chapter | 2

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In case if you guys didn't notice there are tons of clues about the twist in the introduction and chapter 1, ❣️

Forgive me if there are some wrong grammars or some cringey parts I will try my best to improve for you guys

Enjoy reading ✨

still eating...

Jake: "Jungwon it's not that funny"

Jungwon: "sorry jake, but he is just weird

Heeseung: what? What did I do?

Jay: "guys lets are serious now, and let's discuss the reason why we brought y/n here in the first place," jay said with a serious look

everyone went silent

Sunno: "so....about this girl..."

Sunoo was a bit hesitant because he felt weirdly attracted to her but he ended up saying it anyway.

"she has unique's addicting"

Niki: "I'll get her first before you can even touch her," Niki said, smiling like a creep

Jake: "yah! We didn't bring her here to be killed"

Heeseung: "Jake's right, whatever happens, you must not kill her, we're still using y/n for our advantage's "

Sunghoon:" we must protect our true identity"

Sunno:" no one can ever know our secret"



They all went inside the room and saw y/n still sleeping peacefully

Sunno: the moment we went inside the room i can already smelled her sweet aroma, god I want to taste her so bad

Jay: "look what you have done hyung"
He said while looking at heeseung

Jake: "she's sleeping for 2 days now"

Heeseung: "im sorry ok, anyway she'll wake up any minute now "


I woke up and felt so energetic well that was a very nice nap as I stood up I screamed so loud

"What are you all doing here! since when did you come inside?"

"What the fvck y/n are you trying to kill our ears," Niki said

"How are you feeling?" Jake asked.

"im feeling better now, why?"

"well actually heeseung  put too much sleeping drug and unfortunately that made you sleep for 2 days straight" I was stunned by what Jung-won said. I mean was that even possible?.

"Two days!?"

"Don't worry you're awake now and that is all that matters" I just glared at him and rolled my eyes away.

"I have something to ask"

"what is it?" Sunno said.

I balked at first because I was scared but I gathered all my courage and say it.

"what is it that you want to say y/n?"
Jay said.

"you can't be...scarphace right?"I asked nervously while looking down after realizing  what I just said, but there was no response as I looked back up I saw them smiling. Fvck I should have not said that. The fvck am I thinking.

"God! what am I saying sorry I was not meant to say that "

shoot! What am I gonna do now? im so dumb Someone please get me out of here

"what if you're right?" Heeseung muttered while snickering at me.

"So your scarphace?"

"Well I guess you're intelligent enough to use your brain," sunghoon said, I froze on my spot thinking of escaping as soon as possible, but a part of me is calm as I felt a little safe being with them

"don't worry y/n were not planning to kill you," Niki explained.

"Please let me go I'll do anything you want please just let me go"

"So you'll do anything we want?" Jungwon asked

"Yes I will," I said desperately

"We want you to give us your blood"
as Jay's eyes began to turn red

Breaking news!🚨
Another missing incident happened 2 days ago, a girl named lim y/n has disappeared without a trace, there are no leading suspects. many cases like this have happened but the cases remain unresolved, who is behind this? to everyone out there please be careful always and be cautious especially in these times it is very crucial for your lives so stay safe and bear with us, this is reporter park sihyuk reporting live on SN news network good night.

Hey guys I just wanted to say that I was inspired by this story called "vampires of seol: lotus" it's very interesting and has a nice storyline

Guys visit nicciella profile her stories are insanely good and thrilling

Have a great day everyone ❤️

Your author, colie

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