Kumkani...King. That name suited him well because he looked and behaved like he was a King of the world.
Me: "Kumkani." I said the name out loud testing it out. I can't believe that he had finally told me his name. That I at least knew something about him. Him telling me his name was like he was saying to me "Welcome to my world Khazimle Precious Tetani." I know it might sound crazy because it was just a name but to me it wasn't just a name. It was more than that. It was a name of this man, my savior. A man that meant a lot to me. I loved him. I know it sounded ridiculous since I just met him and knew close to nothing about him but that's how I felt. I loved him... "Kumkani." I said his name again. He released a soft and rough sound from his chest. I liked that sound. A lot. Actually I liked all the sounds he made. They were so manly and hot like him... "can I call you King when there's other people around?"
Kumkani: "No."
Me: "Then what can I call you by?" He kept quiet... "what can I call you by?" I asked him again.
Kumkani: "I'm thinking." He told me.
Me: "You don't have any fake names that you tell people?" I teased.
Kumkani: "No. I never talk to people."
Me: "Never?" I asked shocked.
Kumkani: "Don't like them." This man!
Me: "Oh. So you're a loner?" He didn't say anything... "you don't have friends?" Nothing... "okay so tell me the name I can call you by when we're amongst other people."
Kumkani: "Don't know. You think." He said after a while.
Me: "It can be any name?" He gave a short nod... "um...well-."
Kumkani: "It can't be a weak ass name though." He cut me off. I couldn't help but to burst out laughter. I hadn't expected that from him. It was such a cute and typical guy thing to say! He didn't say anything as I laughed but he watched me...intensely.
Me: "Umm...okay let me think...what should I call you...?" I said tapping my chin after getting my laughter under control... "Lutho?"
Kumkani: "No." He said with a disgusted look on his face and I laughed some more.
Me: "Okay...let me think...Kwezi?"
Kumkani: "No."
Me: "Zamani?"
Kumkani: "No." I squinted my eyes at him.
Me: "Are you going to say no to every name I suggest?"
Kumkani: "Maybe." I hit his chest lightly.
Me: "Oh come on! Then what am I going to call you by?" He said nothing... "King, tell me."
Kumkani: "Sleep." He ordered. I snorted. He was so weird.
Me: "I'm not sleepy." He said nothing to that... "okay I'll continue to think and find a perfect fake name for you. Okay?" He gave me a short nod... "but you're not allowed to say no. Understood?" I said pointing at him. He just shook his head... "you're so tough." I said sighing... "I've been having dreams." I told him after a while of silence... "about you and the 7 year old me." His whole body tensed.
Kumkani: "You remember?" I frowned a little.
Me: "You knew about the missing gaps in my memories of what happened back then?"
Kumkani: "I guessed since you didn't remember me." His face was more guarded than before.
Me: "Oh." I said... "well, I don't know if my dreams are of what happened or if they're just dreams. But they feel real. I don't know." I shrugged.
Kumkani: "Tell me."
Me: "About the dreams?" He gave a short nod. I told him about the first one I had about being in the dark room and him coming to me and promising to get me out. When he said nothing, I moved on to tell him about the second dream I had, the one about being at the hospital. When I had finished, his whole body was more tense than before. If that was even possible. He was still as a rock. Like he wasn't even breathing. Crazy I know. But that's how it seemed with how still he was... "so are the dreams true or not?" I asked him. He would know if they were true or not since they involved him. He kept quiet though... "King?" He wasn't even looking at me now. His eyes were up on the ceiling... "King?" I shook him a little and his eyes came back to me.
Kumkani: "Don't remember." He suddenly blurted out. What?
Me: "W-what?" I was taken back a bit.
Kumkani: "Don't remember." He repeated a little more desperately this time.
Me: "W-why?" He said nothing... "why don't you want me to remember?" My heart was beating a little fast. After a short while, he sighed relaxing.
Kumkani: "Don't want you to be in pain. That's all." I don't know but I felt like that wasn't the whole truth. But I brushed it off. I also didn't want my lost memories to come back. I didn't want to know all that happened to me with that man. I mean, I couldn't cope with the little that I remembered so how was I going to handle knowing all the gory details of that time? I wouldn't be able to. I mean, my mind must've blocked out the memories for a good reason. To protect me from whatever happened to me in that dark room. I released a shaky breath.
Me: "I also don't want to remember." I told him finally.
Kumkani: "Then don't beautiful." I nodded.
Me: "But the dreams I just told you about, happened right?" He gave a stiff nod. Wow! So he had really been my savior. I was so grateful to him. I burrowed myself into him, squeezing him... "thank you King." He said nothing. We stayed like that in silence until I fell asleep.I woke up the next day with the king gone. Yes, I wasn't going to call him Mr. Silent now. Remember the name had been only temporary. You guys are going to find out later on why he was Her Silent Killer. But from now onwards I was going to refer him as the king throughout this whole story. So as I was saying, I woke up with him gone. I felt at loss but I knew he was going to come back to me. I trusted him. My parents were here now to take me home. Even Anga was here. I don't know why he was though. He acted like he didn't have a job when he did. The doctor had just signed off on my discharge papers. I was a little sad that the king wasn't here to pick me up. I still didn't know how he was going to make me living with him possible. Because I knew my mother wasn't going to agree to that but I hoped he had a plan to make her agree. I didn't want to think how I was going to sleep without him next to me. No. That couldn't happen because I knew for sure my demons would follow me to my sleep and it wouldn't be good. The 2 and a half months that I had slept without him there next to me, were absolute hell. I didn't want a repeat of that. We were now outside, almost by the car when I saw him. The king. He was standing next to his car with his hands in his pockets looking all handsome. I couldn't contain the smile that broke out of my face. I was a goner for this man.
Anga: "What the fuck is he doing here?" He said through his teeth angrily.
Father: "Don't start Anga." Yes Daddy. Tell him.
Anga: "But-."
Father: "No." I liked how my father was so authoritative when needed be. Anga listened but he released a frustrated huff. The king walked up to us...well to me. He gave my parents a small respective bow, then he turned to me.
Kumkani: "Let's go." What? Just like that? I looked at my parents but they said nothing. My mother had an unhappy look on her face but she still said nothing. And my father, I honestly couldn't read his expression but he gave me a small nod as if to say I should go with the king. What the hell? How had he convinced them of this. Was I really going to be staying with him?
Anga: "What the fuck is going on? What does he mean by let's go?"
Father: "Anga-."
Anga: "Don't tell me that you guys are allowing this?!" He shouted... "Mama? Really? You too? Who is this guy really?"
Mother: "Anga-."
Anga: "I mean I get it, he saved her all those years ago and then again recently but still, that doesn't mean we should trust him with Khazimle."
Father: "Anga-."
Anga: "We don't know the guy. Or who he is. I mean, we don't even know his name!" He exploded... "who are you? Mh?" He said getting into the king's face... "answer me! Who the fuck are you?" The king was taller and bigger than Anga. I had to stop him before he got hurt.
Me: "Anga please-."
Anga: "Stay out of this K." He cut me off... "this is between us men. Me and him." Oh my gosh! He was crazy! Even though Anga was so hyped up with anger and aggression, the king was cool as ever. He still had his hands in his pockets. Hayini... "tell me who you are and what you want with K." The king said nothing... "so you're not going to answer me huh?" The king just gave him a bored look... "then K is not going be going anywhere with you. You hear me? Over my dead body." He shouted angrily at the king's face.
Kumkani: "Do you want to bet?" He asked as calmly as ever.
Anga: "What?"
Kumkani: "You said over your dead body."
Anga: "Yeah, so?"
Kumkani: "I can make that possible for you." God!
Anga: "What did you just say? Did you just threaten to kill me? A police officer?" He laughed... "man do you have a death wish?"
Kumkani: "Do you?" He asked that question in the most dangerous and scariest voice I've ever heard in my life that I even shivered in fear.
Anga: "W-what-."
Kumkani: "Step aside. You're blocking me from what's mine." Oh my God! Oh my God! He meant me. Right?
Anga: "W-w-what-." The king just pushed him aside not too gently that Anga nearly fell to the ground. He took my hand in his.
Kumkani: "Let's go beautiful." Suddenly Anga came towards him in full force, a scream escaped my mouth but the king, so effortlessly, was able to apprehend him so easily by twisting his arm. His other hand was still holding mine even during the whole thing. Kid you not! Anga was currently crying out loudly in pain.
Anga: "Are you crazy?!" He yelled. The king twisted his arm more. I swear I heard bones cracking... "ahhhhh! You motherfucker! Let me go this instant!"
Kumkani: "Never come at me with my woman close. You hear?" He said twisting Anga's arm more. Anga was in a bent position crying out... "because you'll surely regret it." He said close to his ear and then he let him go. And Anga fell to the ground holding onto his arm shouting many expletives at the king which he paid no mind to. The king turned, with his hand still holding mine, and gave my parents who were shell shocked especially my mother, his famous respective bows, and then he pulled me along with him to his car.......

Her Silent Killer
RomanceThey both have a traumatic past that haunts them but together they find the will to live.