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Esme was sleeping over at John B's place. She was way to tired to walk back to her own house after the whole shootout incident so she decided to just crash at John B's place. She laid sprawled out on his spare bed when she woke up by Jj jumping on the bed next to her.
"Go away." She mumbled turning to her other side.
"Come on Esme! We're going out!" Esme rolled her eyes groaning. All she wanted was to just sleep in for once but as always somebody was always going to interrupt.
"I don't wanna go." She threw a pillow at Jj missing completely.
"Please." John B shook her causing Esme to slap his hands away.
"We'll just have to carry her John B." Jj stated and Esme shot up.
"I'm alright? Can you leave so I can get dressed?"
"We're leaving." John B pushed Jj out of the room and Esme rolled her eyes before getting out of bed. She purposely packed a pair of clothes with her in case she had to spend the night at John B's place. So she got dressed (image above) and grabbed her back walking out of the room.
"Where exactly are we going?" Esme asked as she closed the van door shut. She honestly did not want to be here right now but then again she didn't want to be home either.
"To talk to Ms.Lana. We told you several times."
"Well maybe I didn't feel like listening." Esme replied back. She leaned back in the seat.
"I mean what the hell does this have to do with me anyways?"
"Your dad and my dad were best friends. Which means my dads shit is your dads shit which leads back to you." John B stated as if he was a genius.
"Are you fucking with me?"
"You know what Esme? If you don't wanna be here you can get out of the van." John B unlocked the doors and Esme stared at the door, not making a move.
"You're an asshole."
"That's what I thought." Esme didn't even decide to say anything else during the entire ride, so she opened up her sketchbook and started to draw. She hasn't really drew anything ever since before Hurricane Agatha, so she had a lot to catch up on. While she was sketching a cigarette was dangling from her lips.
"Jesus lower the window Esme." Jj rolled down the windows and the girl gave a thumbs up going back to drawing. John B and Jj were conversing about something Esme wasn't really paying attention too until she heard her name.
"What?" She asked looking up from her sketchbook.
"Oh we were just saying how you and Pope are soulmates." Esme scoffed throwing an unlit cigarette at Jj.