chapter | 7

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^°ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦/𝑛'𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦°^

When lim y/n was 5 years old, her family decided to move to a nearby province due to the raining problems that they had, upon reaching their destination y/n's parents started unpacking their things while y/n was just roaming around the place.

When she was walking she noticed a boy weeping alone at the corner, she then hurried and went up to the boy
handing him a towel to wipe his tears, but the boy harshly rejected her and ran away.

"tch! I was only trying to help him" y/n said while crossing her arms, then she headed back to their house.

"Y/n! come here, say hi to Mr. And Mrs. Lee, they are our neighbors"
Said, Mrs. Lim

y/n went to her mother and saw a boy hiding at the back of Mrs. Lee, as she peeped at the side she saw the boy again, the one that was crying earlier

"Hey! Aren't you the boy that I saw earlier?"

"Oh! You have met already?" Mrs. Lee smiled at her.

"Yes I saw him but then he ran away, hello there! My name is lim y/n, whats yours? " y/n said as she reached her hand out to him.

"h-hi im lee heeseung" he said while shaking her hand nervously because he's not used to that kind of things.

"heeseung-ah, play with y/n while we help out Mr. And Mrs. Lim" with that they went inside the house and left heeseung and y/n alone.

"Hello, heeseung!" She said while smiling at him.

"what about we buy some ice cream! My mom gave me some money earlier, lets go!" She said as she happily drag heeseung to the ice cream shop while holding his hand.

they arrived at the ice cream shop and bought some ice cream.

Being with y/n and seeing her smile so happily cheered heeseung a little bit, not until a group of boys came and took heeseung's ice cream, heeseung immediately run towards y/n's back.

"Yah! What are you doing!? Give him back his ice cream" y/n shouted while walking towards them.

"Step away little girl,
Heeseung come on, play with us" the boy said, but heeseung hesitated to go with them, then the boy started pulling heeseung.

"Let me go jun-seo!" Heeseung shouted.

"Yah he said to let him go!" Y/n said while trying to take out his hands from heeseung, but then he pushed y/n Which caused her to fall, and that made her furious, she stood up and kicked the boys face until his tooth fell off, he let go of heeseung's hand and they all ran away.

"That'll teach them," y/n said while dusting her clothes.

"heeseung are you ok?" Heeseung just stood there. "thankyou" he said while hugging her, y/n was startled and she hugged him back.

"do they always mess with you?"

"Yes" heeseung answered while lowering his gaze.

"don't worry starting today I'll protect you" she said while holding his hand smiling and that made heeseung smile too, then they both went to buy another ice cream and played at the park together.

(Btw heeseung is 8 years old )

Starting that day y/n and heeseung became close friends, they would always go to the park and play together, visit each other's homes and would always have fun, heeseung changed because of y/n, he became braver because he want to protect her.

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