𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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I ran my fingers up and down her spine tracing it as if it was a line. I felt her grab onto my shirt tightly, I grinned softly looking down at her. I saw how her lips slightly parted and her naturally long eyelashes fell over her cheeks. She looked so adorable while she slept.

I hugged her tightly feeling her warmth on my chest. My white Calvin Klein button up shirt was definitely getting ruined but it's okay. She arched her back pressing her body on mine, i looked up trying so hard to actually not go hard in this very moment. There was strands of hair covering her face so I carefully moved them wanting to completely study her beautiful features.

I noticed all the little things, like her eyebrows perfectly combed up ward and her mascara was slightly smudged, her button nose had light freckles scattering all over. I pressed my lips onto her forehead and took in her sent. She smells so sweet it kills me.

      I heard my phone vibrate obnoxiously loud. I quickly grabbed it from the night stand not wanting to wake her. I heard her murmur something and wrap her leg around one of my legs. I grinned softly really enjoying this moment, that was until I looked at who was calling me. Pamela. Great.

    "Hello?" I whispered and looked down at Kendall who was still sound asleep.

   "Mr. Devon, it's past 8:30, you have a meeting to attend and well i don't know what your plan is here?" I sighed to myself.

      "Tell him that I'll be there at 9:30, also tell him to make sure he has a good presentation because im definitely not going to pay attention if he gives me crap, bye." I hung up the phone running my hand through my hair. I looked at Kendall once more, really needing to get out of her grasp.

     I carefully placed my hand on her thigh, lifting her leg up for me to actually get up. It took me a good 5 minutes to take her hands off my shirt. When I fully stood up I put on my shoes and grabbed my blazer.

    I grabbed a piece of paper from her desk and began writing to her.

     'Good morning sweetheart, I had to leave to a meeting. You looked too peaceful to wake up, I'll try to come by around 2. Please don't  be waiting for me I'm not sure if I will be able to pass by at that exact time....I'll just call you and pass by some restaurant to pick up something for dinner. Have a good day -Nicolas Devon'

       I put it on the night stand and quickly but quietly left the house to go work. I fucking hate work. I have my reasons and they are very much valid. 

      When I drove to the office I got stuck into life long traffic. I looked at the time 9:15. Shit.  I'm going to be so fucking mad if I'm late because of stupid rush hour.

     Thankfully people started actually moving and I was close by the building. I saw valet in front of my building. I hired a company who would do this because I'm sick of finding parking.

     I tossed my keys to the guy and quickly walked in. I looked at my watch realizing it was 9:20. Fuck. I practically ran towards the elevator that some of the workers were in.

"Hold it!" I got in, letting out a deep breath and pressing the button to the last floor. I looked at my reflection on the door.

This day is going to shit by the second. My blazer wasn't buttoned, one side of my shirt was slightly tucked in, while the other was fully out. My hair was messed up, practically everywhere. My shoes were untied. I smelled like vanilla...which wasn't a really bad thing but I was at work. My shirt was fully wrinkled and there was a small drool stain, made by the one and only my girlfriend everyone, Kendall. Overall I'm also wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"Fuck" I muttered to myself quickly trying to fix my hair and everything that was wrong with me at this very moment.

"Looks like you had a very fun night, Mr. Devon" One of my employees said looking at me. I rolled my eyes trying hard not to just punch the guy in the face.

"Shut up won't you-" I began tucking in my shirt when my phone started to vibrate. I didn't even check caller ID I just answered trying to still fix my shirt. "Hello?" Why did I fucking answer if I don't have time for a call? Fucking idiot.

"Good morning, I got your little letter, thought I'd call you before your meeting" her voice through the phone made me fucking melt.

"Yeah, sorry for having to leave so early."

"It's okay...I wish you were here though, I had a whole breakfast plan. We would wake up drink coffee make out, maybe make out some more. Make out. Eat. Make out."

"So make out?" I chuckled softly already wanting to see her.

"I thought you would be at a meeting"

"I'm late to a meeting, also you know you drool- but It's not weird or- I mean my shirt is kinda messed up- I mean" my whole body started heating up.

"I'm so sorry, god I'm such a flippin' idiot." I let out a loud cackle, immediately covering my mouth after.

"Kendall, I think your vocabulary is one of the most unique things I've ever heard"

"You know what, I'm going to hang up now" she giggled embarrassingly "have a good day, I just wanted to call to tell you, thank you and that I miss you. Bye-bye, have a good meeting."

My heart was about to explode, she just said she missed me. I wanted to say it back but my stupid fucking employees were already trying to hold in their laughter. I hate it here.

"You too um-oh shit im at my floor, I'll text you later. Bye" i hung up. I wasn't at my floor yet. I had to stop at a the 12th floor because some people had to get off. "Don't say a fucking word or you're fired"

It's going to be a really long horrible day.

𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now