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A couple days after John B broke his wrist the pouges were all gathered outside again in the crane house. Esme had her bow and arrow case on her shoulder. Ever since Toppers random appearance at the Hawks nest. She had been practicing for the last few days and was starting to get the hang of it.
"You guys know who's house this is right?" Kie asked as they walked up to the place.
"Oh yeah, I know." Jj answered.
"Honestly, I don't really believe the stories of this place." John B mentioned and Esme rolled her eyes. She was still pissed at him for lying like that, but there were more important matters so she pushed it to the side.
"I've been here before. This was my smoke spot." Esme said.
"Are you kidding me?" Kie asked.
"Um, no? Why else would I say it?" Esme questioned. Jj and Esme also mentioned the fact they knew Hollis Crane in the past.
"Dude, I've seen her loads of times. She sprayed a hose at me because I was smoking." Esme explained.
"She was my babysitter man. She told me the truth.......about her mother and what happened in this house. So as a kid, she heard all the stories that her mother killed her father, and......she was a murderer and all. Hollis didn't believe it. Until that night."
"What night?" John B questioned.
"It all came back to her. When Hollis was six years old, she heard her parents arguing downstairs. She goes downstairs to see her mom washing her hands in a sink......full of blood. Her mother just says she cut her finger. The next morning, she says her and her father split up. But then, Hollis noticed something. Her mother going to the parlor constantly, in and out with plastic bags. Weeks pass, and Hollis decides to use the outhouse. And as she's using it, she looks down, and there in the outhouse, is her fathers head, looking straight back at her."
"You're such an ass." Esme scoffed trying to hide the fact she was a little scared by what Jj was saying.
"Esme, I swear to god man."
"Did she call the police?" Pope asked coming to Esme's defense.
"She didn't have time. Wait! Dude!" Jj was trying to catch up with John B who was already walking ahead.
"You sure you wanna do this? She's an axe murderer. You got a cast on."
"Well, I can help." Esme spoke up stepping forward. After all, she was the one with the useful weapon.