chapter | 22

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There they both wait for someone to come, they eventually didn't wait that long. A girl carrying a trash bag was coming in their direction. Sunoo was about to run towards the girl but was stopped by jungwon.

"Hyung we can't corner her just yet, she's too far from us. Let's wait until she's close enough, it will be easier for us to get her. And we better not make her scream this place is surrounded by so many students. We might lose our chance at this." Jungwon stated.
And he nodded, looking back at the girl. Then a thought crossed his mind.

"Wait. Aren't they supposed to be in their own houses to celebrate Christmas?" Sun asked curiously.

"I don't know. Maybe they have an activity or something, and besides, she's not wearing a uniform."

The girl was getting closer and closer.
She went to the trash bin and threw the bag she was holding. When she turned around she flinched in shock to see sunoo standing close to her. Sunoo stared right through her eyes before giving her a sly smirk. She looked at him confusingly and tried to avoid it by walking away from him.

However, sunoo was not letting his food escape, that's why he blocked her way. He licked his lips before walking towards her. "What are you doing? Stay away from me!" The girl let out but Sunoo was not listening to a word she was saying, he was amused seeing the young girl's eyes filled with terror.

He continued walking towards her until she felt the wall at her back.

She trembled in horror, not knowing what was going to happen. Sunoo went close to her and patted her head and went close to her face.

"Don't worry it will not take long. Just don't do anything that will upset me. Your a good girl right?" He said moving her hair to the back. She nodded in fear and he began to move his fingers to her neck and slowly went close to her.

She pushed him hard and ran as fast as she could but was unable to because jungwon blocked her way.
"Who the fvck are you people?!" She questioned them while raising her voice. Jungwon tilted his head and glared at her. "People? Is it not obvious that we're not human?"

"What do you mean not human? Can you stop this nonsense of yours and let me go!" 

"With that attitude, I don't think so."
Sunoo said from the back which sent shivers to her spine. "You know what, I tried to make this the easy way but if you insist".

She started to panic and decided to scream for help because that was the only thing that came up to her mind. She took a breath and let her impulsive thoughts take action.

As she was about to scream jungwon instantly cupped her mouth. She tried to get away from his hold but failed. "Hey stop being a stubborn lady. Or should I say shin leehyeon" after jungwon said that her eyes widened.

She looked at him with questionable eyes and jungwon just ignored her and started to move towards sunoo. Sunoo took the girl and pinned her to the wall, he went close to her neck without saying anything as she felt his unusual cold breath touch her skin.

Sunoo let out his sharp like-knife teeth and dug them inside of her skin, making it as painful as possible, just then he started gulping her fresh blood.

He was not fully satisfied by it because it doesn't taste as sweet as y/n's. But he doesn't have much of a choice and continued drinking it.
she tried to scream but couldn't because jungwon covered her mouth. She felt pain. the most terrible pain one can feel.

He backed out and let her fall. He wiped the side of his mouth before looking back at her. "Your blood tastes disgusting, just like your attitude" And with that, the both of them left. Leaving her unconscious on the ground.

"Sunoo hyung, do you feel better now?" Jungwon asked. "I guess so, her blood taste dull, I wasn't satisfied at all." He pouted. "I'm craving y/ns blood, urghh this is so annoying" he groaned.

They were stopped by a man standing in front of them, blocking their way.
Just as they were about to walk out a dozen of them showed up. The both of them knew that all of them are  vampires. They couldn't escape because they were outnumbered, and with that they fell something dug in their skin as they felt the fluid went inside of their bodies. Once there they lost consciousness and fell.


The moment jake went out of the car they hurriedly went to him. "Is she okay? How is she jake?" Heeseung asked curiously, waiting for him to answer.

"She's stable for now. But she lacks a lot of blood" jake said but before he was about to continue heeseung sprinted to the car and went inside.

"I suggest that we inject her with the new antidote that ms. Choi made. Maybe it will work."

"I don't think she can handle that jake and  besides it's dangerous for her" sunghoon protest.

(Sorry I forgot to mention ms. Cassandra Choi is a scientist/ doctor/ and the personal secretary of heeseung. And the new character of this chapter shin leehyeon, she is y/ns bully. She's her senior and She treated y/n like sh*t. And if you're wondering why leehyeon doesn't recognize the famous Kim sunoo and yang jungwon, it's because they're not in the same building:)  )

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