chapter | 15

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"Heeseung hyung where's y/n?"

"She's sleeping" he said. walking down the stairs as he made his way to the living room to sit with them. "Remember everything I have said, and always keep that in mind" heeseung said, with everyone surrounding him nodding their heads in response. "Good" he shortly replied.

Y/n woke up with the sun flashing on her eyes, she stood up straight and stretched her arms. The young girl then went to the bathroom and washed her face then brushed her teeth. Y/n went down, while walking towards the kitchen she can smell the delicious whiff of it causing her tummy to growl.

As she entered the kitchen, her eyes filled with astonishment and awe. Seeing all the food that was cooked and prepared. "Good morning y/n" jay greeted, "good morning, what's with all this food?". She asked, While her eyes are fixed on the food before earning another growl from her tummy. He laughed at her "it's just that, you need plenty of energy so that your body won't be that weak"

"Excuse me? My body has been improving a lot lately and im not that weak anymore." She answered back.

"Yeah, ever since jake gave you that special vitamin juice, of course you improved. It was a vitamin for low blood pressure."

She scoffed in return before sitting. "Good morning!" Jungwon exclaimed Before entering the kitchen followed by sunno and niki at the back. As they Sat down together.

Then sunghoon came in together with heeseung and jake "Yah there's still 2 days before Christmas. Why are you so excited jay?" sunghoon said, trying to annoy him. Jay rolled his eyes and ignored Sunghoon.

"Here's the rice!".

"let's eat!".

They all ate while laughing and chatting together. As the snowy weather encloses them with the Christmas spirit that
surrounds their view.

•After breakfast

" thank you for the food"

y/n stood up and started fixing the plates. "Y/n ill help you out" jake said.
With that, the girl shook her head as they both fixed the table and started washing the plates.

"Let's watch a movie!" Niki said in chorus, with that they all went to the living room and started watching.
After a while y/n and jake finished washing.

"What are you watching?" Y/n asked before sitting down with them. there was no one answering back because they were paying attention to the movie, she let out a chuckle and started watching. Hours later the others started napping because of boredom except for y/n and heeseung.

"Where were you all this year's Hana? Do you know how much I've gotten through just to find you?. And now that I found you, your with someone promised that we'll be together did you forget that?"

"Yeon im sorry, I tried to find you, I swear, but you were nowhere to find. I guess we're just not meant for each other im sorry"

Heeseung looked at y/n. He gazed at her for seconds thinking if she realized it already. He faked a smile after knowing that she had no clue about it. With that he looked back and continued watching.

"No! Hana we are meant to be together. I love you Hana. I love you"

"I'm Sorry yeon I don't love you anymore"

• someone turned the tv off •

"Too much drama" heeseung said

"Yah! Why did you turned it off?, I was still watching"

"Change your clothes cause were going somewhere"

Her heart skipped a beat thinking that it will be a date.

"But the others are still sleeping" y/n answered back, heeseungs lips formed into a small curve.

"Well I guess it's just the two of us" Y/n's eyes widened as her cheeks got warmer. She was still frozen on her spot.

"Why are you still standing there?
Do you want me to carry you upstairs"

"No! I can go by myself " y/n said as she sprinted towards the room.

"Wear a thick jacket or hoodie cause it's freezing outside! ok!"

Y/n went inside and closed the door, she started to panic because she did not prepare a dress.


Y/n startled "you almost gave me a heart attack! What do you want?"

"I have something to give you"

She opened the door reavealing heeseung. He went inside and got a box from under the bed. It was a big black box he opened it and lift up a beautiful purple dress. He went closer to her and handed her the dress.

"Wear this" he said with a smile,
y/n got confuse.

"Where are we going exactly?
Why do I have to wear a dress?"

"Just hurry up and wear this dress. so that I can dress up too"
he said while giving y/n the dress, escorting her to the bathroom. And before letting her in he whispers in her ear.

"It's for our date"

Y/n froze while looking at the dress on her hand she opened it up and tried it on. It fits so well on her which caused her to be amaze by it. Her heart did not stop beating like crazy and her rosy cheeks became red, while thinking about what heeseung said she held her chest and tried to calm herself before going out from the bathroom.

As soon as she steps outside heeseungs jaw dropped. his eyes were filled with awe, while staring at the beautiful girl in front of her.

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