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Play Heartbeat by BTS

Chapter 21




Days passed after the mere encounter with Taehyung. You wanted to avoid him but how? Even though you didn't want to accept him still he's your sister's boyfriend. But you felt weird. Yes, he's your sister's boyfriend so you can't like him right? No, no. You can't do it at all. 

Yesterday, there was a meeting held regarding your fashion conference. There you saw Jennie with Taehyung. Jennie won't be Taehyung's fiancé if Ria was here today, you thought. 

Can't this Taehyung understand it? Is he that dumb to think naïve? Forced marriage-my ass

But you can't change it either. You already know clearly that Taehyung hates this marriage and Jennie herself know that Taehyung isn't onto it. What she's gonna do with him in the future? They won't be happy at all if they don't even like each other. 

You made turned to fists when Jennie being clingy around him. C'mon he was going to be brother in law. You should feel this huh? She smiled and he smiled in return. She hold his hand but he moved it away. She tried to talk to him but he always did avoid her. What the-?

"Seems you're into him" Hana muttered, munching her morning sandwich. "Useless" You remarked, sipping your juice. You two were having your breakfast freely, talking about random things thus Mr. Lee wasn't home. "Now you're saying this Kim Taehyung guy doesn't like this Kim Jennie...is it?" She repeated the scenario which you said her while ago.

You nodded in response, forcing on your food. "Puff, Why do you even care Y/n? Just stay aside and wait" She shrugged her shoulders. "Hana, should I repeat who is he?" You stared at her with a blank expression.

"No please. I'm done of hearing his name. Well, that Kim guy was Ria's boyfriend, so what? Why should you go behind him and interfere his personal matters. Seriously you're leading this fire to an eruption" You rolled your eyes at her. 

"Now tell me do you have any personal things to hide from me? Do you?" You asked, moving your plate away. Hana crooked her eyes brows and shook her head slowly. "No, I guess"

 "See, you're close to me. You don't have secrets in my behind. And he too. Its true that I met him few days ago but he's someone close to me. He said me many things that I wasn't aware of. I should pay back him" You said, fighting with your fingers. 

"I repeat Miss Lee, you're into him" She pointed her finger at you sassily.  "Tell it again, I'll smack your head" You muttered, getting up from the chair. "Where are you going?" Hana asked in confusion as you wore your over coat. "Somewhere" Ofcourse the somewhere was the church, where else?


Entering the church, you first greeted the father who were doing his prayings inside the church. With the flower bouquet in your hands, you walked towards your sister's locker. But your tracks stopped instantly, seeing the figure who was standing infront of her grave. 

The grip around your flower bouquet tighted and gulped down before approaching him with heavy steps. You stood beside him without occurring a single sound. 

"I thought you'll come here before me" Taehyung mumbled, shoving his hands inside his coat pockets. You cleared your throat beyond shock as he spoke even without glancing at you. "I had a long breakfast" You replied, placing your flower bouquet. A smile crept on your face when you saw other white rose bouquet infront of her photo. He bought her favorite

"You bought the correct" You said, smiling at him. "You're looks like Ria, when you smile like that" He said, smiling at corner of his lips. Weird! Again that same weird atmosphere engulfed you. "Please don't mention her" You mumbled, looking away. Taehyung frowned, before holding your shoulder.

A electric current directly went through your veins under his sudden touch. "Why'd you say that?" He had his frown on her bare forehead, your eyes pleased so much to take the time back so that this guy won't be this much close to you. 

"Doesn't it hurt you?  Doesn't it hurt seeing me? Me and Ria has the same face, I must be remembering you of her. Because I even remind myself of her. It hurts whenever I see my own face" In the middle of asking him, your voice break. 

There you go again being weak. Most of the time you were strong but now the faith changed to see your weakness. Every memory of her is just your weakness and remembering those everytime the guilt creep out from your chest that you can't help but cry. 

Giving in sadness soon you found yourself crying because of her, again. 

"No, In a way you're different. You're far different from Ria" He said like he's sure of it. Like he knows you both, like he memorized every single part of your sister and he knows by her soul, that's why he could tell your difference. 

And you couldn't agree more. If it was in any other time, in any other moment, if your sister was alive, you'd hate that he compared you to her but it was dead Ria, he was talking about. 

Only if he knew how much you bared through all of these 7 years,
Only if he knew how much you did suffer,
Only if he knew how much you needs someone now by your side,
Only if he knew every single reason behind your tear drop,
he won't say it. 

"Stop crying. no one will wipe your tears for you" He said before he turn his back on you and leave the charnel house in silence. 

And there again you felt the weird, around him... 


Guys, My school is starting tomorrow so I'll update if I got time🤧

Guys, My school is starting tomorrow so I'll update if I got time🤧

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