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Play - Candle in the wind by Elton John

Chapter 4




After calling Bella about my safe and sound arrival, me and Appa had a great time, eating the dinner together. 

I went to my room, after bidding a Good Night to Appa and Rocko. Jungkook still doesn't know anything about my arrival and I need to say it to him as soon as possible. And also for her...But first I need to talk to her and say so sorry for everything I did. Even though the Sorry doesn't make anything right, still I have to do so.

Guilt. It's the only thing which was rushing inside me. This guilt will grow up if I visit her grave today. Appa said me more than four times now, to visit her grave. But how can I? How can I just go there? She won't accept me. She won't listen to me anyway. She doesn't even want to see me. I'm the reason for her death. I'm the one who needs to take all the blames. This all because of me. 

Flash back, 20th November 2013...

Author's POV:

You woke up, squinting your eyes trying for figure out where you were. The place was completely unfamiliar and strange for you. You sensed like you have waken up after days. The bed you were lying wasn't your bed. It had two poles either sides of the bed. The bright sunlight hits your face, from the large window which those long curtains were barely opened. The room, it was peach and white in color. There were many sort of computer like machines around you. Those were emitting like signal sounds of a vehicle. You looked at your hand. The right hand of yours was injected by several sharps and tube which was connected to saline drip. You saw it when you looked up at the headboard of the bed.

It didn't took long enough to recognize, you were not in any where else but in a hospital room. You tried to raise your head, when it pained badly. You felt like someone was hitting your head by a iron pole or something. Suddenly the door wide opened revealing a man around thirties, wearing a white coat and a lady beside him. "You're waken" He smiled genuinely. This was like foreign to you. 'Waken? I was sleeping here?' You questioned for yourself.

"You were unconscious for 5 days" He continued, when your eyes grew wide. '5 days?!' 
"Is anywhere paining? Somewhere around your head" Yes, it was slightly paining. You nodded slowly, when that lady came near to you. She helped to keep your back straight to the headboard and kept the pillow, back of your head. Then the man, the doctor came wearing his stethoscope to check up on you. After checking you, he smiled. "Everything is alright" He said. But it was only your state. Not her. 

Your mind focused on her name. On your sister's name. "Ria" You said, more like you mumbled it. You started to panic. It was only you inside the room. "Where is she?" You tried to get up but the nurse stopped you. And your head, it was paining like a hell. "Don't move your body miss...The wound will get worse" She said, but you ignored it all. "No!! Where is Ria?! I...want
t-to...s-s-ee...h-h...e...r" Then everything got black out.

End of the flashback...

End of Author's POV:

Y/n's POV:

Flashbacks, nothing's there to make me cherish while recalling my flashbacks. Nothing without her. It always be like dead leaves.

I shook my head, grabbing my dark brown sweater from the hook. I wore it and went downstairs. I saw Appa watching TV with Rocko on his lap. I smiled before speaking. "Appa...I'm going out" I said when he turned back. "Out? Now? Isn't it too late?" He asked.

"It's only 8:30. Don't worry...I can remember the roads. I'll come back soon" Without saying where I'm going, I left the house, after pecking Appa's cheek, bidding a Bye. I walked on the path, hands inside the sweater pockets. Kicking a small piece of gravel, I continued walking lost in my own thoughts. 

I stopped near the church. The church me and Ria used to visit everyday morning, before we go to college. Taking a deep breathe, I entered from the huge gate and walked inside. The place hasn't change a bit. It was well cleaned and pleasant like always. I'm truly felt pleased that she's in this pleasant area. Ria always likes to keep the her surrounding clean and tidy and here her grave is like that.

Finally, After 7 years, I'm here infront of my sister's grave. She's not the one who needs to be here. Lee Ria, it's not her name to be stab on this stone. It should mine. My name. She wasted her life for me. Because of my stupid actions, her life blew away. I kneeled down infront of her grave. "Hi...R-ria" It's all I could say. Even though she didn't missed me, I missed her. "I'm sorry" I know, A sorry isn't enough for her. 

"You know...I'm h-here after 7 years...to see you" Tears rolled down on my cheek. I couldn't control them. "A-appa says I look just like you...I don't know whether you're looking at me or not but I'm always looking at you eventually looking at myself" It's the only way I can figure out her appearance now. "I know your mad at me. I know you don't want to see my face. But...you're still my sister. It's never mind if you don't accept me as your sister. You sacrificed your life for me. You did something that you shouldn't do. Everyone here missed you" I cached the air for a moment.  

"Remember when mom says this...She said after dying, every blessed soul always fly to heaven. And I hope you're there in heaven with mom now. Atleast you have her" I bit my lips, till it got bleed. "I need you Ria...Everyone needs you and missed you so much...Why...Just why did you..."I cried and cried till all the sadness fly away with tears. At that time, I was running lack of tears. There wasn't tears left to cry...She always says that tears are the words that heart couldn't say. It's revealing the truth of that say, at that state of mine. 

End of Your POV

Author's POV:

You cried that day not because you're weak, it's because you have been strong for too long. Tears were flowing down your cheek like they have no weight. But they carries so much of heavy feelings...


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