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Play – Positions by Ariana Grande

Chapter 1




8th Of November, 2020

The black Mercedes, came to a halt, signaling that you have arrived to your destination. 'Squad Model Agencies' the largest modeling agency in USA. The Founder, itself was a young women who always wanted to build a strong reputation for herself. And she's famous with a successful outcome in the whole industry. It's you, Lee Y/n. 

The security guard, opened the door of the car when an expensive black heel stepped out. Gaining respectful greetings from the staff, you entered inside the building. You removed the Dior sunglass, which you were wearing and walked towards your private elevator. 

"Good Morning Ma'am" Bella Gomez, Your private secretary greeted once you entered your office cabin. "Good Morning Miss Bella" You greeted back, sitting on your chair. She handed you a pile of files and a cup of Starbucks, when you took a pen out from the pen holder. "What's New?" You eyed to the file, which Bella handed to you. "Ma'am, Our Fashion Department has recommended The Gucci brand for this fashion week" You lift your eye brow, keeping away the pen. "Gucci? Aren't we supposed to hold this along with Mrs. Olivia's opinion?" You asked in confusion. 

"She has sent a mail to our department yesterday mentioning that to tag along with Gucci rather than Glamour this time" Bella said, showing you the mail from the iPad. "What will happen to the deals we made with the magazine?" You asked confusingly. "It isn't changing ma'am, just the brand code is changed" Bella answered taking back the iPad. "Well, who's the supplier?" That was the main question. From whom you're getting the required brand. 

"Umm...It's from a  Korean Branch Ma'am." You instantly looked up at her, tearing the gaze from the file. "Korean branch? As far as I know, we don't have any supplier from Korea other than our teaching school there" Yes. Neither you nor your company haven't any contacts of suppliers or any other from Korea. You only owned a modeling teaching school which is located in South Korea, that's it. 

"Yes but this time, that company itself is willing to collaborate with us. More like they're expecting a commercial model. Since our Manager has accepted the offer, we need only your approval Ma'am" Explained Bella. You molded your hands together, intertwining them, resting on the table. "So, After signing my approval, we should go there right? They aren't coming here. Is it?" You asked her, waiting for an answer which you don't want to hear at all. 

"Yes Ma'am" A sighed escaped from your mouth.

'Should I go?'

This will be a biggest income that your company will gain by using a most expensive brand in the world for this fashion week. Even if you gave the approval, you won't be able to back away on flying to Korea. And at the same time, one question popped into your mind.

"Who's the owner of the company?" Suddenly you asked, to get to know the owner. "Well, There wasn't any information regarding the owner of the company. The mail itself mentioning only the CEOs' secretary's name as Mrs. Park. But one thing is sure, there're two CEOs of the Company and both are males"

 "Alright then...But how can you be sure about the CEOs are males?" You sipped your Starbuck. "I did a brief search yesterday, then I found only that information about the company" You nodded in repose. But still the 'nod' isn't giving the meaning of 'fine'. It's worst.

"Y/n...Are you okay with this?" It was Bella herself, who spoke to you dropping away the professionalism. She's your only friend in states and parallelly your private secretary. "I'm fine Bella..." You flashed a recurring smile. She stepped near to you. "If you have any problem, please tell me. Besides now you have got a chance to meet your father anyway" She said stroking your back. "Hmm...I bet he's very old now" You lightly smiled, looking at a picture which was on the table. The picture was you and a girl who were teens and your father.

 "Yeah, 7 seven years is not a joke" Bella said when you chuckled nudging her arm.


"Are you sure?" You asked again from her. "Yeah It's alright y/n. I can book a cab" Bella said, pushing you towards the car. It's been a quite while after finishing all your work of the day and now it's time to return back home. As it was already passed 7 in night, you said you will drop her but she denied it for the fourth time. "Then I'm leaving. See you tomorrow" You hugged her for one last time and left the place.

Through the whole ride, your mind was running here and there instead of concentrating on a one thing. The only question mark your head and mind carried was, 'how can I face my dad?'. It's been 7 years now, you're living at states but didn't even attempt to go back to Korea. You moved to states aiming on a one target on your mind, to be a successful person and face back your family, your father. Yes, your only family was him. In states, you had no one to live with. It's only you, in a huge mansion.

At the beginning, living alone was somewhat hard but you get used to it with the time. Then, you be-friended with Bella, from the day she worked as your Private Secretary. So, from that day, you didn't felt loneliness, as she was there for you all the time.

After sometime, you arrived home. Having a fresh bath, you went to the kitchen to make some instant noodles. You oftenly eat them, as you don't have much time to spend on cooking. You were a busy person actually, you like to be.

While doing your business, you remembered how your father hates when you eating instant foods but now your 3 meals are full of instance. Smiling, dreaming of your own past with sweet memories with your father, you took out a packet of noodles to boil. Leaning to the kitchen counter, you waited till the water boiled. At the same time, your phone rang. 

"Hello?" You answered the call without glancing at the caller ID. "Hey Y/n! Did you came home?" It was Bella, who talked to you from the other side of the call. "Yeah, little while ago" You said, placing the phone on your shoulder and leaned the right ear onto it. "Don't say you're eating noodles again" You got vibes like she's glaring at you. "I'm sorry ma'am, but it's a 'yes'" You chuckled. "Hey! That's my word ma'am" You heard her chuckling. "Anyway, straight to the point. They informed us that they will supply the amount as we wish and they want to fix a permanent date to the meeting too" She said, when you hold back the phone by your hand. "Do we have any important things to handle from here?" You asked mixing the noodles from the other hand.

"Well, nothing's important though...Why you're asking is suddenly?" You sighed, running the fingers through your hairs. "Actually, I thought of leaving day after tomorrow as they haven't fixed a exact time and date yet, besides it will be easy for me to take a small rest before anything. If you really don't mind can you handle my work--"

"Yeah definitely! Is that even necessary to ask? Aish! I'll get that" She said excitedly. You know how much she likes to work at your place, with take caring of your things as well. "And the other thing, don't come for work tomorrow. Atleast rest your mind in peace before going back" You really wanted to hug her for her saying those healing words. "Sure, I'll stay" You giggled when she hummed in response. "I'll hang up! My Pizza order is here" With that, she declined the call before you say bye to her. You shook your head and took the cup of noodles. While eating it, who sat on the couch, when again your phone rang. You looked at the caller ID taking the phone to your hand. 

Never in millions of dreams you thought that he'll call you. You still had his phone number saved in your phone. You were one who supposed to call but he's calling you in the most unexpected time...


First chapter is here! How was it <3

First chapter is here! How was it <3

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