chapter | 11

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( guys please don't get me wrong in this story Niki is an introvert but when it comes to his friends he is comfortable To talk to them and would always have fun.. )

Jay went to the living room and plopped on the couch and was feeling sleepy because of tiredness and before he knew it he already fell asleep.
Y/n was just chilling on her bed but then suddenly she felt thirsty, she tried standing up but still couldn't "should I call jay? Or...maybe not he must be tired" y/n thought as she decided to crawl down from her bed and took the chair from the side and used it to help her walk towards the kitchen

Y/n was passing through the empty hallways, it was quiet and odd then she felt a cold breeze passing by which caused her to shiver, but she just continued walking until she reached downstairs and saw jay sleeping soundly On the couch,
She went closer to him and admired his adorable sleeping face.

Y/n sighed "Why are you even cute?" She said while poking his cheeks not knowing that jay can hear her, she stood up and was about to go to the kitchen but then he pulled her wrist and she ended up laying beside him as she felt something going around her waist, it was jay

"what are you doing? Let go of me " y/n muttered, as she attempted to get away from jay's tight grip "yah are you even listening?" As She proceeded to struggle but was left with no response, not until jay got closer to her neck "I wonder what your blood tastes like, can I try?" Y/n froze on her spot as jay started to get closer and closer but then the door opened,

"We're back!" Niki shouted
"Jay Hyung! Y/n! Where Are you guys?" Jung won continued
Y/n was startled and began to panic she looked at jay and pushed him out of the couch

"ouch! What the f-" he complained

jungwon, sunno, and Niki went to the living room followed by sunghoon and jake at the back " y/n why are you down here? are you feeling better now?" Jake asked as he sat down beside her, y/n just nod in response then they all flinched in unison because of the loud bang coming from the entrance door, revealing heeseung as he made his way inside

"Heeseng hyung what happened?"
Sunno asked but he just ignored it and continued walking upstairs to his room, they all looked at each other with confusion "Something's not right," sunghoon presumed, Niki spoke up "sunghoon hyung what do you mean-"

"Oh! I almost forgot that we bought Tteok-bokki lets eat before it gets soggy" jake interrupted, but eventually, they all went to the kitchen and ate the food that jake bought.


Y/n went to her room and was feeling better than ever, it was almost 10:30 pm she couldn't sleep because of the unexplainable behavior of heeseung, y/n was so curious and kept on thinking of what could be the reason for his anger she walked back and forth while her shoulders shrugged until she thought of going to heeseungs room to check herself

With that, she went outside her room and with no hesitation, she began to walk towards heeseungs room,
She was passing through the hallways again and felt that someone was watching her from behind, she felt chills from the back of her spine and tried to take a quick glimpse from the side but then she felt a hand resting on her shoulders

She screamed at the top of her lungs before running away but was surprised to see that it was jake
She exhaled heavily "jake you scared me, what are you doing here?" Y/n asked "I have something to tell you but when I came to your room you were not there, that's why I tried to find you" jake explained

"What were you going to tell me?" She asked while averting her gaze at him
He did not answer back instead jake held her wrist and took her somewhere, she realized that they were headed towards jakes room
She just obeyed him and went inside

As soon as y/n entered the room she felt like turning into ice because of the coolness of the room "jake could you please lower the temperature it's so cold" she mumbled, shivering
Then jake lessened the coolness before letting her sit at the chair, surprisingly she just obeyed him the whole time until she saw a needle

"J-jake.....why are you preparing a needle?" Y/n asked as she chuckled nervously, jake looked at her and said "because I'll get some of your blood and test them to see if you have a low immune system or if you have anemia (low iron) " jake smiled at her before patting her head after that he checked her temperature by pacing his hand on her forehead and was startled because of the hotness of it

"Y/n are you sure you don't have a cold anymore?" Jake asked
"I guess so......I don't feel nauseous, and would want to throw up" she answered, jake sighed "I'll get some of your blood and run some tests" with that he took out the needle and lift the cloth from the side of her shoulders, and rubbed the skin softly with alcohol and then placed the needle inside, y/n clutched jakes hand tightly and tried her best not to scream while closing her eyes, jake chuckled with her cuteness

But as the needle starts to fill up with y/n's blood jake's eyes began to turn red, but he tried to resist it "we're done" he said while taking the needle out and placing it on the table,

"what's with the needle jake?" Jay asked, before entering the room, "what do you want?" Jake said blankly while his eyes were fixed to his tools
"And what is y/n doing here?" Jay continued, which made him annoyed
" can you just leave?" Jake gazed at him and jay did the same "umm guys can I go?" Y/n said while as she stood up and went past the table then she felt something sharp hit her leg

When y/n lift her leg and she saw her blood drooling down to her skin
Jake immediately carried her to the bed and took out a towel and pressed it on the wounded area jay was frozen on his spot and was trying to resist the temptation.

"Jay can you get cotton, bandaid, and the betadine" jake said, and he brought all of the things that jake had told him and as he got closer the smell of her blood became stronger I want to at least lick it, the blood is wasting
Jake stopped when he saw y/n's blood on his hands, he looked at it as his eyes began to turn red then he licked it, y/n's eyes widened as she gulped in fear and also saw jakes red eyes and how he acts, she knew something is not right

She also saw jay staring at her wounded leg and not leaving its sight
"Jake I think I can do it myself" y/n muttered before standing up but jake gripped her hand and threw her on the bed then he hovered on top of her
Jay also went on the bed

As they both pinned her hands on the bed they made their way to y/n's neck

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