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(Paper ring)


"Y/n! What are you doing?" Heeseung asked while breathing heavily, tired from playing at the park. He sat on the bench with y/n and stared at her. "Hello.." He said waving his hand in front of her face, trying to get her attention.

"Oh hi, heeseung! didn't see you there. I'm almost done making it." She replied. Heeseung got curious about what will y/n do to the paper she was holding. "Tada!" She exclaimed happily while holding her creation in front of him.

He gave y/n a confused look. She cheekily tackled. "It's a paper ring. I made it so that you'll put this ring on my finger and we'll both get married" she continued.

Heeseungs brow got up as he tries to realize what she said.

Get married?... You and me? He thought. Since the day they both met heeseung has started to develop feelings for y/n and up to this day, he still has. He really want to agree with her but reality slapped him.

Seconds had passed and heeseung is still frozen in his place. Y/n smacked his arm which made him get back to his senses.

"Y/n we can not get married yet. We are too young for that" he explained to the young girl. Y/n lowered her gaze as her smile turned into a frown.

She thought for a while until she got an idea. "It's okay..." She said, which made heeseung turn to her.

"We can get married when we grow up" she exclaimed cheerfully.

"Promise?" Y/n said, sticking out her pinky finger.

Heeseung gave up and flashed a smile before connecting his finger to hers.

Y/n placed the ring inside the tiny yellow container before handing it to heeseung.

"Wait here. I also have something for you" heeseung stated. And before y/n could even reply he went sprinting away.

She waited for him patiently, excited about what will heeseung give her. Just then she saw heeseung running towards her with one hand at the back. He came back with so much sweat as he breathed heavily, in and out.

"Woah you have so much sweat" y/n asserted while grabbing her towel and gently wiping it on his forehead. He sat down and cleared his throat before slowly handing her the bouquet that he prepared earlier. Y/n felt speechless and was fascinated by the lovely flowers heeseung gave her.

She inhaled the scent of the flowers and gleamed at it. "Thank you" she declared with a warm smile on her face.

And heeseung smiled back.

"Wow...Their so pretty"  she confessed, still not getting over its amazing hues and pigments that compliments the blooming buds. 

"Your prettier." He muttered under his breath. But not loud enough for y/n to hear.



"How many flowers are there?"  She asked while counting the flowers inside the bouquet.

"One" he shortly replied.

She looked at him confusedly.

"There's only one flower in front of me," he said as he slowly tucked y/ns hair at the back of her ear.

Y/n instantly knew what heeseung was talking about, which made her heartbeat differently as she smiles uncontrollably. Just then a tinge of pinkish hue was seen on y/ns cheek. She felt that her cheeks were getting warmer.

Before she can answer back heeseung spoke.

"The flower that I'm talking about...is the one that your holding"  He joked. Y/n glared at him and heeseung ended up getting smacked.

He stood up. "Catch me if you can lim y/n!" He teased. And Without thinking twice y/n stood up and started to chase heeseung. "Your dead once I got you lee heeseung" and There they both laughed as they chased each other merrily.

-End of flashback-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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