| 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞

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Play Spring day by BTS

Chapter 20





November 13th, 2013

"Give me five minutes!" Ria hissed from inside the dressing room as you waited outside until she comes out. "Seriously Ria! You're taking years to come out" You scoffed. Just then the door opened revealing a pissed off girl. 

"Yah! What's with that mood huh? We're literally going to buy our dresses to the prom" You tried to made her cheer up but she didn't even did a lip sync. "So you don't like that I'm coming with you" You mumbled, as you stopped walking ahead. 

Ria turned back and sighed before speaking up. "Its not like that Y/n...Appa is not at home so I don't want to go out when he's not at home. And I want let you go alone either" You two wasn't allowed to go out when Mr. Lee isn't at home. She held your shoulders and then cupped your face. 

"I don't like to see this fallen face of yours. That's why I'm joining you hmm?" She said that made you smile. "Then let's go" You squealed and kissed her cheek later, running down stairs. 

"Wear your seatbelts" Ria commanded. You nodded and wore your seatbelts. You really don't like to hear commands from others except from your father, but Ria is the only one knows driving apart from your father. 

Heck, you don't even know how she learnt driving and when got licenses even. 

"Play some music, Y/n. Its so quiet here" Ria mumbled, tapping her fingers on the streeling wheel. You smiled widely and played your favorite song of IU. You put on the volume where nor loud or nor too soft. You didn't want to distract her. 

Everything was going smoothly while when her phone rang. You took it and saw someone named as 'Kth' calling, you answered it and gave it your sister .

She put it beside her ear and instantly smiled when she heard the voice of the caller. "We're almost there" She said, eyes focused on the road. "Are you driving? Ria, I said you not to...These days are not good for driving" And yes, Its almost the end of the year and the roads are very busy with vehicles. This Christmas eve always brought a lot of road accidents that caused many deaths from the past few days. 

"We're alright. No need to worry" Ria giggled while you listened to the IU's voice, singing her song 'Ending Scene'

Ria smiled as the conversation between went long but her arms froze when she felt something wrong. The car was speeding when her foot wasn't pressing hard to the pedal. She tried to step on the break but to no avail. 

"Uh, I think we have a problem, Taehyung" She whispered, careful not to let you know about it. "What?" Taehyung panicked. He got up from his bed, his guts are telling that something bad is going to happen. 

He took his helmet on the table and went to their garage. "The brakes...Its not working" Ria said in a hushed voice. Something heavy fell inside his chest. "Where are you, Ria?" He asked, not making her more fearing. 

"We're currently in a freeway. What should I do?" Taehyung heard panic in his girlfriend's voice. "Keep driving. Turn to a lane with less vehicles. Keep driving until I get there, okay?" He said, trying to calm her down. He get on his motorcycle and was about to put on his helmet when Ria said something. 

"Hurry, Taehyung. Please save my sister" She pleaded before ending the call. 

Taehyung hissed as he put on the helmet and let his motorcycle roar to life. He speeded off to where Ria is. 

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