chapter | 13

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"I have never tasted anything like this before," he said

I immediately pushed Niki  which caused him to fall from the bed, as he groaned from the pain

"You Bitc- yah! Y/n That hurts!" Niki complained sitting down on the floor while groaning from the pain, y/n hurriedly went to the washroom before Niki could catch up, "yah come back here!" He shouted but was not able to catch up

The moment y/n went inside the bathroom she exhaled heavily "Woah that was close I would've slept for days again if I didn't stop him" she thought to herself, then she washed her face and brushed her teeth after that she went out of the bathroom and was surprised to see a beautiful yellow dress on her bed

She went to try the dress out and was shocked that it fit perfectly she was smiling while looking at herself in the mirror, "im glad it fits you well" a voice spoke when y/n turned around she flinched in surprise seeing sunoo's face inches away from her.
She felt her cheeks getting warmer and instantly looked away avoiding his stare

"Why are you here?" Y/n asked, looking back at the mirror, "we're all going somewhere today" he said "heeseung hyung decided that we'll be going on a vacation, that's why you should bring extra clothes because well be staying there for 2 weeks " sunno continued, y/n stopped to what she was doing then escorted him out of the room without saying anything.

She slammed the door and jumped in excitement, y/n always wanted to go on a vacation but she never got to experience it because she can't afford it before, but now she is so happy going on a vacation and spending Christmas with them, then after that, she went to her closet and started packing her clothes.

As she went downstairs, their jaw dropped seeing y/n with the dress they gave her and for the first time to see her wearing that kind of clothes it made her look like a princess

"What are you guys waiting for let's go!" She said excitingly, heading towards the big white luxurious van,
"Let's go!" Jungwon, sunno, and Niki said in unison as they make their way to the van followed by heeseung, jake, Jay, and sunghoon.

Before going inside the van they stopped because of jay "wait...who's going to drive?" He asked, earning a smack from sunghoon "ouch! What was that for?"

"Are you dumb jay!?" Sunghoon said,  "we have a fvckin driver!" He continued

"Oooohhhh...yeah about that I made them all leave," jay said while scratching the back of his head and nervously laughing, sung hoon  face palmed himself while heeseung's and jake's smile faded

"You what!?"
"I'm sorry guys I can explain it's because it's almost Christmas and they also have a family to go home to and you know I felt guilty that's why," jay said while looking down, heeseung went to him and patted his back
"Jay it's totally fine I understand what you feel, but you should be the one to drive" with that they all went inside  leaving jay

He sighed "why do I have to suffer?" Then he took out his key and started the engine then they began to head to their destination

An hour has already passed, they all felt sleepy because they were all full and it takes 2 hours to travel through land, Jay was exhausted and so are the others, y/n was sitting close to the window with heeseung beside her. she felt sleepy as her head laid down at the window and started to take a nap

Heeseung Also felt sleepy as he decided to lay his head on y/ns shoulders, but was hesitant because maybe she'll wake up if he does that but  seconds later his head surrendered and ended up on her shoulders he felt so comfortable as he inhale y/n's scent and that brought back the memories they both had together

Minutes later they all fell asleep

After another hour has passed they were still sleeping when suddenly jay did a full stop at the van which caused Niki to fall from his sit, everyone didn't because they wore a seatbelt "we're here!" Jay exclaimed, Niki, was groaning with pain "hyung!" He shouted, "what!? It's your fault, earlier I told you to wear a seatbelt but you didn't listen"

"What! The! Fvck!?" Sunghoon yelled
"What's wrong with you guys! I just want to have a peaceful rest,"
He proceeded, earning a scoff from jay " If you want to sleep you can continue doing it inside the house" sunghoon just rolled his eyes in response, then the others started to go out

y/n woke up and was surprised to see heeseung sleeping beside her
She somehow felt that heeseungs touch is familiar to her, and his scent she kept on thinking and thinking, then something came up to her head
She remembers the scent of her  childhood friend from her old province,

Wait is it possible, I have watched all the news regarding to the accident and I searched for him for the past year's but it said that no one survived that day, but his presence is so familiar and it's like he's the one I have been looking for, I hope it's really you my heedungie,

I miss you so much...

I love you...

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