When I woke up, the king was gone. I just lied there in bed with my heart beating out of my chest thinking about the dream I just had. So that's what basically happened when the king had rescued me. But why hadn't the king killed the bad man? There was something nagging at me about the whole dream but I couldn't really pinpoint it. Or maybe it was because I didn't want to face and accept the answer that was staring right at me. I quickly recorded the dream in my journal. I had a feeling that it wouldn't be long now when I had all the missing pieces that would make me remember all that happened to me 13 years ago. I was terrified and I wasn't ready.
Another month passed. No dreams or flashbacks. Nothing. And no word from the bad man. The king still hadn't found him yet. With the bad man still out there somewhere, it felt like my life was on a standstill. I simply couldn't move on or carry on with my life with the bad man still out there alive and still posing a threat to my safety and well-being. I just wanted it all to end, not just for me but also for my parents. This whole thing was really taking a toll on them. They were in constant fear and worry. Every mail that we got was checked to see if there were any more notes from the bad man. Anga still had police vans patrolling the neighborhood even though my father had specifically told him to call them off since they bring unnecessary attention. He was a stubborn one that Anga. He openly told me that he wasn't going to give up on me. He strongly believed that I would go back to liking him again. He said that if I could like him before, then there's was no reason I couldn't regain those feelings. He refused to accept my feelings for the king. Got angry and threw tantrums when the king would come by on Fridays to pick me up and take me to his place so I could spend the weekend there with him. No matter how many times the king warned him to back off, he didn't listen. I was afraid for his life because the king was starting to lose his patience with him. I had been surprised when my mother had agreed to me spending the weekends with the king. I hadn't even known it was an option. She just came into my bedroom a few weeks back and was like "You can go to that man of yours on the weekends if you want to." When I tried to make sure that I heard her clearly she said "Don't make as if you didn't hear me. If you don't want then never mind." To which I shouted "I want!" very quickly. And that was it. So that's where I was on the weekends. At the king's. And that's when I really was the happiest. With him. When I was with him, I literally forgot all my fears and worries. He stabilized me and kept me sane. And I just liked how he treated me. He was consistent maarn. He treated me like I was his fine jewel and also like I was a princess. Everything I wanted, he gave it to me. He spoiled me too much. The way he was with me you wouldn't say that he was a killer. Sometimes I even forgot that he was a killer. He was definitely a very strange man though. But that's one of the reasons I loved him. He had recently started to teach me self-defense moves though. We were sitting by the couch this other day and then suddenly he was like "You need to learn self-defense." I hadn't fought him on that because I also wanted to learn. I never wanted to be defenseless again when the time came. During the lessons that's when I saw how very skilled he was. He told me that he had a black belt in martial arts, taekwondo and jiu jitsu. I had balked at all of that. My man was the shit! He also told me from time to time that he also did mixed martial arts. This was a sport called MMA. It was basically kickboxing. Yeah, when I said he was the shit, I meant it. I had asked him to show me some moves and with just a few moves he had blown my mind away completely. Now I got why his body was the way it was. All those muscles. They did just come out of thin air. It was all because of those black belts and kickboxing. Damn! What I liked the most was when he would be in only his sweatpants and they would be hanging loose around his waist causing his very defined pelvis to be sticking out. That to me was sexy as hell. A pelvis for those who don't know, is the lower part region of the abdomen that is between the hip bones. Both females and males have it. But the male pelvis was the one I was talking about. Not all men had the one I was describing though. The sexy and defined one was had by only those men who worked out and were quite fit. My friend Tasha, called it the penis point. Look at me getting carried away and off topic. I'm sorry people. But yeah, I hoped you got what I was trying to describe to you.

Her Silent Killer
RomanceThey both have a traumatic past that haunts them but together they find the will to live.