chapter | 4

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what heeseung said left me in shock as I realized that I was dealing with the most dangerous mafia group in Seoul / vampires

I don't want yeonjun to die
I care for him so much, he is all I have now

I sighed "fine I accept your offer"

Heeseung spoke up "Im glad that you already come to your senses y/n"

"But I have one condition"

"What is it?" He asked

"I want to attend school again"

"Your pretty smart y/n, im impressed"
Sunghoon said

I am so confused  right now

" What do you mea-"

"we will not allow you because the second we know, you already escaped from us," jay said as he cut me off while I was speaking

"What are you saying? You don't trust me do you, fine then let's just forget about this stupid deal! You can kill me if you want! Cause I don't fvcking care anymore" I shouted out of anger

as I was about to walk out, I stopped when someone said

"I trust you y/n" a familiar voice suddenly spoke up, I already knew who it was, its jake

I blushed, as I turn around I was immediately comforted by Jake's warm smile,

"Thanks, Jake," I said while smiling back at him

"Fine, on Monday you can go back to school,  jungwon, niki, and sunno will be watching you anyway, but im warning you if you try to escape, we will not have second thoughts about killing your brother " and with that heeseung stood up and went to his room

What a psycho he is

[Time skipped]


Y/n was getting ready inside her room

"Am I doing this right? Is it a good idea that I accepted his deal. urghh how can I be so dumb at least im going back to school and that is all that matters now" I said looking at the mirror, and calming myself down

"Y/n" Someone said at my back

I screamed as I looked back, it was Niki sitting at the edge of the bed

"Yah! Why did you go inside without my permission!? Your such a fvcking creep! don't you know how to knock?"

"Y/n are you trying to kill my ears! just calm down for a second, I just came here to tell you that the driver is already waiting outside, and can you refrain from swearing it hurts my feelings"

"Feelings my ass!"

Y/n went downstairs with Niki while jungwon and sunno are waiting inside the car

"Wow! I have never ridden anything like that before," y/n said as her eyes filled with amazement

"After you madam," Niki said while bowing like a complete crackhead

Y/n just rolled her eyes and went inside


I was sitting in the middle of jungwon and Niki, then I noticed sunno gazing at me as his eyes turned red, I want to distance myself from sunno because I know that he's dangerous

After Minutes have passed we arrived at school, as we went out of the car

"Sunno Oppa marry me!"
"I love you Niki-ah"
"Jungwon you look so handsome"

they are the so-called fangirls of Niki, jungwon and sunno, I was left out because of the girls pushing and running, they were too many

I didn't care much and I just went to my first class

I went inside and was relieved that the teacher was not there yet, as I sat down my jaw dropped when I saw jungwon, Niki, and sunno coming inside the room

What! were in the same class!?
this is not happening, I can't stand seeing them for 24hours

As they sat down, the girls in our room stared at the three boys and adored them like stupid idiots, if only they knew their true identity.

Then class started, sunno was sitting behind me as I glanced from the side I saw his red eyes staring at me like he's about to devour his prey, I tried to ignore it but it was too distracting,

lunchtime came

As I was fixing my things before going to the cafeteria sunno held my wrist and started dragging me somewhere

"Sunno! What are you doing?, Let go!" I said as I tried to take out his hands from my wrist, but instead, his grip became tighter

" sunno your hurting me! Are you even listening!?"

He didn't stop dragging me until we reached an old abandoned stock room
Then he let go of my hand while locking the door

"S-sunno what are you doing?" 

"Isn't it obvious? Im going to eat my lunch" he said while walking towards me, I stepped back slowly then sunno suddenly fell on his knees, I quickly checked him but he was not injured or something

"Sunno! Are you ok?" I asked worriedly, knowing something was not right

"I haven't drunk blood ever since you were in a coma," he said weakly

"What? Why would you do that, you should've just drunk another person's blood"

"You don't understand y/n, your blood is insanely good it's not like the others"

I can't believe im doing this

"Sunno quick drink my blood, you might get even worse," I said without even thinking twice

"Y/n a-are you sure?"

"Yes but please make it quick," I said while closing my eyes, as I felt his sharp fangs piercing through my skin
I screamed out of pain while sunno was drinking my fresh blood

Then he quickly pulled back, and I felt dizzy and lightheaded
"Y/n, thank you," he said as his eyes came back to normal

"its ok, im your blood bag anyway," I said as I tried to stand up
But my legs were to week, sunno helped me and we went back to the room

my phone rang, its jungwon


" Y/n where are you? We can't find you anywhere"

"Im inside the room"

"Y/n do you want something from the cafeteria?'

"Yeah just a sandwich and banana milk," I said, smiling

"Ok we'll be right there jus-  jungwon Oppa marry me!!! Well gotta go bye"

With that, the phone call ended

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