind him.

"You have another visitor, John," He told him. "Sit back down."

"What do you mean, another visitor?" John repeated, slowly turning around. Headmaster Vaughn's expression was grim.

"I told you that your uncle was the easier option. There is another-" Headmaster Vaughn began.

Before he could explain what he meant, there was a knock on the office door. John stepped away from it, glancing at the Headmaster in confusion. Vaughn had sat back down.

After a minute, John did, too. Then, as soon as the door opened and the other visitor came inside, he was back on his feet. No. It can't be him. It can't!

The man in front of him had familiar red hair and grey-blue eyes. He frowned when he saw John.

This was the man who'd left John with the nightmares that plagued him so often, the one who'd messed up his mental state. Keon was standing in the doorway.

"This is the other option," Headmaster Vaughn told John with a sigh.

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