I think I was dreaming because Mr. Silent was here. It looked like we were in a hospital because the walls were white and I was lying on one of those hospital beds, and he was scowling down at me looking all angry. I smiled up at him. I had missed his face. Everything about him I had missed. My heart constricted in pain.
Me: "You're back." My voice slurred. Even in my dream, he didn't say anything. Instead he looked to be more angry than before, if that made sense... "why did you come back to me so late? Do you know how much I suffered when you were gone? I waited...and waited...and waited...but you never came back." His face was blurry now. The dream was going to end soon. I wasn't ready. I wanted to stay in this dream with Mr. Silent... "even though you lied to me, it's nice seeing you now in this dream. I feel like I can breathe again. Which is funny because dead people can't breathe." I told him chuckling a little... "actually, I didn't know that dead people could also still dream..." I chuckled again with my eyes falling closed. The darkness wanted to swallow me up... "I...I...I looov..." and then I was out.When I woke up, I was really in hospital. But there wasn't any sign of Mr. Silent. My heart constricted in pain. I can't believe I hadn't succeeded in killing myself. Now I felt more miserable than I ever did. I closed my eyes groaning. I felt so so tired and my body felt really heavy, like a big rock was sitting on top of me, and I was hurting everywhere. I felt like retching and my throat was dry. I tried to reach for the water next to the bed but I couldn't. My arms refused to work so I gave up. Why oh why wasn't I dead? Being dead was better than living this life. Trust me. I could feel the whispers in the background waiting for their chance to attack. I willed myself to go back to sleep and maybe if I did, I would dream about Mr. Silent again. After a while, I was able to fall asleep, but I didn't dream about Mr. Silent. No. Scar Face and the other faces of those men including the one from 13 years ago followed me into my sleep haunting and torturing me.
I woke up screaming and wailing crazily. My parents and Anga were here in the room with me. They tried to calm me down but to no avail. I was even pulling at my own hair. Not long after that, a couple of nurses rushed in the room and I was pinned down as I kept screaming and wailing while thrashing on the bed. After a few seconds, my body began to go lax. My breathing evened out as I closed my eyes, and then I was out again.
When I woke up this time, I was enveloped and encased in somebody's warmth. The arms and body smell were so familiar to me. I blinked and I found Mr. Silent's eyes on me. I blinked again and rubbed my eyes. I wasn't dreaming. It was really him. He was lying on the hospital bed with me. It was a tight fit. I was practically on top of him. He was here bethuna! He was really here! We stared at each other for the longest time, then his face changed and he suddenly adjusted us so that I was on my back while he loomed over me looking down at me with those eyes of his.
Him: "With whose authority did you decide to end your life?" He was livid. I swallowed not knowing what to say... "when I ask, you answer." He spat out harshly. God! He looked so terrifying right now. His eyes were blazing.
Me: "Um...y-you -w-were not -h-here s-so-."
Him: "Your life is mine. Without my permission, you cannot end it." He declared in a very hard and cold voice... "you hear?" I nodded quickly... "can't you speak? Use your words." Yeesh!
Me: "I-I hear you." He nodded satisfied. Gosh! Mr. Silent here could really talk when he wanted to. And he was scary as hell doing so.
Him: "When I say I'll come back, I'll come back. No matter how long it takes. You wait for me. You hear?"
Me: "I hear you." He stared down at me a little longer before he nodded again satisfied. He adjusted us again. He was now on his back again, and I was lying almost on top of him. My heart was beating out of my chest. Still couldn't believe that he was actually here. He really came back. Even though he had just scared the living hell out of me, I was so happy and relieved that he was back...that I didn't die... "are you going to leave again?" I asked him after a short while. He didn't answer. I'll take that as a yes... "where do you go?" Nothing... "still not going to tell me anything about yourself? Even your name?" Nothing. I sighed... "my parents told me about you." I said after another short while of silence. He still said nothing... "about you rescuing me and being with me at the hospital as I was being pricked and poked on." Nothing... "even if I don't remember you, I want to say thank you."
Him: "No need."
Me: "There is a need. I want to really thank you."
Him: "Then thank me by not doing a stupid thing like this again." He snapped. Gosh! He was still angry with me.
Me: "You don't understand. I only did that because the whispers and t-the nightmares w-were too much. And y-you w-were not here." I told him... "I thought you had lied about coming back and-."
Him: "I never lie." He cut me off strongly.
Me: "I'm sorry." I said in a small voice.
Him: "Trust beautiful." Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I don't think him calling me 'beautiful' will ever get old for me.
Me: "Okay." He brushed his lips lightly on my forehead. God! I shivered as my heart warmed... "am I really yours?" A sound vibrated from his chest but he said nothing... "I still can't believe it. Who am I am to be yours?" I said more to myself than him. I cuddled even more into him breathing him in. Never has a man smelled so divine... "I had really really missed sleeping in your arms at night." I confessed to him. He said nothing but he did brush his lips on my forehead again. The more I breathed him in the more I relaxed and felt at peace. I don't know what kind of voodoo magic he had used on me, but I didn't mind at all. I would rather be bewitched by him than be in pain and suffering without him. My life line was back people. I had hope that at least I could live this life. I know it was bad depending on him this way but for now I needed him to give me a reason to live until I could learn to deal with my demons by myself. I really believed that with him by my side, I would get stronger. Yho hayi uyithembile lendoda Precious ntombi!
Him: "Sleep." He ordered after a while of complete silence. He must have noticed that I was feeling sleepy but I didn't want to sleep because I was afraid that I would wake up with him gone... "will still be here." How was it possible that he knew everything?
Me: "Promise?" He said nothing but he did wrap his pinkie around mine. For some reason that gave me comfort. I closed my eyes satisfied and I fell asleep.I was the 7 year old me again. I was back in that dark room. I was on the floor shaking and shivering. I was naked, cold, terrified and I was in a lot of pain. The bad man had punished me because I had cried saying I wanted my mommy. I heard the door opening and I shook even more thinking the bad man was back to punish me again. Light was suddenly shined on me and I closed my eyes in fear. "I will get you out of here little beauty." A voice said. This was not the bad man's voice. I didn't like the bad man's voice. It was ugly and mean. I opened my eyes squinting them trying to see who it was but I couldn't see. The light was too bright. "Be brave and wait for me little beauty." The voice said again. This voice sounded nice. For some reason I couldn't talk so I just raised my little pinkie in the air. "A pinkie promise?" I nodded. "Okay, I pinkie promise little beauty. I will take you home to your mommy." He said wrapping his pinkie around mine. The good man was going to take me to my mommy. So I waited and waited for him to come.
"Who the fuck are you?" A voice shouted angrily. I opened my eyes waking up and squinted my eyes. I was still at the hospital and I was still lying almost on top of Mr. Silent. He had kept his promise. He was still here. "I said who the fuck are you?" The voice that had woken me up, shouted angrily again. I turned a bit to see who it was. And my eyes stopped on my shocked looking parents and on an angry looking Anga. I blinked thinking maybe I was dreaming. No, I wasn't dreaming. They were really here. Oh. This was a bit awkward. Especially the current position I was lying in. Mr. Silent's arms tightened around me when I tried to move from him. So I stayed still as a rock.
Anga: "I won't repeat myself again man. So one more time. Who the fuck are you?" Gosh!
Him: "Her man." .........

Her Silent Killer
RomansaThey both have a traumatic past that haunts them but together they find the will to live.