chapter | 17

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"I'll tell you everything when we get home. But for now it's safer for you to go inside first" heeseung replied with a soft and gentle tone.

"What do you mean "it's safer for me".
From what?"

Heeseung held y/ns shoulder and looked at her straight in the eye.
"Please y/n, this is not the right time to argue about this" with that he let her inside the car and quickly locked the doors. Turning on the engine and started driving away from the venue.

Silence filled the room. As they both decide to avoid talking to prevent an argument. 20 minutes had gone by and they still ignore each other. Y/n was facing the window while staring at the massive buildings that passed by when she felt sick and lightheaded.

She began to lose consciousness.  which made heeseung aware of it

"Y/n, are you okay?"
Heeseung muttered before stopping the car at the side of the road to check her out. He was left with no reply and within seconds y/n fell into his arms.
Unconscious, He got startled and tried to wake her up, but there was no use.

He immediately placed her back and buckled the seatbelt so that y/n won't fall. He started the engine and went back on the road as he started to drive rapidly fast, and with less than 15 minutes they arrived back home.

He went down from the car and  carried y/n from her sit, bringing her inside the house.

"Heeseung hyung! What happened to y/n?" Jake asked as he felt worried.
He followed Heeseung as he took her to the sofa and placed her there gently. The others were also shocked to see the girl laying in bed, unconscious.

"Jake, can you check her out?" Heeseung said, giving a way for him to check y/n's pulse. jake placed his two fingers on the side of her neck and  sighed heavily.

"She's still breathing"

"but why is she unconscious heeseung hyung? did she faint?" Jungwon asked.

"No. I don't know I was just driving home then she suddenly fell" heeseung answered while looking at y/n, worriedly. His eyebrows furrowed, trying to think what could be the motive why she fainted, Then he looked back at them and said.


They all looked at heeseung with confusion.

"Why do you mean hyung" Niki said.

"We went to a restaurant and ate together then y/n left, cause she went to the bathroom. My secretary called, she said that kwang-sun was there on the same restaurant that we were in.  that's when I started finding y/n and took her home as soon as possible" he explained.

Jay spoke up.
"But how did she ended up fainting?
Since we haven't drank her blood for almost 4 days"

"I'm not sure"

"Is it somehow connected to kwang-sun?" Sunno asked.

"I don't know either" heeseung responded, as his shoulder shrugged.

"Ah my head!"

They instantly went to y/n.
"Y/n, are you okay?" Sunghoon asked with a very worried tone. Y/n immediately got confused. She sat down and massaged her head from the pain, not knowing what was happening.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay"she replied.

"y/n, did you meet with someone before I went to get you? Back at the restaurant" Heeseung said as he waited patiently for her response.

Her eyebrows furrowed "I don't remem-"


She clenched her bag as she tightened her grip. Then a voice was heard, coming from the back.

"Until we meet again, Lim y/n"

With that she felt something sharp piercing through her skin. Just then the person disappeared like thin air.

^°end of flashback°^

"I remember it now, when I was walking alone someone held my shoulder from the back. I didn't saw the face cause I was too scared to look behind, he just said "until we meet again, lim y/n" and that's when I felt something sharp inserting in my skin. She explained.

"Something sharp inserted in your skin? That person must've injected you something which caused you to lose consciousness" jake said. While the others  agreed to his thoughts.

Once there Heeseung filled up with anger knowing that kwang-sun hurted y/n. His fists curled up, wanting to punch him so bad.

"But the thing is, how did that person know your name?" Jay said.
They all looked at him and was alarmed, knowing that the person was no other than kwang-sun.

They all went silent and looked at each other as if something was wrong. That made y/n suspect about them, and the way they act is unusual.

"Why do you guys look bothered?
Is there something that I don't know?"

"No, it's just that we're uneasy about this person and that he know's your name, wouldn't it be dangerous"
Jake answered, while the others sighed with relief.

Heeseung stood up and left the living room, without saying anything. He went upstairs and entered his room so that he can ease his anger. Just then his phone rang.

Incoming call...

Unknown number

(H is heeseung and k is kwang-sun)

He picked up the phone and answered it.

H: "Hello?"

K: "its been awhile, Lee heeseung"

H: "kwang-sun. What do you want?"

K: "I might say, it was nice seeing her in person"

H: "I'll kill you if you ever touch her again!"

K: "Ha! So she's your weakness"

H: "huh? What do you mean?"

K: "my friend, it was hard trying to find what can be your weakness, but now I know. Anyway Nice talking with you,  ciao!"

H: " hello?!"

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