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I sat in the living room alone that night. Jaylen stayed in the room, mad at me. I get it. I would be mad too if the roles were reversed.

I sat on the couch curled up in a ball, just waiting for Lola to call. I couldn't be the one to start the conversation. I could barely think about it without crying. She told me she'd call me anyway. I didn't want to rush her.

Even though I was waiting for her phone call I wasn't ready when the phone started to ring.

"Hey" I said quietly when I picked up.

"Hey... I'm sorry-"

"We should meet up and talk" I blurted out cutting her off before she could say anything else.

She chuckled sadly "... well, you probably should come to me. I've been drinking"

I took a deep breath. "Okay. I'll see you soon."

I told Jaylen I was going before I left.

She was still mad at me, but she's Jaylen.. of course she cared about how I felt. I'm sure she probably wanted to talk shit about Lola, but she didn't. She just told me she loves me, and said come back to her.

I grabbed a blunt that I rolled for this moment. I made it extra thick. I drove straight to her apartment with no music on. Just the sound of my thoughts.

Kya: I'm outside.

5 minutes later Lola came stumbling out in her bed clothes.

We sat in the backseat smoking together.

"I'm sorry I left like that" she said without looking at me.

"It's okay"

We were very quiet. The only thing you could hear was the few coughs we let out every now and then from smoking.

Then the blunt finished. We both sat there avoiding eye contact.

"Lola.." I said in a shaky voice.

"Yes" she sniffled.

"We have to break up" I could barely say. The tears came so fast.

She looked over at me tears rolling down her face. "You think I don't know that?"

I held her and we sat there for what felt like hours

"All good things come to an end right?" she sniffed coming up from the hug.

I couldn't say anything. This must be what it feels like to be heartbroken. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Can... can you do something for me?" She asked.

"Yes baby, anything" I barely could voice.

She took out her phone and cranked up the car connecting to the Bluetooth.

She started playing the song. The first song we've ever danced together too. When she taught me how to dance

"Dance with me.. one last time"

We stood there, in the parking lot, dancing close.

All the love that I feel when I dance with her, it was still there but it didn't feel light and happy. It felt so heavy and depressing.

She rested her head on my chest as our hips rocked to the music.

She looked up at me. "I love you Kya" tears steadily ran down her face.. just like mine.

"I love you"

I pulled her into our last kiss, it felt like torture but I knew I wouldn't be able to let her go if I didn't kiss her one last time.

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