chapter | 23

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While they were talking heeseung went out of the car while carrying y/n in his arms. "I'll take her home for now. You guys catch up I'll wait for you at the house." He said and before anyone could even say a word he disappeared into thin air.

They looked at each other and nodded. They made their way inside the car and drove away from the place, heading home. "Jay hyung" niki said.

"Mmm" jay answered while his eyes are fixed on the road. "Sunoo and jungwon hyung. their not yet back" he said with a serious tone. Jay noticed that something was bothering niki as he glanced from the front mirror, seeing the young man  with a  worried expression.

He just laughed in response. "Niki don't be so paranoid, it's not like you.  maybe they just haven't found it yet" he replied calmly, assuring him with a smile so that he would not worry that  much.  Jay, jake and sunghoon looked at each other worriedly.

The three of them knew that something was wrong. Jay became furious with even thinking about it, it bothered him so much in which made it annoying. He aggressively stepped on the paddle as it went up to 200 km/h, he didn't care much because it was one way to relieve his anger.

It's a weird way to relieve stress am I right. Well the only thing that was on their mind is kwang-sun. They thought that maybe sunoo and jungwon are not back because kwang-sun took them.

Not long before they arrived back at the mansion. Sprinting inside and panicking. "Heeseung hyung!" Jay shouted. "Sshh jay don't make it obvious" jake shushed him, before the three of them went to heeseungs room.

The moment they opened the door they saw that he was fixing the blanket on y/n.

They rushed towards him and started to talk with a bit loudness on their voice, "wait, stop talking your too loud you'll wake y/n up. Let's talk outside.

He slowly closed the door and gave his full attention to them. "so what do you want to talk about?" He asked.
"it's been 2 hours since sunoo and jungwon left. They suppose to be back an hour ago" jake admitted. Heeseungs face turned into a worried expression. "Don't worry too much maybe their already on their way home" he positively answered back.

And just like the others only one person crossed his mind. Kwang-sun.
"Heeseung hyung  lets take this seriously, We even called them earlier but they were out of reach." Sunghoon asserted.

"Okay I understand you guys but we need to make sure tha-" heeseung was cut off by his phone vibrating in his pocket. "Hold that thought let me answer this first" as soon as he was about to answer his eyes filled up with anger seeing his enemy's name displayed on the screen.

He answered it with no hesitation. "What do you want?" He scowled. "Do you know how dangerous it is to ask that question carelessly. Be careful on what you wish Lee heeseung" Kwangsun said. With an amusing grin plastered on his face.

Heeseung was starting to run out of patient. "Get straight to the point kwang-sun, your wasting my time" he said angrily. "Are you willing to see your dear friends again?" He said. His eyes widened as he gritted his teeth out of anger.  "If  you'll hurt them, I promise you. This will not end well."

"Whatever you say heeseung" he answered before laughing hysterically. "Just tell me! what you do want" he snapped desperately.

"I told you be careful on what you wish Lee heeseung" kwangsun replied with a stern tone. "Stop this nonsense and just tell me what you want!"

"Well...I'm only after one thing."

Heeseung froze on his spot.
"No. anything except her"

"If your willing to give me y/n, I'll let your friends go peacefully and alive."

"I said no. I'm not agreeing with this"

"Well my friend you have no choice. You have to give me your answer in three days as soon as the clocks strikes 12, or else bye bye" he laughed  before ending the call.

"No. wait kwang-sun!"


Heeseung tightened his grip on his phone as he brushed his hair with frustration.

He went back to them. "He got sunoo and jungwon" he said. "I knew it" sunghoon said. "He said he'll let them go if I give him y/n" after heeseung said this they were all left in shock.

"Hyung, you know that we can't easily give him what he wants right?" Jake snapped. "That's the thing jake if we don't give him y/n. he'll kill sunoo and jungwon".

"that bitch! I'll really kill him if I had the chance" jay said furiously.
"Hyung what will we do?" Sunghoon asked. "I still don't know. But we have to decide fast before the clocks trikes 12 on the third day, or he'll turn them into ashes."


Sunoo woke up with his head aching. He snapped to his senses and realized they were not home, he saw jungwon unconsciously sitting on his side with his hands and feet tied with a metal chain. He looked around and the place looks big it seemed to look like they were in a garage. He realized that he was also tied, he tried to get out from it by twisting but it didn't work because the chains were too thick and was tightly tied.

"You must be awake. Kim sunoo"
A loud voice was heard.

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