chapter | 25

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                             [-Day 1-]

Heeseung spent the entire day with y/n, sitting beside her while holding her hand. "Y/n. Love. Please, I need you to wake up now" he said for the 26th time. But still, no response.

It has been a day and  y/n still hasn't regained consciousness. Since that day heeseung received the call he never left y/ns side. He was scared to lose her again. His heart pains every time he thought about it. He wants to protect y/n whatever happens.

He waited many years for this, and all those years he spent on finding her are not going to be wasted. Whatever happens, heeseung promised himself that he will find a way to solve this problem, for his friends and especially for y/n, even if he needs to sacrifice his own life. He will do it without a doubt.

The door opened revealing jake in his doctor's coat while carrying a paper bag filled with food. Since the day y/n got unconscious he was the one who watched over her, along with ms. Choi. Jake pitied his friend so much, seeing him undergo this kind of suffering, depresses him.

"I brought some food," jake said in a lively tone, to cheer up heeseung before placing the paper bag on the table.

"Take that with you. I'm not eating"
Heeseung plainly said without looking at him.

"Please, just have a bite at least. You haven't eaten since yesterday what if you-"

"I'm not in a mood to eat." Heeseung cut off with his tired voice.

"Heeseung please,  pull yourself together for fvcks sake! you've been telling us that since yesterday. I thought you better than this..."

"Can you at least do it for y/n instead of yourself? Heeseung You need to eat, you need to be strong for y/n, how on earth will you beat that bastard if you don't have the strength to do it" jake let out.

Heeseung finally stood up and faced jake, tiredly.  "tell me jake. How can we send y/n there with her situation?"

"Don't change the topic heeseung"

"No just tell me jake. How the fvck will we send her there?!"

Jake let out a sigh. "I thought we talked about this. I know you care about y/n, but we already made a plan. Whatever happens we're going to take her back. Okay?".

heeseung did not respond, instead, he looked back at y/n before saying. "I'll be outside. You can check on her" he continued, before walking towards the door.


He stepped outside and ruffled his hair out of frustration. While he walked past through the hallways, an old door was seen. It was the room where he kept all of his childhood things like toys, achievements, albums, old clothes, and other stuff.

It has been a while since he visited that room,  he got so busy searching for y/n, solving the case of his parents, being the leader of scarphace, and doing business because he owns a lot of land, and huge buildings, hotels, hospitals, and bars. Which was passed down by his late foster father, Kang jun-woo.

While he looked around the room, a vanity surrounded by picture frames caught his eye. He went there and saw the pictures, he let out a chuckle when he saw himself. he was a baby and was only wearing a diaper.
"so embarrassing"

He then saw the picture of him sneaking to take a picture with jun-woo sleeping, it was when heeseung was still 11 years old. "I miss those times, wherever you are dad I hope you are safe and happy. And had been reunited with mom and dad"

He smiled weakly and slowly returned the frame. Just then he saw a picture sticking out from the side of the frame. He got curious and carelessly took it out, as soon as he saw the picture his eyes started to get watery.

It was a polaroid of him giving a flower to y/n when they were little.
He clenched the picture tight and placed it close to him as he started sobbing bitterly.

What if the incident didn't happen will we still be together? Are you still going to protect me? Are we still going to be playmates?

Heeseung thought, still holding onto the photo. he stopped sobbing when he felt something sharp at the back, he turned it around and to his surprise, it was the date, a handwritten passage, and a key.


  12/ 7/ 2009

"L.Y. My only flower"
- Lee heeseung

"L.H. My only sunshine"
                       - lim y/n                                                           

He took the key and tried to remember which drawer he kept it in.
As he thought for a while he still couldn't recall where is the right one.

He decided to open all of the drawers found inside the room using the key, to see where it was. As he was trying to unlock the drawers the next one opened. He felt glad while taking out an old dusty box.

He opened it and there he saw some of the y/ns childhood stuff that she gave heeseung and some are just kept and maintained by him. There were a lot of polaroids of them inside the box, there was also a notebook and some hair clips. He soon reached the bottom of the box where he saw a tiny yellow Container, he took it and got interested in what was inside.

"What's this?" He wondered curiously.

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