Chapter 18

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My father found me on the floor shaking. I must've fallen from the chair from shock and fear. The only thing I could do was to point to the white paper when my father came rushing in and asking me what was wrong. He picked up the paper reading it and disappeared, and then he came out holding that shotgun of his and disappeared outside with it. I just couldn't believe what just happened. Did I just have a flashback? I thought only people in movies had them but I had been wrong because I just had one and it was vivid as hell. It was like I was still in that dark room with the bad man. I was starting to realize that what had been done to me by the bad man in that dark room was way way worse than I had ever thought. I didn't know how I was going to deal with all of it since my lost memories were set on coming back to me. In honest fact I was going to crumble. It was just all too much that I might even end up going really crazy. The bad man had said on the note that his son was closer to me than I thought. Who could that be? I tried to search my brain for who it could be but I came out blank. Reason being was the fact that I didn't have any males that were close to me except for Anga and the king. It couldn't be Anga since I knew his parents. His father was my father's close friend. And the couldn't be him right? No no no! I refused to believe or even think that. I mean, just no. That wasn't possible. I really refused. Oh God no please it can't be. As I was busy panicking my father was busy talking on the phone and yelling at whoever it was. After he had disappeared outside he had come back. He was still holding his shotgun of his. What happened after that was literally a blur. I just remember seeing a lot of men, maybe about 8 or 10 of them, wearing the same t-shirt that was written: 'King's Security Team' pouring in the house. They started to take pictures of the note that the bad man had sent me. And then they proceeded to put it in one of those clear plastic bags where you see in those crimes scenes in the movies. It was like they were a forensics team or something. Some started to drill into walls and installed what looked like senses or cameras. Yey guys! As I said, it was all a blur. It had happened so fast. One minute I was on the floor all shaken up panicking then the next minute they were here. It was like they appeared out of thin air. I just saw some of what they were doing as my father led me up to my bedroom. That's where I currently was right now, my bedroom, with a blanket over my shoulders as those men did what they did downstairs. "Who the fuck are you people!" A voice boomed downstairs. It was Anga. I didn't hear anybody give him a response back.
Anga: "I said who the fuck are you guys?" He shouted and then he laughed in disbelief... "so none of you motherfuckers are going to say anything?" Silence... "did he send you? Did that fucker send you?" Silence... "call him and tell him that this all is not needed. That you guys are not needed. I will protect K..the whole police force behind me will protect her."
Father: "Step with me outside Anga, will you?"
Anga: "No Tata-."
Father: "Look here boy I don't have time for your childish tantrums today. Now it's either you come with me outside so we can have a talk or you get the hell out of my house." He must've listened because I didn't hear anything after that. I brought my knees to my chest and laid my head on them and closed my eyes. I needed the king as in right now. I suddenly jumped out of bed and went to open one of my drawers and took out one of the king's t-shirts and breathed in his scent from it as I went back to the bed. After a while my father entered the room, sat on the bed and just pulled me in his arms and kissed my forehead... "it's going to be okay my child." That's all he said. For some reason I didn't think it was all going to be okay. I had a this feeling at the bottom of my stomach that something bad was going to happen.

My mother really threw up a storm when she came back home from church and found out what had happened. If the bad man could intercept our mail then it meant he could probably get into the house. I kind of saw what the bad man was trying to do. He was toying with us...well...he was toying with me. First he sent the black box to my old apartment and then now he sent the letter to my parents' house. He wanted me to know that he knew where I lived and that he could get to me anytime if he wanted to. That I had no where to run basically. That's what I got from all of this. My mother wanted us to move but my father said it wouldn't help, the bad man would just find us wherever we went to. The bad man seemed very dangerous and connected. Maybe even much more dangerous and connected than the king was which really worried me. You also heard the king saying that he had been searching for the bad for almost 13 years and had always come up with nothing. Even now, the king was out there still in search for the bad man but nothing. Those men from earlier had installed a new security system. There were cameras all over the yard outside. They also changed all the door locks and put in locks that were more secured. The front door could only be unlocked from the outside by entering a password. Kid you not. The security system that they installed was just way more advanced than anything else I've ever seen. This was all surreal. You would expect these kind of things to only happen in movies and novels but they were happening to me. Which begged the question. Why me? What sin had I committed? What sin could an 7 year old commit to deserve what was done to me? I really don't get it. That's why I had no relationship with God. If He was as mighty as people said then how come had He allowed such to happen to me? Even now with the bad man back, what was God busy doing? Nothing.

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