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Play Butterfly by BTS

Chapter 25




Autumn knocked the zone while the days you planned to stay in your home town too flew down the horizon so quickly like wind. There was no time to think of anything that you only had few more days to stay there in, Korea.

The scenario which happened with Taehyung always been your favorite dream also the only nightmare that haunted you at the every second along with the thought of Ria. The couple bracelet, that was now your palm was the only thing to stop you from thinking about Taehyung. 

But you can't do it either and there's no need of any proof to conclude that you have already fallen for the boy your twin sister loved, maybe still loving. 

The way he craved his lips to yours numerously played inside your like a record in black and white. After the day he left your apartment, you didn't got a chance to see him nor you tried. You wondering whether Taehyung was doing the same thing which is not. 

On the other side, Taehyung being the copy of you. He too was lost on the same dream as yours and making his mind all way not to think about you nor attempt to search for you. Thus, he wasn't aware of the news that you're getting ready to leave the country from another few more days.

Before your farewell, you want to see Taehyung once, just one more time and that's it. 

By the way, you're deep in your thoughts about the strange feelings that were ruining your mind all the time. Does loving someone hurts us this much? 

No, loving someone won't hurt you anyway but when you love the wrong person, then it will be the worst pain that you ever gain. 

You tried and tried and tried to erase Taehyung from your mind even though you spent most of your time with your friends. What did they said was, to confess him right away before its too late for anything. But telling out your feelings towards won't lead for anything nice. Just the pain, again.

Even now, you're supposed to leave so how can you even say that you love him and stay with him? And who knows if he does love you in return or not? Like earlier, it will lead for anything nice, just the pain. 

"Just cut the crap and face him, Y/n. Its not like you're leaving here forever" Hana chirped, earning a exclaim from you. "That's not working at all, Hana. You know very well about him. He still loves my sister and with that how will he accept me? He'll just think that I'm a complete fool" You said, more like murmuring to an ant. 

"First, I didn't heard anything. Second, what are you taking about?. Third, You're a complete idiot" Well, that's what you just ment. 

You let a short chuckle out and shook your head. "I'm leaving, Hana. I don't have time for anything. I only want to avoid him and deny these stupid feelings. Things will get alright and I'll go on my way" You said, as if your life was depend on what you spilled. 

"Wrong! You should say to him that you loves him. Atleast let out those heavy stones from your mind, Y/n. You're baring too much" Hana cupped your face, smiling bitterly. She knew what was exactly your mind was running with. 

"Let him know that you will stay if he wants you to" 


Hehe, updated after a long time!
Hbt this chp? 
Ready for the next chapter or....?


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