Chapter 49

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Kumkani's POV

I killed for a living. The Silent Killer. I still remember my first kill like it was yesterday. I was living in the streets at that time. It had been a year since I ran away from that monster that was my father. I had been fighting over a bottle of glue with this other boy and I happened to stab his neck with a broken glass. I still remember the choking sounds he made as life faded from his eyes. How red and warm his blood was as it splattered out of him. Instead of being horrified, I wanted to do it again and again. I was fascinated. Filled with exhilaration. I think that's when this demon inside me was born. I've never told anyone any of this. Not even my adoptive father whom I'm very close with. The only way to control this demon inside me is by giving it what it wants and craves. Which is blood. I tried to ignore it once and almost killed my adoptive mother. I don't know how it had come to happen but I was holding a knife to her neck ready to stab her. I still have a lot of sleepless nights of that day even though she never blamed nor condemned me. Ever since I was a little boy, I've been living in complete darkness. I've long wanted to put an end to it all. I've come close once. I was ready to pull the trigger on myself but then I remembered how that monster was still alive and well. I couldn't die without him dying first. That's when I set off with the plan of killing him. Who knew I would end up meeting my little beauty. I still remember the night when I had first discovered her in that basement. She reminded me a lot of the little boy I used to be. I cried for the first time as I watched her lying there in a bloody mess looking lifeless. My goal changed right then and there. I had to get her out of there by any means possible. My little beauty doesn't know this but as much as I saved her all those years ago, she saved me as well. That's when I started to see a glimpse of light. Why her? I think I've asked myself that question countless times. But I never got an answer. It was just her. At first she was just a girl who I kept tabs on incase that monster tried to kidnap her again. As she grew up she became more and more beautiful and irresistible to me. I started to have thoughts that a man at my age shouldn't have. I started to think of her as mine. I would follow her and just watch her as she spent her days with her friends and going to and from school. I did this when I wasn't away on work. She smiled and laughed when she was around other people to hide what she was really feeling on the inside. When she was all by herself, that's when you really saw her pain and suffering. The more I watched her the more I became obsessed with her. It was like her pain and suffering called forth to me. I knew though that she wasn't ready yet for a man like me and for what I was, so I told myself to give her more time. But that plan when to dust when some assholes decided to kidnap her. That night I had been on my way back from a kill when I got a whiff of it. I had driven like a maniac but I still arrived there late. I have plenty that I regret and feel guilty of when it comes to my little beauty. It's the same regret and guilt that makes me protect her like I do. But again, I failed her. I've never felt so useless and helpless as I did tonight when I watched her struggle to breathe as she choked and choked on her blood. I felt like my world was ending. Like the moon that had been shining through my darkness was fading away.            

We were at the hospital waiting in front of the doors that my little beauty had been wheeled in an hour ago for the doctor to come out and give report. It was just me and my parents here in this area. My siblings were by the waiting room downstairs. I was pacing the floor getting more and more impatient and fearful as the seconds passed by. What was taking so long? What if... No. She was going to be fine. She had to be. She really had to be. What had happened? I kept asking myself. Why did my moon suddenly cough and choke on blood? My gut was telling me that something was not right about all of this. And my gut was never wrong. When the doctor finally came out I was immediately on him grabbing him by the arms.
Me: "How's my wife? Is she okay?"
Doctor: "I wouldn't say that she's okay but we were able to stabilize her condition."
Me: "Stabilize her condition? What does... What the fuck happened to my wife?!" I yelled shaking him.
Doctor: "Your wife seems to have been poisoned Mr. Parkinson." My mother gasped out in shock.
Me: "Poisoned?" He nodded.
Doctor: "Luckily you brought her in when you did because if it had been a minute later it would've been too late to do anything about it."
Me: "Poisoned?"
Doctor: "Yes Mr. Parkinson. Did she drink anything tonight? We think the poison was in whatever she was drinking. But we'll know that for sure once the tests are back from the lab."
Me: "Poisoned?" I let him go as I backed away.
Doctor: "Mr. Parkinson?"
Father: "My son is in shock doc. Talk to me. Is my daughter in law going to be fine?"
Doctor: "As I said for now we were able to stabilize her condition but we don't-."
Father: "No buts doc. You're going to do everything in your power to make sure that my daughter in law pulls through fine or they'll be hell to pay for you and this hospital. Do you understand me?"
Doctor: "Y-Yes."
Father: "Now are you sure it was poison from what she drank not what she ate?"
Doctor: "Yes. The poison was from something liquid not solid."
Father: "What type of poison was it?"
Doctor: "We're not sure. We're still running the tests."
Father: "Can we see her?"
Doctor: "Yes the nurse will take you to her but she's still unconscious...and err.."
Father: "What is it? Spit it out doc!"
Doctor: "I'm sorry but because of the poison the baby didn't make it." My mother broke down and cried.
Father: "Shit!"
Me: "B-Baby? Did you just say baby?"
Doctor: "Yes. Since it was still very early to tell, it's possible that your wife also didn't know that she was pregnant." My little beauty hadn't known because if she had she wouldn't have been drinking in the first place. A pain so sharp like no other filled my chest that I fell down to my knees. The baby that me and my little beauty had made was gone. Gone. Cries of anguish and fury came out of me as I hit my fists against my thighs.
Father: "Son son, listen to me." He grabbed me by the shoulder as he got into his haunches in front of me... "this is not the time for you to fall apart. We need to find the bastard that did this to our Khazie first. So get a handle of yourself." Yes. He was right. I wanted retribution.
Me: "Whoever it is, when I find them, no mercy is going to be shown to them." The demon inside me awoke with a vengeance seeking blood. Yes no mercy. Find them. Kill them all. They must pay. They must pay with their blood. Blood. Blood. They dare to touch your woman and unborn child. Get me blood. Now!
Father: "Yes son. No mercy shall be given. Khazimle is my family. Whoever that hurt her and killed my grandchild will know hell."
Me: "It's the wine. I'm sure of it. Whoever brought the wine-."
Father: "Is the guilty one."
Me: "Yes."
Mother: "Wait... A-Are you saying that the person who poisoned Khazie is in our family?" My father sighed closing his eyes and got up.
Father: "Even though it pains me to say it, I think so my heart."
Mother: "B-But why? Who would want to hurt Khazie in our family? I mean everybody is so fond of her. Who would do that?"
Father: "The first thing we need to do is secure the glass and the bottle of wine that Khazie was drinking from and check for ourselves." I quickly made a call to my brother.
Me: "Uyi is already on it." I said getting to my feet... "Mom think. Who was the person responsible for bringing the wine tonight?"
Mother: "Um...the was P-Palesa and Yolanda. B-But all the  women brought wine with them when they came."
Father: "What I'm curious of is how the person knew which bottle Khazie was going to drink from?"
Me: "Dad do the cameras still work inside the house?"
Father: "You know better than to ask me that son. Of course they work."
Me: "Then we need to check the footage and see exactly who it was."
Father: "I'll go do that now. You stay with your wife."
Me: "Dad-."
Father: "Your woman needs you here son. Don't worry I'll call you as soon as I find out who it is."
Me: "Don't do anything without me." I'm the one who was going to kill the sonuvabitch. Not anybody else. Yes. Kill. Kill. Kill.
Father: "You got it." He left.
Mother: "I'm going to go call Khazie's parents. I'll be back sweetie okay?" I nodded and she left.

I was with my little beauty. The murderous fury that was going through me wasn't like anything I've ever felt before. All I could do was watch her as she lay breathing through pipes that went in and out of her. My phone rang. It was my brother.
Me: "What the fuck did you just say? Both the glass and bottle are not there?"
Uyi: "Yes brother. There's nothing here."
Me: "What the fuck?"
Uyi: "I know. It looks like somebody took them."
Me: "Is Dad already there?"
Uyi: "Yeah he just arrived. He's going through the footage as we speak."
Me: "I'll be there in 10."
Uyi: "Brother-." I hung up.
Me: "Hang in there for me little beauty. I'll be back." I kissed her forehead and left as I made calls. Someone clearly didn't know me very well and to what lengths I would go for my moon. It was time to show them....

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