chapter | 6

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"I just want to know what you taste like "

i felt his cold breath touching my skin in which made me shiver, i don't like it, everytime it happens i always feel the worst pain but there's nothing i can do, i agreed with the deal.

Just then he pulled back and looked at me

"are you sick?"

That question left me speechless, was he being worried about hurting me? i have never seen that kind of expression from sunghoon, sure he is cold on the outside but he's hiding something soft inside of him

"N-no im not sick" i said while looking at him, still astounded by his sudden concern.

He sighed  "get some rest" once there, he patted my head and left
The room leaving me there, still frozen on my spot i just stood there blushing like crazy

why did he became soft all of a sudden?



Sunghoon left the room smiling
As he was headed towards the kitchen
To drink some water

"Looks like someone's in a good mood" jay smirked while leaning against the fridge, sunghoon was startled by jay's sudden appearance and chocked onto his water

" YAH! *cough* What the fvck is wrong with you jay?" Sunghoon said as he placed the cup on the table.
jay was laughing so hard while patting sunghoon's back

"You good man?"

"Do i look *cough* do i look ok to you?" Sunghoon said, still chocking from the water while glaring at jay

"Why do you always show up out of nowhere and scare the fvck out of me? Do you want me to die from a heart attack or something?, your getting really creepy jay" Sunghoon said worriedly

"im sorry about that, i just want to know why your smiling thats all" jay said

"pfft What do you mean smiling? I dont smile" Sunghoon said as he turned away from jay

"Yah, are you ignoring my question?"

"Dumbass Can you just mind your own business?" Sunghoon said while looking at jay fiercely

"Bro chill, why are you so defensive?
Im just curious, cause i saw you leaving from y/n's room and then you started smiling"

" Jay look! A spider!" Sunghoon said while pointing his hand at the wall

"What! Where?" Jay said while looking at the wall where sunghoon pointed

Just then sunghoon got the chance to escape, as jay turned around he saw that sunghoon had already left

"Yah! I'll get you next time"


They already had dinner

The other boys are just chilling at the living room doing some random stuff, while y/n is sleeping because she's exhausted

(Forgive me guys if i always make y/n sleep )

[At the living room]

Jake is walking around, back and forth Like something is in his mind thats bothering him

"Jake are you ok?" Heeseung said

"When is y/n coming down?, She still haven't eat dinner yet" jake said worriedly, thinking if he will bring y/n some food

Niki spoke up "Yeah your right jake hyung, why did she skipped dinner?"

"Its because she's embarrassed to go down" jungwon said while playing with his phone trying to hold his laugh, then they all turned to jungwon with confusion

"What do you mean by embarrassed?"
Sunno asked

Jungwon stopped playing and turned to them while smiling " she's embarrassed because i kissed her"

"You what!?, How could you do that your still a minor" jake shouted out of shock

"Jungwon what does it feel?"

"Yah! Niki Cut it out " heeseung said

Sunno smirked
awww how sweet, too bad i was y/n's first to kiss , whahahaha better luck next time little jungwonie

And eventually y/n woke up because of the noise

"Y/n your awake!" Niki said, causing everyone to look at y/n while she was headed downstairs.
"Y/n are you hungry? I'll prepare you some food " jake said as he led her to the kitchen, y/n sat down and jake started to cook for

Y/n was staring at jake the whole time
But then he caught a glimpse of y/n staring at him and when he turned to y/n she immediately looked away, jake chuckled because if her cuteness

"Yah what's smelling so good, im so hungry" jay said as he entered the kitchen and saw jake cooking "haven't you eaten already?" Jake said

"no i haven't , thats why im so touched by your thoughtfulness jake"

Jake scoffed "In your dreams, I'm cooking for y/n not you" he said while putting the food on the plate, jay was about to leave but y/n felt bad and asked jay to stay and eat with her and ofcours jay was really happy

"Can i join you guys?" Heeseung said as he entered the kitchen

Jake sighed " you can" then the four of them ate the food that jake made while talking and laughing

After that, y/n and jake washed the plates and they went to thier rooms


After we ate the food i went to my room to rest,

"y/n is still the same, ever since i met her, she still have this sweet smile that can comfort people" i chuckled while remembering the memories i spent with her, but why? Why does she not remember me, I have searched her for years and now i finally found her but why can't she remember me?

I miss you lim y/n, my long lost childhood friend and my first love

Heelloooo guyss! Just a quick reminder the whole heeseung and y/n story will be in the next chapter everything will explained there, sooo stay tune for that thankyou for all your love 💕

And i hope you guys have a great day

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