Chapter 34

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I quickly took out my phone and called the king. He picked up on the first ring.
Kumkani: "I won't kill him. Don't worry." Then he hung up. I almost sagged to the ground with relief. I really didn't know what I would've done if the king had planned to kill Anga. I limped inside the house. My whole side was aching and my arm was wounded with just a few small scratches but the way it was burning you would swear it wasn't like that.
Mother: "Hayi utheni?" [What happened to you?]
Me: "I missed a step and fell. But I'm fine Mama." Luckily she didn't see what had occurred outside or we would've been speaking a different situation right now.
Mother: "Heee. Iza ndikujonge." [Come let me see you?]
Me: "I'm fine Mama, really."
Mother: "Khazimle come here." I sighed and went to her. She was sitting on the one of the counter chairs. She took my bruised arm and looked at it and hummed... "make sure to clean it so it doesn't get infected." I nodded... "where's Kumkani? Didn't you come with him?"
Me: "He had somewhere to go to urgently but he'll be back." She nodded and sighed sadly.
Mother: "I've committed a big sin against him." She said... "to think that he also went through the same trauma as you...." She shook her head... "I just can't Khazie mntanam. Why is the world such a cruel place?" Her voice was now shaky... "how can God allow such things to happen?" I put my hand on her shoulder and gave her a squeeze. She smiled slightly giving my hand a pat... "I'll be fine mntanam." She said... "to be honest I'm happy that at least you found someone with the same trauma as you. Even though it's not a good thing to say I'm still glad because I had been worried that you would end up being with someone who wouldn't be able to understand you and your pain." Oh uMamam bethuna... "but now I can finally lay my worries to rest." She sniffed... "uThixo wenze kakuhle noko." She said nodding. [At least God did good.]
Me: "Mama..." She smiled at me.
Mother: "He makes you happy and treats you well right?" I smiled nodding.
Me: "Kakhulu." She patted my face.
Mother: "That's all I care about. I want you to be happy Khazie mntanam."
Me: "Thank you Mama." I said hugging her. She chuckled squeezing me. And even though I felt an excruciating pain on my side with her doing that, I endured it. This moment right here was priceless. I loved my parents guys. And I can't believe that I had misunderstood them in the past. They also were going through a lot with what had happened to me. At least I knew now and I was going to make it up to them by trying my best to heal and being the best daughter I could to them. After a while we broke apart.
Mother: "Hayi khame ndibone." She said taking my hand with the engagement ring... "and then? Yenzeke nini kengoku le?" [Let me see? When did this happen now?]
Me: "He gave it to me this morning when he was dropping me off at school."
Mother: "Really?" I nodded smiling and then she made a look and I giggled... "ayintle mntanam." [It's beautiful my child.]
Me: "It is isn't it?"
Mother: "Very." She said taking a closer look at it... "usezimalini mos lomfana. This looks really expensive." I shrugged. [He must be moneyed this man.]
Me: "I'm not sure since he doesn't show off his money to me."
Mother: "He's a gentleman xa kunjalo."
Me: "He's a gentleman through and through." I told her proudly.
Mother: "Mnk! Hear hear." I giggled. She shook her head at me... "Lord, this man is loved here." I just carried on giggling... "okay go up ke nontombi and clean that." She said after a short while indicating to my arm. I nodded and I went upstairs first to my bedroom to put my bag then I went to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and lifted up my t-shirt and turned to the side slightly to reveal my side. Yeesh! I had really taken a hard fall. I was already starting to bruise. The king wasn't going to be happy if he saw this. I had to make sure that he didn't or he would really kill Anga. Speaking of Anga I wonder what was being done to him by the king. I was worried. I mean, he was my long time friend after all even though he had turned to this annoying prick that he was now. I sighed and cleaned the scratches on my arm. After that I went back to my room to pack a small bag. I was so happy that I was going to spend the weekend with my man. It has been a while since I had. I still couldn't believe that we were going to be married in 5 months! And that the negotiations were going to be a week from now. This was all so surreal. It really felt like I was in a dream. But it was not a dream. It was my real life. I really hoped that the universe had decided to give me a break and let me be happy for once.

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