chapter | 9

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"You have a fever " he continued
I thought for a second as I remembered what happened before I fainted "wait what date is today?"
"it's Monday, your supposed to be in school but you had a fever" heeseung explained, I was relieved that it didn't take me days to wake up.

Heeseung spoke up "I'll leave you so that you can rest " while Patting my head softly as he left the room, my face redden.

when he left the room I just stared at the ceiling blankly, but suddenly I feel so nauseous and wanted to throw up
Seconds later I felt like it was coming out so I hurriedly went to the bathroom and vomited, my stomach feels so uncomfortable and my dizziness had gotten worst the feeling was so unpleasant as I cleaned up the sides of my mouth and flushed the toilet, I tried to stand up but I still don't have the strength to do it
But then I heard the door opened.

"Y/n?" I instantly recognized jake's voice "im here" I mumbled as I tried my best to utter the words out from my mouth, then he barged into the bathroom looking so worried
He immediately carried me back to my bed and checked my temperature
By placing his hand on my forehead.

As I felt his cold ice-like hand touching my skin  my body shivered
"Your temperature has gotten higher" jake blurted out, I just nodded while he sat down beside me, I felt tired that's why I rested my head on his shoulders As my eyes began to shut he slowly laid me down on the bed.

Jake left the room and was headed towards the living room and saw heeseung " how's y/n?" Heeseung raised a question while jake sat on the couch, he sighed "her temperature is higher than I expected".

jay spoke up "I thought it was just mild" he entered the living room while leaning at the door and sipping his coffee, while the cold breeze surrounds them then teardrops of rain started pouring from above as it went rapidly fast and lightning struck Down resulting everyone to be stunned.

"Jay, where is sunghoon ?" Heeseung asked while averting his gaze at him.
"How should I know, that man just vanishes out of nowhere, he's so weird, anyway I'll be at y/n's room if you need me," he said and was about to leave but got stopped by someone "Jay wait! Before you do that can you first go buy some medicines for y/n, she just took the last one earlier"
Jake explained before earning a nod from Jay as he left the room.


Sunghoon was actually in y/n's room
He was just sitting on the bed staring at her as he fixed the blanket making sure that she was covered properly, then a gust of wind passed by making y/n's hair cover her face, sung hoon instantly removed it from her face and tucked it at the back of her ear
He then shifted closer to y/n and was amazed by her beauty "I didn't know you were this pretty up close" he whispered while admiring her complexion as he backed out y/n suddenly pulled him and snuggled him tightly, he attempted to get out from y/n's hold but he also didn't want her to wake up that's why he just let her be.

After a few minutes sunghoon began to doze off yet still in y/n's arms while feeling the warmth of her body, he liked it because it was comfortable
They both slept peacefully together while y/n is hugging sunghoon.


jungwon, Niki, and sunno arrived at home and directly went to y/n's room
As they slowly opened the door they were shocked and could not believe
What was happening at the moment
"Guys, are you seeing this?" Niki said still in shock after seeing sunghoon
Resting together with y/n "let's just leave them be" jungwon whispered as the three went outside, they went to their respective rooms and changed.

It was still pouring nonstop, sunghoon woke up and to his surprise, he realized that he just slept together with y/n and even felt happy, he went up and checked her temperature again, and it went higher than the previous one, it was 38.9°c before
And it increased to 40.2°c he immediately went out to call jake.

Sunghoon sprinted while going to the living room "jake! Y/n's temperature went up to 40.2°c" he shouted
"what!?" Jake said as he took his phone out and started calling jay.

"I'll go check on her" heeseung said while standing up and started to go to y/ns room.

Ring! Ring! Ring!


"Jay, What's taking you so long?"

"Bitch I waited in line for so long, im exhausted"

"Just hurry up, oh! And don't forget
the acetaminophen and ibuprofen"

"YeH I won't " with that, the phone calm ended

Heeseung entered the room, seeing her in deep sleep

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