To say I was shaken up was a big understatement.
Kumkani: "Did you see the person who delivered this package?"
Tasha: "N-no I didn't-."
Kumkani: "Are you sure?" He barked angrily at her. He was pacing the floor like a caged animal.
Tasha: "Y-yes I'm sure. I didn't see anyone. The package was sitting by the door when I came back from school on Thursday."
Kumkani: "Shit!" He said pausing his pacing. His fists were shaking. I didn't know better, I would say the king was scared but that wasn't possible. Why would the king be scared? I'm the one who was supposed to be scared. And I was. I was so terrified.
Tasha: "Um...can I ask what's going on-."
Kumkani: "No you cannot!" He cut her off harshly... "since Thursday, you haven't seen any suspicious person hanging out anywhere near the building?"
Tasha: "No..." She shook her head.
Kumkani: "Are you sure? Think! This is important! It's between life or death!" He yelled.
Tasha: " well...a suspicious" She trailed off... "oh yes! There was one!"
Kumkani: "Hurry up and tell me."
Tasha: "On Friday, a man bumped into me on my way home and asked if my friend had liked his gift. But I brushed it off thinking he was crazy because when I tried to inquire more about what he said he just laughed and walked away."
Kumkani: "Tell me his exact words."
Tasha: "Um...he was like 'Did your friend like the gift that I left for her?'...I think those were his exact words." My feet gave up on me and I fell to the floor... "Precious!" She came to me but the king was there first. He swept me up in his arms and went to sit on the couch with me in his arms.
Kumkani: "Breathe me in little beauty." I did what he told me and it helped to calm down my mind a bit but I was still very much shaken up.
Tasha: "Precious are you okay-."
Kumkani: "She's fine." He cut her off... "now describe this man to me."
Tasha: "I-I-I can't-."
Kumkani: "What do you mean you can't? You must have seen his face!"
Tasha: "That's the thing, I-I didn't. He was wearing a mask and a hat. But he looked like a middle aged man. Maybe around his late 50's...I don't know."
Kumkani: "Shit!" He exploded and I shook even more whining and groaning in his arms hiding my face on this chest... "I'm sorry little beauty." He brushed my hair and I closed my eyes... "I will need to go. You stay with her and make sure she doesn't get in her head. Keep her talking." He ordered to Tasha. He was leaving? No. He couldn't leave me. Not now. I needed him now more than ever. I held onto his jacket tightly shaking my head.
Me: "D-don't leave me please." I said in the smallest voice I've ever heard myself speak in. He brushed his lips against my brow.
Kumkani: "I need to go and handle this thing little beauty. I need to catch this bastard. I'll be back before you know it. Just hang in there for me and be strong okay?" I shook my head fisting on his jacket even more tightly... "little beauty please...I'll leave my jacket with you okay. It will at least give you comfort while I'm gone. Just two hours. Okay?"
Me: "T-t-the man k-k-knows your name." His body went still... "h-he knows y-your name. H-how does he know y-your name?" I asked him... "h-how i-is he alive? I-I-I thought he was d-dead. Didn't y-you k-kill him?"
Kumkani: "Little beauty-."
Me: "H-he w-was dead wasn't he? H-he can't be alive. H-he can't be-."
Kumkani: "Little beauty don't think about this. Even if he's alive I'll protect you. I promise-."
Me: "H-how does he know your name? Nobody knows your name. So h-how-."
Kumkani: "I'll explain everything to you when I come back. Okay?" He transferred me to the space next to him on the couch, and he took off his jacket and helped me put it on zipping it all the way up. It felt like I was still in his arms with the way his jacket enveloped me with it's warmth. I curled up on the couch breathing in his scent that was emanating so strongly from the jacket. I was going to be fine. The king would protect me. I kept repeating those words again and again in my head... "watch over her. Don't let her get into her head. You hear?"
Tasha: "Y-yes." He bent to give my forehead a kiss.
Kumkani: "I'll be back little beauty. Stay strong for me. You hear?"
Me: "Yes." And then he left the apartment with that black box in his hands.Tasha has been chatting to me about everything else except the huge elephant that was in the room. I knew she was dying with curiosity about the black box and why was I so freaked out about it and most especially about the king but even so she didn't ask me any questions. Bless her heart. She told me everything that I had missed in the past 4 months I hadn't seen her and my other two friends. She even made me crack out a smile with all the shenanigans they got up to. My friends were wild guys and kind of ratchet. They were real bitches I tell you but I loved them because they all had big hearts underneath all that. I really was thankful to Tasha that she at least for the better part distracted me a little from going into my head. But I still asked myself a lot of questions. Thinking about the fact that the kidnapper from 13 years ago was still alive really really put the fear of death in me. And the fact that he was still so set up on me. That monster hadn't forgotten about me even after all these years. Was he going to try kidnap me again? I mean, the note said 'see you soon'. So it meant he had plans of us seeing each other. That see you soon was a warning. He knew where I had lived and also knew my friends because he bumped into Tasha on purpose that day and said what he said on with an intention. Meaning that he had been keeping tabs on me all these years. To think of how many times I have been out and about getting shit wasted, he could've kidnapped me again because he had a ton of opportunities to do so. I shivered hugging myself.
Tasha: "Hey hey. Whatever you thinking about, don't girl." She said pulling me to her... "please don't go over the rails because that scary dude of yours will have my head if you do." She said rubbing my arm. For some reason I found what she said funny and I puffed out a laugh... "ei don't laugh. I'm serious. You didn't see the way he looked at me when he was telling me to watch over you. Nearly pissed in my pants."
Me: "You, piss your pants? Pssh! That would never happen." She laughed.
Tasha: "Yeah you're right. I mean who am I?" She paused.. "I'm a bad bitch."
Me: "I'm a bad bitch." We said that last part the same time and we laughed.
Tasha: "Damn right!" I shook my head smiling.
Me: "You're crazy."
Tasha: "Not as crazy as you though." True... "does that man of yours know how crazy you can be?"
Me: "No he doesn't."
Tasha: "Oh shiit! I really feel for him. He's going to age real fast because of you." I pushed off her and hit her arm and she cackled loudly.
Me: "Don't say that! I'm not that bad." I pouted.
Tasha: "Girl, come on. I knows you okay? You can fool others but you can't fool me." I rolled my eyes... "we've lived together for almost 3 years."
Me: "Whatever." I said pushing her away.
Tasha: "On a later date though, you best believe I'm going to come and collect on all those juicy and gory details about that man of yours." She told me. I trusted her to do that... "I mean, where the hell did you snatch up a hunky like him?" I laughed blushing... "oooh look at you! Look at you! You can't even control yourself from smiling like a love sick idiot."
Me: "Who're you calling an idiot bitch?"
Tasha: "What about it? What are you going to do? Huh? Huh?" She said puffing up her chest and getting into my face and I did the same. You should have seen us. We looked ridiculous with the other trying to stare down the other one. After a short while we broke into fits of giggles... "girl, we're crazy."
Me: "You know it!" I exhaled and flopped back on the couch... "I missed you and this." I said indicating to the apartment. She exhaled and did the same flopping back next to me.
Tasha: "Me too." She said in a soft voice... "are you going to be fine though?" I shook my head.
Me: "I-I honestly don't know. But I hope so."
Tasha: "Even though I don't know what's going on, just know that I'll always be here for you and this apartment will always be opened for you. Okay?"
Me: "Thank you Natasha." I said in a whisper.
Tasha: "You don't have to call me by my full name." She bumped my shoulder with hers.
Me: "You call me Precious all the time."
Tasha: "So?"
Me: "So I will also call you Natasha from time to time when I want to."
Tasha: "Mxm! Let's watch a movie until that man of yours comes back." And that's what we did.I was 7 years old again. "Touch me little one" the bad man's voice said to me. The bad always wanted me to touch him until white stuff came out of him. And then he would use my panties to wipe himself and make me wear the panties again. He did this all the time. I didn't like it. I cried all the time. The bad man got angry every time when I cried. He was mean and always shouted at me to stop but I couldn't. I wanted to go home. I wanted my mommy and daddy. "Touch me little one" the bad man said to me a little angrily this time. I shook my head crying. Please please please. I didn't want to touch him. I didn't like what the bad man was making me do. "I said touch me!" He shouted pulling my hair roughly and I cried even more. "If you don't touch me little one I'll put it in your mouth. Do you want that?" I shook my head fast. I didn't want that. The bad man had done that once to me and I couldn't talk for a long time because my mouth and throat had been so sore. And the blood, it had been too much. "Now be a good little girl and touch me." My tiny and shaking hands reached out to do what he said. I hated the sounds he made when I touched him. "That's it little one. Ahhhh. Yessss. You're a very good girl. Touch me more. Squeeze me. Ahhhh. I love the feel of your tiny hands on my dick. You're better at it than my son."
I woke up crying and gasping for breath. I was shaking and completely wet with sweat. I must've fallen asleep while we were watching a movie.
Tasha: "Precious what's wrong?" She jumped pulling me to her... "did you have a bad dream?" I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything. I just held onto her sobbing. Oh my God! Oh my God! That dream! Did that really happen? Did that man do all that to me? Why? Why me? I was only a child people. A child! What had I done to deserve all of that to be done to me? So it was confirmed. Those pink panties that were in that black box had been mine. I was going to be sick. I pushed Tasha away and quickly ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out still sobbing. Tasha was there to rub my back but I didn't want her comfort, I wanted the king's. Even the jacket wasn't offering any comfort to me now. He said he would be back in 2 hours! He had promised. And it was passed that now. I didn't even have his phone numbers to call him. What a freakin joke! I could hear the whispers in my head wanting freedom...wanting me to let them take over. Their offer was tempting but I couldn't. I would be in even more pain and torture than I was in now if I allowed them break free so I held on. The king had to come back. I needed him. He would make it all better. He had to. He had to. That's what I kept on repeating in my head......

Her Silent Killer
Roman d'amourThey both have a traumatic past that haunts them but together they find the will to live.