chapter | 8

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It has already been 3 weeks since I lived with those guys, I felt happy ever since I met them because they were so fun to be with, I found contentment in them and that made me feel less deserted but im still the one supplying blood for them, I faint sometimes and even sleep for days but im trying to overcome it and be stronger.

Lately, I dreamed of this boy
In my visions, it says that he is my close friend, to be honest, I'm pretty creeped out about it I don't know why he keeps on showing in my dreams

I woke up this morning and went downstairs and ate breakfast
heeseung, Jay, jake, and sunghoon are currently not in the house because they have a mission, so the four of us are the only ones in the house,

I'm in my room, studying
I locked my door because they would always barge in without my permission but it's useless since they can teleport inside my room,

Then after a while, I finished studying
As I stood up I jumped with shock seeing the three boys sitting on the bed " what did I tell you guys about entering my room without permission" I said, arms crossed while glaring at them but they just remained silent as they lay in my bed
" If you want to sleep, go to your rooms " as I was trying to shoo them away sunno uttered, "do you want me to shut your mouth by sealing it with my lips?"

I just stood there as my cheeks started feeling warmer, "no-i whatever do what you want " I was about to go out of my room but jungwon told me to stay because he said that they'll just hang around for only a couple of minutes, I was feeling exhausted after I studied, that's why I laid down on my bed facing the ceiling, while the three of them are still there

After a few minutes have passed I felt sleepy as I closed my eyes, I felt someone cuddling me from the side, I just ignored it but then another one from the other side started hugging my waist I opened my eyes and was not surprised that it was sunno and jungwon, Niki was just sitting at the couch playing with his phone

I was about to sit but then they both pulled my hand and continued hugging me "go back to sleep" sunno mumbled, "please don't go y/n, let's just stay like this for a while" jungwon added and I sighed out of defeat, I tried to take a nap but I wasn't sleepy anymore, I looked at the two boys beside me that were already drowsing, and Niki also, I just stared at sunno's face admiring his tall nose and cute cheeks I can't stop giggling because of his cuteness I tried to touch it but was hesitant because of the feeling that maybe he'll wake up if I touch him

Your cheek looks so soft and fluffy
I want to know what it feels t-

"Then touch it," sunno uttered, while his eyes closed I felt nothing but chills
I was thunderstruck by what he said
And was not thinking of speaking
But eventually, I did "sunno what do you mean?" I asked but there was no reply, not until he opened his eyes and stared at me right in the eye, I was stunned by his hazelnut brownish eyes that felt like it was about to control me but I immediately shook my head

When I looked back at him I flinched seeing his face 1 inch apart from me I then start to panic as I aimed to move but was unable to do so, then jungwon accidentally pushed me causing my lips to touch sunno's
My eyes widened as I tried to pull back but sunno held my waist and continued kissing me recklessly

I attempted to push him a few times but he was too strong, after a while, he stopped kissing me and went to my neck with his hand still on my waist
"S-sunno stop it," I said while holding his cheeks with my both hands, as I looked at him I saw that his eyes changed color,

And I realized that im in a different room, what the? Is this sunno's room?
And there I saw sunno in front of me with his red starving eyes
"Sorry y/n I can't take it anymore" with that he hovered on top of me and pinned both of my hands on the bed
As his fangs buried inside my skin causing me to whimper out of pain
I tried my best to not scream because jungwon and Niki are sleeping
I just covered my mouth with my hand while feeling the burning sensation all over my body

After a while, my visions started to be blurry but I tried my best to stay awake, I realized that sunno was not stopping any moment that's why I pushed him with all my strength, and eventually he backed out with his eyes turning back to the way we're before, I sighed with great relief

"Y/n im sorry, I can't control myself "
Sunno said while averting his gaze on his hands "it's ok I know you can overcome it someday" I weakly said
As I tried my best to stand up but I fell on my knees " y/n, You just lost a lot of blood, don't weaken yourself more"
Sunno said while assisting me by holding my shoulders but I lost consciousness

I woke up and felt my body burning so bad, I was surprised to see heeseung wringing a towel before placing it on my forehead, "h-heeseung?" I said almost whispering, he smiled at me "y/n, don't force yourself to speak" he mumbled softly while caressing my hair "you have a fever" he continued

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