Continuation of Kumkani's POV
We were down by the basement.
Me: "So who was it?"
Father: "Watch for yourself first." He hit play.
Me: "Is that..." I looked to my brother.
Uyi: "Yes it's my woman but watch and see what happens next."
Me: "Who's that?" I pointed to the screen at the woman who was busy exchanging the wines.
Father's: "That's Yolanda. She's your uncle Sine's daughter in law."
Me: "We must get her right now."
Father: "Son-."
Me: "No. I told you Dad, whoever it is, I won't show any mercy."
Father: "I know that but let me be the one to handle this okay?"
Me: "This is my business. I'll do it my way."
Father: "Khazie is not only yours son. She is ours. Now I understand how you feel but we need to do this right. At the end of the day we're all family. And my gut is telling me that there's more that meets the eye here. We need to make sure that we get to the very bottom of all of this."
Me: "Who took the glass and the wine bottle?"
Father: "Watch this."
Me: "What the fuck? Who is that?"
Father: "She's one of the staff from the catering company." I took out my phone to make a call.
Uyi: "I already have my guys looking for her brother don't worry."
Me: "Okay then. Let's start with the woman that changed the wines. Do you know where she lives?"
Father: "I already called Khanyisa, her husband. They're on their way here." I took out my guns and blades as I sat down... "son first we play nice-."
Me: "I don't have time to play nice Dad. I almost lost my wife!!" I barked out in fury... "and the baby...our baby..." I closed my eyes as that and sharp pain wrapped it's fists around my chest. When she gets here, make her suffer. Skin her alive. Make her bleed.
Father: "Son I'm with you okay but let's keep calm first and get the answers that we need. And if it really turns out that she's the one that poisoned Khazie, I promise you, I will let you do to her as you please."
Uyi: "The baby?"
Father: "Khazie was pregnant."
Uyi: "Don't tell me that she lost.... Shit!!"
Father: "Yeah."
Uyi: "Brother...fuck...I'm so fucken sorry." That sharp pain again. I tightened my jaw and swallowed thickly. I began to take apart my guns. I wanted to distract myself as we waited. But it wasn't working. As seconds went by I got antsy with murderous energy. I stood up.
Me: "Where the fuck are they?"
Father: "They'll be here son."
Me: "They better be or else I'll hunt them down myself and I won't be nice about it." My father chuckled and hit my back.
Father: "Don't worry if they don't show up I'll join you in the hunt."
Uyi: "Me too brother."
Father: "Junior, Is your brother still at the hospital?"
Uyi: "Yeah. I left him there."
Father: "Call him to come. We need to do this as a family." Uyi made the call.That woman called Yola something was here. Wasn't interested in knowing her name. I just wanted answers. She was currently hiding behind her husband crying which was pissing me the fuck off.
Khanyisa: "I'm telling you, whatever it is, my wife didn't do it. She would never."
Me: "Dad."
Father: "Khanyisa don't make things difficult boy. Tell your wife to sit down before we make her."
Khanyisa: "Okay but tell King to put away his guns first."
Me: "I don't have time for this." I cocked one of my guns and pointed it at him... "either you do as we say or this goes through your skull in 3 counts."
Khanyisa: "Your threats don't work on me." I pulled the trigger and the bullet grazed his neck. He put his hand on his neck shocked that I shot him as his wife screamed bloody murder.
Me: "The next one will go through your skull."
Uyi: "Shit Khanyisa mfethu just do as he says!"
Me: "One."
Uyi: "Khanyisa!"
Me: "Two-."
Khanyisa: "Okay okay I'll tell her to sit down. But please don't hurt her." My gun stayed raised... "baby come, sit down here. They will just ask you a few questions. All you have to do is answer them honestly okay?"Father: "Yolanda why did you change the wines?"
Her: "C-C-Change t-the w-wines?"
Father: "Yes. Watch this." He pointed to the screen... "as you can see Palesa is putting all the wine bottles on the dinner table and then....this is you coming in a few minutes later exchanging these two bottle of wines isn't it?"
Her: "I-I-I-."
Father: "Just a simple yes or no."
Her: "Y-Yes."
Father: "Why did you do that?"
Her: "I-I-I...I-I-."
Father: "Listen to me Yolanda." He said turning her chair abruptly to him... "I'm mad. Really really mad. And do you know why? My daughter in law is lying in hospital because someone poisoned her in my fucking home!" He growled... "now this stuttering of yours won't cut it. Answer the questions while I'm still being nice. You understand what I'm saying to you, don't you?" She nodded quickly... "now tell me clearly why you swapped the wines?"
Her: "I-It was H-Hlumelo. She told me to do it."
Father: "Hlumelo?"
Her: "Yes. She said she was worried that the brand of wine she specifically brought for Khazie wasn't by where she'll be seating. So she asked me to go check if it was. I swear that's why I exchanged the wines."
Father: "Call Hlumelo's husband. Tell him to come with his wife this instant." He ordered to my brother.
Me: "And you just did what she told you to do? Are you her minion or something?"
Her: "N-No-."
Me: "Then why did you do as she said? Why didn't you tell her to do it by herself?"
Her: "B-Because s-she said she was expecting a call from somebody-." I laughed and pinned her with my cold and dead eyes. She started to shake badly in fear. Thrilling chills went through me. Yes. That's right. Be very very scared. You're staring into the demons eyes right now. Seeing as how she wasn't breathing, I took pity on her and released her from my gaze.
Me: Dad do you really believe what she's saying because it sounds way off to me."
Khanyisa: "I believe my wife. She wouldn't-."
Me: "Shut. It."
Father: "I agree with you, her story does sound off. But we'll know for sure when Hlumelo tells us her side of the story." He told me... "what did Langa say?"
Uyi: "They're on their way."
Father: "Good."
Her: "P-Please please I swear that I only did what Hlumelo told me to do. I didn't even know that the wine had poison-."
Father: "Shut. It." As we waited I circled her as I honed my blades together. Kill her. Kill her. No, not yet. Yes. Now! No. Yes! Give me blood! Give me blood! I will give you blood. Just wait. Okay. But I won't wait for long.

Her Silent Killer
RomanceThey both have a traumatic past that haunts them but together they find the will to live.