chapter | 10

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Heeseung entered the room and saw y/n still sleeping,  he went to get the towel and the container on the table beside her bed and filled it with cold water, because cold compress  reduces heat from her body

Then heeseung sat beside her while wringing the towel before patting it slowly on the sides of her cheeks, neck, arms, and legs.

Y/n felt the cold fabric on her skin and woke up, she opened her eyes and was not expecting to see heeseung again, " y/n you're awake,  are you hungry? "  he asked  " y-yes" y/n answered "ok, I will make some porridge for you I'll be a quick wait here.." then heeseung stood up and was about to exit the room but something came up to his mind.

"y/ don't  remember me?..." He said as he lowered his voice, y/n was confused "heeseung what do you mean by r-" he sighed "never mind" with that he smiled at her before leaving the room.

As heeseung exited the room and was about to head to the kitchen his phone rang  "hello" he said with a straight face "sir! We found out who killed your parents " The man said, his eyes widened and his fist started to curl  " I'll be right there"

with that, the call ended heeseung hurriedly took his coat and car keys and rushed to the exit door then he remembered that he y/n was still waiting for the porridge he looked around and saw no one was there to cook for her but then suddenly the door opened revealing jay carrying a plastic bag full of y/n's supplements.

"jay! you're a chef, right? Please cook some porridge for y/n, im going somewhere it's an emergency gotta go bye, and thank you!" Heeseung then left as he started his engines and took off leaving jay speechless and exhausted "yah!! Why does it have to be me!?" He cried out as he fell on his knees, after a few moments of his desperate cries he then looked back up and sighed " do I have a choice? No! I don't".

Tummy growling sound "urgh What's taking him so long?"
Y/n uttered while holding her stomach, thinking of going outside to check but was hesitant and decided to be patient.

jay stood up and went to the kitchen and started making  porridge
While he was cooking he saw jake and sunghoon  leaving the house he immediately stopped and went to them "where are you both going?" Jay asked, almost realizing what's about to happen

"we'll just pick up Niki, jungwon, and sunno, then after that, we are going to buy some  blood since y/n is sick. why?" Jake answered while fixing his shirt, Jay scoffed "why can't you just let the driver do it?"

Sunghoon spoke  " something came up, the driver and  including the others followed heeseung somewhere, that's why no one was left, and maybe  it must be important" he explained before entering the car "take care of y/n while we're gone ok," jake said as he entered the car leaving jay standing at the entrance door, holding a ladle.

"Yah! Don't leave me here!" He shouted after that jay went back inside while frowning and continued making the porridge "aish! why does it have to be me, " he murmured,
"Urgh this is so annoying"

Jay finished cooking  and was headed towards y/n's room while carrying the bowl of porridge as he entered the room he saw her laying on the bed
"Here eat this, heeseung couldn't make it cause he went somewhere important," jay said while placing the bowl on the table "oh and this drink this after you eat" he continued as he began to walk outside the room, but then he stopped because of his conscience and with the thought of that probably she's too weak to eat by her self.

He then went back to her and help her sit up after that he took the bowl and scooped a mouthful amount as he started blowing it y/n's eyes widened and was stunned in disbelief. "Jay it's ok, I can eat it by myself" y/n mumbled as she tried to get the bowl from jay, but he dodged "no, isn't it obvious that you're too sick to even move," he said out of concern

Y/n went silent as jay began to feed her slowly "Woah what's with the sudden attitude? I thought jay was supposed to be flirty and not like this"

While  y/n was munching the delicious hot porridge jay saw a tiny chunk of food at the side of her mouth he then took a tissue and wiped it out as they both made eye contact for a couple of seconds not until jay flicked y/n's forehead "ouch! What was that for?" She complained while holding her forehead

"Stop talking and finish your food"
Jay said. minutes had passed and y/n already finished her food, Jay then gave her the medicine that he bought a while ago, and after she drank it after that he stood up and took the bowl, and left the room.

While leaving the room jay smiled as he remembered y/n's face up close, he scoffed "how could a girl like her  be so adorable, come to think of it she's kind of a badass, but sometimes she has this weird vibe that makes people smile when you're around her, it feels nice actually"


heeseung arrived at the place and  entered the elevator after passing by a few of his men at the entrance door.
As he made his way to the top floor
He entered a room revealing
His secretary ms. Cassandra Choi sitting at the table, she stood up and bowed at him "so how did you find out?" He asked while sitting on his chair.

"Sir, do you remember the time that you told me to reopen the case regarding your parent's death, well actually our private investigators found a fingerprint and as we go through this investigation we found out that the fingerprint belongs to kwang-sun's father" after ms. Choi said this heeseung's eyes began to turn red and an evil grin started forming on his face "I'm not surprised that my one and only enemy  killed my parents"

( Kwang-sun is the current leader of
Valerian and is the number 1 enemy of scarphace )

I'm so sorry guys if I have not been updating recently, I have a test and I also have an upcoming exam but still, I'll try my best to keep up with you guys updated and I just want to say that I am very grateful for all of your love and support to my story, I love you guys so much and also thank you for voting and commenting, you guys always make my day brighter because of your wonderful comments and It also makes me laugh

I hope you all have a great day! ❤

Your author, colie

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