chapter | 20

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She looked at him plainly before smacking his arm so hard making him wince in pain.

"That hurts!"

She rolled her eyes playfully and scoffed before looking at the window. "You deserve it anyway".

"You know that I can hear you right"

"Then that's good" she harshly said.

"Hey. Im sorry okay..." He apologized. But laughing internally.

She sighed heavily and looked at him.
"I know, and im not mad just annoyed by your childish ways."

They got startled when someone suddenly groaned so loud. "guys when are we getting there?" Niki said, Starting to get bored.

Sunoo wailed "Im hungry" he said holding his tummy.

"I'm sleepy" jay continued.

"I want to go home" sunghoon teased.

"I'm bored" jungwon faked a yawn.

Without warning heeseung made a full stop which made everyone hit their heads and fell. Except for y/n.

Everyone groaned in pain while holding onto their heads. "Oh sorry what was that?" Heeseung joked and gave them a death stare. Jungwon and the rest just busted out laughing which made him and y/n confuse.

Heeseung scoffed as he knew what they intentionally did. "Annoying little b1tchs" he said before going back on the road.

After 3 minutes had gone by heeseung turned the car to the right, with a big grey gate in front of them. The gate opened and he drove inside. He went to park the car in the parking lot and they were shocked to see that not a single vehicle was there.

They went out of the car, with heeseung and y/n leading them.
They walked until they reached the entrance door. They stopped when they got there and slowly opened the door. when the door opened they were left in shock.

Sunoo: wow I was not expecting this.

Jay: Why did you even bring me here? I don't know how to skate.

Jungwon: not bad.

Jake: we'll have so much fun here.

Niki: I can't wait to see jay hyung skate.

Jay: shut up

They all turned to Sunghoon who was just standing there. "Sunghoon-ah you okay?" Jake asked worriedly. And he nodded in response, after that they all went inside and bought some skating shoes. Then they went beside the ice rink where the benches are. they sat down and started wearing the skating shoes.

The others were done and they already went inside the ice rink, except for y/n. She was left there still sitting on the bench and trying to figure out how to tie her shoes.

"How do you do this thing?" She said as she grunted with annoyance.

Y/n was startled when sunghoon suddenly went up to her and started trying her shoes. She started blushing out of nowhere, with the thought of sunghoon being an ideal boyfriend.

"There. I made it tighter so that it will not come off that easily." He said before standing up, and leading y/n to the ice rink while holding her hand.

The moment y/n stepped on the ice she slipped but luckily sunghoon was there to catch her.

" kinda nervous, its actually my first time." She admitted, looking down.

Sunghoon flashed a smiled before reaching his hand up to her. Y/n felt the warmth of her cheeks forming as she gladly accepted sunghoons hand and the moment he held her, they both started skating.

Y/n got scared at first thinking that she might trip or fall again but she got confident because she felt safe with sunghoon. She looked at the others that were having fun skating and got worried that maybe sunghoon can't skate properly because of her.


He stopped and looked at her.


"Thanks for helping me...I think I can skate on my own now."  Sunghoon was still unsure of leaving y/n alone, but she eventually persuaded him and he ended up saying yes. She smiled as she watch him skate away.


"Yah! Niki dont just stand there. help me!"

"Sorry, jay I can't hear you," Niki said, laughing.

"Stop with the teasing and fvcking help me here!" He let out desperately.

Niki just ignored him and continued laughing with the others while Seeing jay struggle with skating.

"That kid"

Jay muttered under his breath while glaring at Niki. He was still having some difficulties with moving. Jay looked like he was frozen because of his posture. 

Y/n glanced at them from afar, she couldn't stop smiling because of it. Seeing them laugh, have fun together, makes her happy. Y/n turned to head back at the benches to rest.

She went to the side of the rink, where she can hold the wall to prevent from falling or slipping. While walking towards the exit of the ice rink, y/n stopped when she felt someone slashing her back with sharp equipment.

She thought it was nothing, just a sudden pain, aching from the back. and with that she continued walking again. She stopped once more when she felt something dripping. She placed her hand at her back, and felt something wet.

Her heart started pumping faster and faster. And the moment she looked at her hand, her eyes widened.

The others immediately sensed y/ns blood. The scent was stronger than the last. Y/n asked them for help but they were just standing still, almost not moving and after a few seconds, their eyes turned red.

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