Chapter 28

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After the detectives left with the king, I just stood there not knowing what to do. A black Mercedes stopped in front of me. I think it was the same one from yesterday. Wasn't sure. The back window rolled down revealing a man. A very good looking man. Even though he hadn't rolled down his window all the way down to the bottom, I could tell that he was quite a huge guy judging from his shoulders.
Him: "I think I owe you an apology." He said... "I needed my brother to do me a big favor and that's what he had gone to do right now." What? I was confused as hell right now... "I see you're confused." He stated the obvious... "sorry but I needed some people to presume me as dead. Well...not me me...the other me." He sighed... "I'm not explaining this properly am I? Forgive me." He shook his head... "forget all that I just said." He told me... "my brother is going to be fine. He'll be out in a few days. So don't worry. Bye." The window rolled up and then it rolled down again... "oh and welcome to the family Khazimle." The window rolled back up and then the car drove off. Before I could make sense of what just happened another car pulled up in front of me and Zack exited the car and opened the back door for me.
Zack: "Get in ma'am, I'll be driving you to school today." I got in wordlessly. He closed the door behind me and went to get in on his side and drove off. All the way to school I kept replaying what that man, who apparently was the king's brother, had said. And nothing made sense to me. The only thing that I held onto was what he said about the king coming out in a few days time. For some weird reason though, I was a bit calm now. Still worried but not as scared as I was before when they had taken the king away. I sighed. What a dramatic life the king had brought into my life, I tell you.

When I got back home from school later that day my mother was already waiting for me. She interrogated me about why the king had gotten arrested and I said,I didn't know. I wasn't about to tell her that he was arrested for murder bethu. No. She told me that Amahle's mother and Sivenathi's, who were the biggest gossips in our neighborhood, had already come by the house to ask her all about it. Of course they would. Nothing seemed to pass those two. They were always on top of every news. I thought my mother would again ban me from seeing the king but she said nothing other than "Mhmm" when I said that I didn't know. I had been a bit taken aback by that. We were now in the kitchen. I was helping my mother cook for dinner to distract myself from thinking and missing the king, when Anga entered. The way he was smiling, you would swear it was his birthday or something.
Mother: "And then why you're smiling this much, what happened?" Anga just laughed... "Mnk heee I wonder." He came up to where I was peeling up some potatoes.
Anga: "What's up K? How was your day?" I shrugged not saying anything. I still couldn't say a word to anybody else but my parents and the king... " you want to know about my day?" I said nothing... "it was great. Even now, it's still going great!" He laughed happily. Heee! I think I had an inkling why... "have you spoken to him today?" He asked me. He meant the king. I said nothing... "I know where he is." He whispered wiggling his eyebrows looking all happy and excited... "should I tell you?" I sighed and moved away from him... "K stop being like this please.." He said following me... "aren't you curious at all?" I shook my head. Why would I be curious about something I knew all about? ... "oh don't be such a bore K." He brushed his shoulder against mine... "but anyways..." He clapped his hands and rubbed them together... "I'm happy. That bastard will probably never see the light of day again with where he is." Well sorry to break it to you Anga, but he will. I didn't say that to him of course... "oh man this is nice. Finally the bastard gets what is due to him." He giggled like a school boy. So annoying. I don't remember him being like this. Ever since the king's arrival, he's really been acting childish. It was high time he stopped because I was this close to writing him off. Really! I moved away again from him. I don't know why he didn't get that I needed personal space. Geez! Him being so close to me and having him breathe down my neck made me feel super uncomfortable and my skin to crawl. Seriously. As harsh as it might seem, that's how I felt. Couldn't help it. The only males I trusted and was comfortable with their closeness and touch were the king and my father. It was still red light for everybody else. But Anga didn't get that. I tried to tell him in many ways. I don't know if he was being dense or he was just plain ignoring the signs I gave him on purpose, which would a really cruel thing to do, since he knew what kind of hell I've gone through... "things are finally going to go back to how they used to be." He stated. He was going to be in for a great disappointment when the king got out in a few days. I somewhat felt sorry for him.

It was two weeks later now. And the king wasn't out of jail yet. I won't lie, I was getting slightly panicked now. What if he wasn't going to come out? What if the charges they had against him stuck indefinitely? No, I couldn't think like that. He was coming out. He said to trust him. And I trusted my man. I'm used to him being away for long periods of time. So two weeks was nothing. I could still wait. That's what I said to pep talk myself. Zack has been taking me to and from school. Anga has been coming by the house more than usual now. He was overly joyful about the whole thing with the king. I always ignored him and closed myself in my room when he was around.

It was Monday today. I saw a blue Porsche was parked in front of the gate of my home as I was coming back from school. I frowned as I got out of Zack's car. I stood there staring at the car. It was one of those big Porsches. I think it was called a Cayenne something something. A man and a woman existed it and walked towards me smiling. Well, the woman was the one who was smiling. The man wasn't. He was looking at me curiously. He was tall and a big muscled guy. Handsome too. The woman was short and had a nice full figured body. She was wearing a red dress and black heels and also had a Gucci handbag in her hand. She looked elegant as a sexy way.
Woman: "Hey Khazimle." She greeted. She knew my name? I said nothing and just looked at them and then she chuckled a bit... "oh sorry that was rude wasn't it? I know your name and you don't know mine."
Man: "You're King's woman?" The man asked me and the woman smacked his arm.
Woman: "Don't be rude!"
Man: "I'm just asking-."
Woman: "Gosh! Shut up!" She cut him off... "I told you to stay in the car. I don't even know why you came with in the very first place."
Man: "I wanted to see my brother's woman for myself. Bite me!" The woman released a frustrated breath, and then she turned to me and smiled again. Who were these people?
Woman: "Sorry for my brother's rudeness-."
Man: "It's not rudeness. It's called being straightforward-."
Woman: "Oh my gosh!" She said turning to him.. "Ntsikelelo mntana ka mama, you'll leave if you don't shut up. Don't say I didn't warn you." She warned pointing a finger at him which was hilarious since he was much taller and bigger than her.
Ntsikelelo: "Okay. I'll shut up." He said pressing his lips together.
Woman: "Thank you." She released a huff and turned to me with that smile of hers again on her face. She was beautiful... "okay here we go." She cleared her throat while touching her neck. Then she fixed her dress and looked at me straight in the eyes like she meant serious business... "My name is Isiqhamo Selene Parkinson Mikaelson-."
Man: "Geez! Do you have to say all of them-."
Isiqhamo: "Ntsikelelo, what did I just say to you?!" She exploded losing all the composure she now just had.
Ntsikelelo: "Sorry."
Isiqhamo: "Yhu hay shame uyadika maarn!" She shouted... "I'm trying to introduce myself to my sister-in-law and wena you're being a fucken pest." Sister-in-law? ... "ubundilandelela ntoni?" [Why did you follow me here?]
Ntsikelelo: "I also wanted to meet her and I said I was sorry-."
Isiqhamo: "Yhu hayi selekumoshakele!" She told him... "you've ruined my grand entrance yazi." She said flicking back her weave. [It's already ruined.]
Ntsikelelo: "God! You and your goddamn entrances." He rolled his eyes... "this is not a show event or a runway sis."
Isiqhamo: "So? I don't care. Entrances are very important. Leave me alone." I couldn't help but to smile. These two were hella funny... "jonga jonga usihlekisa ngo Khazimle ngoku inoba uthi siziz'bhanxa. And it's all you fault!" [Look look Khazimle is laughing at us. She must be taking us as fools. And it's all your fault.]
Ntsikelelo: "I did nothing."
Isiqhamo: "Mxm! Shut up!" She looked at me and took calming breaths. She was so dramatic but I liked her... "anyway Khazimle you need to come with us now." What? She took my hand... "yeah come." She said pulling me along with her to her car... "there's been a slight incident. Kumkani is hurt-."
Me: "Hurt?!" I heard myself shouting.
Ntsikelelo: "She finally speaks! For a second there, I thought she was a mute."
Isiqhamo: "Ntsikelelo!"
Ntsikelelo: "Sorry-."
Me: "You just said the king is hurt? Where? When? What happened?" I asked in a panicked rush. My voice was suddenly working fine now. Isiqhamo smiled.
Isiqhamo: "I'm glad to see you worried like this for my brother. It means you love him." She said... "that's good. No one deserves to be loved like he does."
Me: "Please-."
Isiqhamo: "Don't worry he's fine. He got just a small stab in the gut but I feel as though he needs you even though he wanted to recuperate for a few days without you knowing."......

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