chapter | 3

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( Blood, )

"We want you to give us your blood"
As Jay's eyes began to turn red

"What do you mean "your blood?"

I said "we.want.your.blood."

so they're like vampires now? no! that can't be right, vampires are just fairytales, superstitions, myths. I have read so many vampire books and even watched a lot of vampire series. And one things for sure that it's far from reality. it is proven that there are no such things, maybe they just want to donate my blood.

"No, we don't want to donate your blood" I suddenly felt chills coming from my spine, shocked from what sunno said.

Fvck. How did he know that? I just said that to myself

"right you still don't know it," jungwon said as he smiled at her.

"what do you mean!? Cant, you just say it! "

"Well if you want to know have to die" my eye's widened.

"Sunghoon don't scare her" jake glared at him.

"what is it that you want to know"

Then I got straight to the point  answering heeseung's question directly " are you really vampires?"

He sneered. "How can you be so straightforward if you know what we're capable of doing"

"Just answer the damn question!" I let out because I was running out of patience.

"are you sure you want to know?" Niki said, which caused me to be confused.

"yes, do I have to repeat myself all over again?"

"We want something in return, but sunno will explain to you everything you need to know" Jay smiled.

He's so weird

Then they all left the room
leaving me and sunno behind, I was sitting on the bed and he's just staring at me while biting his lower lip,

why does it feel so chilly all of a sudden

"Sunno can you please turn off the a/c I feel so cold," I said while shivering Then he took the remote and broke it which caused the room to be colder, I felt like I was inside a freezer

"yah! What the heck!"

I quickly took the blanket and wrapped it around my body
Then he started to walk towards me as his eyes began to turn red
I knew something was wrong

"I have been resisting it for days but I can't seem to handle it " and with that, he took the  blanket that I was using before thrashing  it on the floor "sunno what are you doing?" He looks so different and scary, it's like it was not him and still walking towards me while I move backwards until I already felt the wall behind me and I realized that our faces were inches away

Then he pinned my hands to the wall and got close to my neck. I can't move my hands because he's too strong "Ohh god......your scent smells so good......its making me

Sunoo stop!" while I was trying to get away from his grip, he suddenly pinned me to the bed then he started kissing me, then he went back on my neck and at that very moment I felt the most terrible pain that I had in my life.

Sunno started gulping y/n's fresh blood while she was crying out because of the pain.

"sunno it h-hurts!" he  pulled back then y/n fainted after losing a lot of blood.

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