I had seen what I wasn't suppose to see. Why was I always unlucky? I had gone to a party with my friends at some other guy's place. I don't know how I ended up going down to some basement and seeing a girl get raped and killed by these other men. I had thought that they hadn't seen me when I had ran the hell out of there but I had been wrong. They had seen me. Which proves my current predicament. I was tied to some bed with a duck tape, taped to my mouth. I was scared out of my pants. I don't know how they got to me. But I just woke up 5 minutes ago and I was in this room, tied to a bed. The way I was panicking. What were they planning to do to me? Memories of what happened in the past tried to suffocate me. Was this what it was? Were they going to rape me and kill me like they did to that girl? I started to cry and pulled on the ties on my wrists. This couldn't be happening to me again. What I meant by again, was that, when I had been 7 years old, a similar situation had happened to me. I had been playing on the streets with my friends, and then suddenly I had been kidnapped. The man that had kidnapped me, had kept me in a dark room and he would occasionally come and do things to me...things that I didn't want to think about now because I would have one of my breakdowns. And my breakdowns weren't pretty. Even though now, as I was busy hyperventilating, the memories of what happened 13 years ago tried their best to pull me into that dark place. But I fought to stay sane. I couldn't afford to go there. Not now. I couldn't say if I remembered each of the men's faces that raped and killed that girl since there had been about 7 of them but I could remember 3 of their faces. When I had ran out of there like I was being chased down by hounds, I had convinced my friends that we should go home. They must've seen something on my face because they hadn't given me any trouble and agreed had we should go home. On the ride back, they had tried to ask and prod at what happened...why I had wanted to leave in a panic. But I couldn't say anything. I was terrified. And I was still trying to process what I had seen. How did I end up going down to that basement? It was me and my liking of things, I'm sure. And it didn't help that I had been drunk as pap at that time. Yeah. You guys could say that I was a heavy drinker. When I partied, which was every weekend by the way, I partied hard. You guys could say that it mainly had something to do with the incident. Yes, let's call it the incident. Anyway, I'm sure my partying very hard had to do with the incident. Because after I had been rescued from that man, I was never the same kid again. I don't want to blame my parents and family too much, but I did in a way. They couldn't or didn't know how to deal with what happened to me so they sort of neglected me and thought if they sent me to see a therapist that all would be well. But all was not well actually. Not by far. Anyway, I didn't want to get into deep with that. Not now. I had to figure out how I was going to get out of this predicament that I was in. Luckily, my clothes were still attached on me...they hadn't stripped me naked or something because that would've really sent me off. Let me just say, I didn't do well with being naked. Well, that was an understatement. Sometimes I even showered with my clothes on. Weird? Yeah, I know. What could I say? It was what it was. I tried to pull on the ties on my wrists. They hurt like hell. The thick ropes in which they had tied both of my hands to the bedposts were not kind at all to my wrists. Who were those men? Now that I thought about it, they didn't look like they were in college. No. They looked very old to be in college. They looked like they were in their 30's or something. What had they been doing at a party for college students? Did Zack know them? Zack was the guy that had hosted the party. If he did know them, did it mean that he also knew what they did in his parent's basement? That they had kidnapped me? I stopped my pulling and went still when the door suddenly opened. And in entered those 7 men that I had saw at the basement. I'm sure it was them because I recognized the 3 who I had seen for sure. One of them was the one who had strangled the girl to death as he raped her. They all appeared mean and cruel looking. The one that had strangled the girl to death gave me a nasty smile. His front teeth were gold and he had a long scar going down from his eye straight to his jaw.
Him: "Look at what we have here boys. Fresh food." He said licking his lips. The other men smiled with hunger on their faces. I started to thrash around on the bed and they laughed... "you can thrash all you want, you're not going anywhere little girl." He told me still laughing... "you saw what you shouldn't have seen. And because of that, you're going to die." I thrashed around more pulling on the ropes crying. But it was useless to do that because as he had stated, I wasn't going to be going anywhere. The ropes were tight as hell to the bedposts and also on my wrists. And nobody was going to hear my cries of help since they came out muffled because of the duck tape... "but before we kill you, we're first going to have fun with you little girl. Aren't we boys?" They all agreed with him as some of them rubbed their dicks over their pants with promise as to what is to come. I might've survived a similar situation 13 years ago. But I don't think I was going to survive this one....

Her Silent Killer
RomanceThey both have a traumatic past that haunts them but together they find the will to live.