chapter | 21

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"Jake hyung....there's so much blood"
Jungwon said as he looked away from her, struggling to avoid the smell.

They were all tempted by the scent of y/ns blood. Jake immediately draw the others far from her as much as possible. They headed outside and left y/n there.

He sighed with relief seeing their eyes change to what they were before. All except for sunoo. His eyes glowed darker than ever and without thinking twice he rushed to go back inside.

"sunoo where are you going?"
Sunghoon said, blocking sunoos way.

"Move. If you don't want to get hurt"

He smacked sunghoons hand away and continued going inside. But luckily the others were there and was able to block his way.


" me"



Y/n felt lightheaded and fell due to too much blood loss. She can't feel anything except pain, the blood did not stop oozing out, it trickled from her back down to her legs. The young girl almost lost consciousness not until she saw a masculine figure running towards her. It was heeseung.

"Y/n what happened to you?!" He asked worriedly while pulling her close to him, shocked to see y/n in a pool of blood.

The pain she felt became worst and worst. As she couldn't move her body, shivering because of the coolness of the rink. But regardless of her situation, she tried her best to utter some words.

"I...felt...something sharp, hurting me from the-"

"From? From where? Y/n Why what's wrong?"

She didn't reply for a couple of seconds because she got confused.
Why do heeseungs eyes look normal when it supposed to be glowing red.
That can't happen cause he's staying too close to her.

"Y/n?! Are you listening to me?"

"Heeseung....your eyes...they...why do they look normal?"

"Y/n that's not important now. I'm asking you what happened?!"
He said with a slight raise of his voice because he was running out of patience.

His chest filled with anger as he tightened his grip onto her shoulders.
Wanting to know the cause of her bleeding. Y/n trembled with fear and heeseung saw this. He sighed and calmed himself and as soon as he was about to carry her, the bleeding went worse.

"God! Y/n! Your bleeding so much!"
He said as he carried y/n out from the rink, headed towards the exit.

The moment heeseung opened the door, the scent of y/ns blood got their attention. And with that, their eyes turned red once again.

"Heeseung hyung why did you bring her here? It's dangerous for y/n to be here" Sunghoon said. While the others looked away, covering their nose.

"Who in the world did this to you y/n?" Jungwon said.

"B-blood...y/ns blood...its... it's wasting... it's all wasting." Sunoo said as he stood behind the others while staring at y/n  wanting to drink her blood so badly.

"I need to go"

"Heeseung hyung where are you going?" Niki asked.

"I'll take her to the hospital," he said as he walked past them,  jake stepped up which caused him to stop.

"Hyung she will not make it, the hospital is like 60 miles from here.
She'll be gone before we know it."

Heeseung bit his lip nervously as he thought about what jake said. "I can do it instead," jake asserted as he held heeseungs arm. Giving him an assuring look. Heeseung was hesitant at first that maybe jake will be out of control and feast on y/n. But he was left with no choice. It was the only way to save y/n from dying. He nodded and hurriedly brought y/n to the car.

"I think I left some of my tools here," jake said, opening the trunk of the car.
He soon found his tools and brought them inside the car, where y/n was laying.

Jake turned y/n around to the back, where the wounded area is located.
The bleeding was not stopping any second which made y/ns life more dangerous. Jake ripped her shirt open then took a towel and placed it on her wound, pressuring it onto her skin to stop the bleeding.

The longer he stays with her the more thirsty he gets. But he can't do anything about it, except to just resist it. After a few minutes of pressure jake slowly lift the towel, and was relieved to see the bleeding finally stopped.

He took his needle he started stitching up the wound.

"Hyung how do you think jake is doing?" Jay asked while his arms crossed, leaning against the car.

"Jake knows what he's doing, I trust him. And besides, he is the best when it comes to controlling thirst" heeseung answered. They were all patiently waiting outside, then all of a sudden jungwon noticed how pale sunoos lips became.

"Sunoo hyung are you okay?" He asked worriedly. Sunoo was staring at the ground where y/ns trail of blood dripped from a while ago he then turned to him before saying.


Jungwon nodded and took him somewhere. He teleported sunoo to a nearby school and they hid at the side of the school building where the trash cans are located.

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