chapter | 12

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TW! (Blood, violence)

Her eyes widened as she tried to escape, but they both ignored her and continued doing it  "let me go, now is not the time" she said While struggling to get out from the two  of them,  "sweetie don't make this hard for me" jake said as he starts to go up to her jawline then to her lips,
He kissed her lips  passionately, while jay is still on her neck, seconds later y/n cried out the moment she felt jays  fangs go into her skin after that jake slowly went down to her neck again and kissed it before digging his fangs in,

y/n screamed nonstop and pleaded with the two boys to stop as she starts to feel lightheaded, then they both pulled back because y/n went silent,
There they saw her laying on the bed, unconscious

"were sorry y/n it's so hard to resist you," jake said while wiping the blood off from the side of his mouth "if only I knew that you were that delicious, I would've tasted ever since we met" jay grinned while staring at y/n as he stood up

The door opened with Jung-won, Niki, and sunno barging inside the room  "What happened!?"  Niki asserted, and when they saw her on the bed unconscious, they hurriedly went to her and immediately realized what happened " jake hyung! Jay hyung!  you know that y/n still has a fever yet you both did it together! What were you  thinking!? " jungwon shouted

Jake lowered his gaze because he felt guilty about what he did "y/n lost a lot of blood and the worse thing is that she almost died! How are you going to explain it to heeseung hyung?" Jungwon blurted out while holding y/n as he noticed blood dripping from her leg

"Jake hyung What happened to y/n? Why does she have a wound?" Jungwon proceeded, "she hit something sharp a while ago" jake explained

"Yah! What's with the noise!!?" Sunghoon said, barging inside the room and seeing y/n bleeding while laying on jungwons arms "what happened to y/n?"

"We'll take y/n to her room so that she can rest," sunno said, ignoring sunghoons question while carrying the young girl to her room. After the three left with y/n  the room went silent,  seconds later sunghoon spoke up " tell me what's going on" as he looked at them and noticed that they were avoiding eye contact,  "what are we supposed to do? There was so much blood to resist"  jay muttered, "you what!!?" He exclaimed
"Lower your voice heeseung  must be sleeping already," jake said

"You could've at least done it separately," sunghoon said while sighing before he left the room


"Niki did you get the bandage and the betadine I asked you" jungwon mumbled, then Niki gave him the things as he assist jungwon
"There, that'll stop the bleeding," jungwon said while fixing the stuff.
Sunno was just standing there trying to resist the strong scent of y/ns blood
Niki noticed it and immediately took sunno out of the room.

After jungwon was done fixing he stood up and was headed out but he stopped for a moment and eyed y/n's leg as his eyes turned red "im so curious about your blood lim y/n, it smells so good what more could it taste like" jungwon said as he tilted his head and sneered before leaving the room.

Sunno, sunghoon, Niki, Jay, and jake are sitting at the counter, chatting
Niki groaned  "you're all so unfair I never get the chance to taste y/n's blood because as soon as she wakes up someone does it again and it goes on and on, it's so annoying" sunghoon scoffed, "you think you're the only one," he said while sipping his soda can, they all stopped when someone suddenly rang the doorbell "that's strange" sunno murmured, we don't invite  guests and no one visits us he thought " I'll get it " Niki volunteered

As he opened the door he saw that no one was there, except a box that seems to look like a present as soon as he picked it up he immediately covered his nose because of the unpleasant smell "what the fvck is this! why does it smell so bad?" When he opened the box  his eyes widened as he  saw fresh chopped  body parts covered with blood and a decapitated head he screamed and dropped the box while sprinting towards the kitchen

They were still chatting when suddenly they heard Niki screaming
They hurriedly ran towards him "Niki what's wrong!?" Jake asked, "why does it smell like rotten flesh?" sunno muttered  "hyung! T-" Before Niki could say anything jay went to open the box causing everyone to scream "whose  fvcking head is that!?" Sunghoon said while covering his nose, "cover it back jay!!" Jake said,

As he took the cover he noticed a handwritten message 

"I thought you wanted to play, whats with your sudden reactions hahaha are you scared?"

"Who the fvck did this!? Show yourself!" Jay shouted

"It's, Kwang-sun," a familiar voice spoke from the back, they all turned around and saw jungwon walking downstairs. "Jungwon are you sure?" Sunno asked, "didn't you notice that he's the only one who has the urge to do these kinds of things" jungwon continued "Kwang-sun? He did this!?" Sunghoon let out  "Kwang-sun that motherfvcker!" Jay said.

"so what do we do now jake hyung?" Niki asked as he turned to jake,
"If he wants to play, then so be it" he replied with a grin


Y/n woke up and felt better than before, still laying down and staring at the ceiling as she was startled when someone suddenly hovered on top of her and pinned y/ns hands "I've waited for this moment to come" he said which caused y/n to scream
"yah! Niki! I just woke up!" As she tried to escape Niki took her wrist and dig his fangs inside of it as his eyes widened, he pulled back and was astonished by her blood Niki averted his gaze on y/n while licking the blood from her hands

"I have never tasted anything like this before," he said

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