Kumkani: "Your friend is stupid little beauty." He said before I could ask him what the hell just happened there.
Me: "What do you mean my friend? Which friend...." I trailed off and gasped putting my hand over my mouth... "Anga!" I shouted.
Kumkani: "His lackeys tried to bug my place." What?
Me: "What? I-I don't understand. What do you mean h-his lackeys?" He said nothing... "w-what do you mean King? And how do you know it was Anga?"
Kumkani: "Those turds sang his name before I could kill them." He told me... "damn amateurs!" He spat... "really wasn't in the mood to kill anyone today. But they had to go force my hand." Oh my God! Oh my God! So that's what the phone call had been about. 'There's 3 of them' meant 3 bodies and 'Take care of them' meant clean up the bodies.
Me: "King..." That's all I could say to all that he said. His name.
Kumkani: "Don't worry little beauty. Won't kill your friend. He's nothing but an insect under my shoe. The death of his lackeys should be a warning enough for him." Jesus Christ! What have I gotten myself into?
Me: "King..."
Kumkani: "I'm sorry little beauty. Really didn't want to show you this side of me so soon. But it couldn't be helped. Nobody messes with my territory and lives to see the day." He told me... "your friend is lucky. He should thank you because if it wasn't for you, he would be dead." I literally had no words bethuna! I mean, what would you guys have said if you were in my shoes? I was shocked and terrified at the same time, to the point of where I didn't even know what to do with myself. And the way he was so calm and composed you wouldn't say he just killed 3 people. When we got to his other place which was a replica of the previous one even down to the furniture, I quickly rushed to the bathroom and closed myself in locking the door. I had my back pressed to the door as I hyperventilated. I was huffing and puffing while gasping and gulping for breath. What was I going to do? A hard knock came on the other side of the door. I jumped and moved away from it. It was the king of course. He knocked harder this time jiggling the door handle.
Kumkani: "Open the door little beauty."
Me: "J-just give me a few minutes. I-I want to be alone." My back was to the sink now.
Kumkani: "This is your last chance little beauty. Open the door." He ordered... "or do you want me to break down this door?" Gosh! I went to unlock the latch and then I backed away again. He opened the door and there he stood looking like a warrior king.
Me: "D-d-don't come any closer please." He didn't listen to my plea of course. He walked slowly towards me. I was stuck and cornered with no where else to run to. When he got to me, he suddenly grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up on the sink and forced my legs to part so that he could get in between them.
Me: "W-w-hat-."
Kumkani: "I get that you're terrified beautiful..." He said close to my face looking at me with those eyes of his... "but as I said I would never hurt you." At the rapid rate I was breathing, my chest was moving in an up and down motion.
Me: "K-king-."
Kumkani: "Don't give up on me little beauty." Oh!... "please. I need you." The desperation in his voice pulled at my heart strings. I found myself touching his face wanting to give him comfort. At my touch he closed his eyes. He was relishing at my touch like I did at his. God! Lendoda! What was I going to with him? This is the second time he has told me that he needed me. And I wasn't about to run away from that. I couldn't. Okay so he killed people, and he enjoyed killing them but at least he said he only killed bad people...people who deserved it. I mean, I couldn't judge his work since it was his same work that had saved me from those men. That would be very hypocritical of me. He opened his eyes and I was sucked into them. I swear his eyes had been black a minute ago but now they appeared to be gray somehow. Crazy ish I tell you.
Me: "Your eyes-." Then he kissed me. I didn't kiss him back because firstly, I was surprised as hell and secondly, I didn't know how to...to kiss, that is. Believe it or not bethu, I had never been kissed before. So this was my first kiss. He pulled back.
Kumkani: "So innocent." He whispered brushing my lower lip with his thumb... "follow my lead little beauty." Then he kissed me again. I should've been pushing him away right? But why then, were my lips moving along with his and replicating what they were doing? I didn't know. Stupid stupid stupid! Sick sick sick! He deepened the kiss and my whole body zapped and lit up like a Christmas tree with arousal. I couldn't stop the whimper that escaped my lips against his and a guttural sound vibrated from his chest and I swear, it was the sexist thing ever. He pulled me closer to his chest causing my breasts to be pressed against him. He groaned and roughly pulled away from my lips. He put his forehead against mine with his eyes closed. His brows were in a frown like was in pain and the hands that were holding my waist were squeezing me tightly. I could feel his member hard between my thighs. The way my breaths were coming out of me in quick and tiny gasps you would swear I had asthma. I touched my tingling lips with my fingers. I can't believe he kissed me and that I enjoyed it. Well, I more than enjoyed it. He blew away my freakin mind with that kiss. And I don't think I was ever going to recover from it. He opened his eyes, which were now back to being black, craziest ish I tell you, and he set me on my feet, down from the sink ... "let's go."He pulled me along with him before I could ask him any questions, to God knows where.

Her Silent Killer
RomanceThey both have a traumatic past that haunts them but together they find the will to live.