chapter | 19

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Y/n pouted as she sat down. She took a pillow and buried her faced on it, groaning with bordness.

They all looked at each other and then looked at her. "Sorry y/n we lied. We did celebrate Christmas once but it was a long time ago and its because we were all so busy that's why we haven't celebrated ever since." Jake admitted.

"It's ok, it's not your fault. Because Ever since my parents died I didn't get to celebrate Christmas too But it is still my favorite season of all time." She happily said.

"Hyung where are you going?" Jungwon asked. All of them immediately averted their gaze at the stairs to see heeseung happily going down, while wearing a coat.

"Let's go!" He exclaimed.

All of them gave heeseung a confused look. He laughed at them before saying.

"Let's go celebrate Christmas" he said with a smile on his face.

"right now?" She asked looking at him with excitement. "Yes" he answered.

"So heeseung hyung where exactly are we going?" Sunghoon asked.

Heeseung looked at him with full confidence and was about to answer but was unsure of what to say.
"I don't know actually, it's been a while since I've celebrated Christmas.
What if y/n decide I'm sure she knows where  the best places to enjoy Christmas. Right y/n?" He said looking at her.

"Yes! I know some places and I know that you will like it too." She assured.

"Alright so lets go?" Heeseung asked.

"I mean... Do we have a choice?" Jay teased. Earning a glare from heeseung which made him regret what he said.
Then they all went out and got inside the car as heeseung started to drive out from the mansion, heading towards their destination.

Y/n sat on the passengers seat so that she can tell heeseung where to go.
While driving, the car stopped because of a red light, he turned to y/n's side and stared at her while smiling. Y/n noticed it and looked at him.

"What?" She asked.

"Hhmm...nothing just admiring your beauty"

She immediately looked away and smiled as her cheeks turned red. "Look where your driving, we might hit someone." She said avoiding his gaze, trying to hide her red tomato cheeks.

"It's not even green light yet" he said.

"What I meant umm just focus on the road, cause what if it suddenly turned green and you were not paying attention then we accidentally hit someo-"

"You're so cute" he blurted out of nowhere.

With that she felt a swarm of butterflies filling her stomach. Stunned, for being called cute out of the blue.

"W-what?" She asked.

"I said your sooo cute" he said pinching her cheeks.

"Yah! That hurts" she let out as she held her cheeks, massaging it from the pain.

"Can you two keep quiet?" A voice was heard from the back, it was jay annoyed from the two of them.

Y/n and heeseung looked at each other and laughed it off. Jay glared at them from the back and just ignore the both of them. Seconds later the traffic light turned green and heeseung continued driving.

"So tell me where are we going first cutie?" He said while his eyes are fixed on the road. Her face reddened for the second time because of the sudden nickname. She closed her eyes and exhaled slowly before facing him,
While smiling.

"Let's go to the mall or maybe to the cinema, or we can go to the carnival
No, maybe that's a bad idea umm-"

"Y/n, just pick one" Niki said.

"Anywhere is fine with us y/n, don't worry" jake assured.

She bit her lip while thinking of the best places to celebrate Christmas with them. After a few minutes, a specific place suddenly came up in her mind. She turned to heeseung and whispered in his.

"I heard that this place has one of the largest ice skating rink in Korea, why don't we go there"

"That's a good choice y/n!" He shouted. which caught the attention of the others at the back. Y/n immediately shushed heeseung and told him that it's going to be a surprise then he nodded.

"What is it guys? Care to share?" Jay asked curiously.

"It's a surprise, just wait till we get there" heeseung answered back.

Sunghoon spoke up "Just make sure it's a good place"

"Of course, im sure you'll like it"
Y/n said.

She turned to heeseung with excitement, and couldn't stop giggling.
"I haven't been at an ice rink since the day sunghoon quit skating," heeseung said to her, talking so quietly almost  whispering so that sunghoon would not be able to hear them.

Y/ns eyes widened because of what heeseung told her. "Will it still be a good idea to continue going there?" She asked worriedly, with that heeseung burst out laughing which left y/n confused.

"Y/n I was just kidding, you look so serious" he said still laughing at her.

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