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Play Scenery by BTS V

Chapter 13




Your POV:

I just need to think about tomorrow. Right...only tomorrow. 

'You have to wish her before anybody else' I said to myself, before opening her closet. I wanna wear a dress of her. Her favorite dress. Ria always used to wear that same pink sweater and blue jeans which was her favorite. She liked that match a lot. 

Even though she's gifted by many new clothes on her birthday, she never wears those but that sweater and regular jeans. But me, Fashion was my passion. I only wasted money for buying clothes, cosmetics, shoes and all. I miss those days too...

About Ria...She was less into fashion but she never forgets to buy something regarding for men. Like, she rarely buys something for her but I have seen her buying watches, tie, ties pins of men. Did she even collected those?

The only doubt that still running inside my head was, the watch she bought just before the day she died.

She willingly dragged me to the shopping mall and purchased a black and sliver watch of men. And a men one for her? 

When I asked to whom did she bought it, she only smiled and answered just by two words. 'A gift' she said, and that's all. Well, I could clearly see that's a gift cause she even rapped it with a gift paper. Sometimes my mind is saying that she hid me something. 

But she never did...She fails on keeping secrets. Her mind is into emotions everytime yet I didn't disturbed her asking it. I thought she will tell me what's the real scenario behind those calls she get while I was behind the doors when she's answering the call literally away from me. Those hangouts she everytime went without me, saying she's going out a new friend of her. And those flowers she got like everyday that coincidentally not her favorites but mine. 

Sure, she did hid me something. 

"What you're keeping away from me Ria?" It was me who speaking to myself. Asking to myself besides she's not hear to listen to me anymore. Then my head got hit with an Idea. I guess, this will work out. Taking my phone out from the pocket, I called Hana immediately. 

"Hey Hana" I spoke up.

"Hey What's up?" She yawned while replying me. This girl!

I licked my lips before spilling my words. "I want to know something" I want to know about something I don't know..

"What?" She asked. Now how should I ask it?!

Think Y/n Think!!

"Ahm...First promise me that you don't mind of whatever I'm gonna ask" Well, her mind is a wicked, that's why.

"Yeah go ahead" 

"D-do know anything about Ria? Like something you feel like it's hidden by her but you know? Aish! I mean, I want to know something" Oh god! How can I even express my intention by words?!

"Wait wait- Clear the cut. Just tell me directly" I'm trying!!

"Hana, Can you remember those days when Ria intently ignored us? Like, she went out even without telling me anything. I think same went for you too. Normally, she don't hid anything from me. I just now got remembered about that. It's...weird of her" I let a sigh out. Definitely she  kept something as a secret that not supposed to tell me in anyway. Why Ria?

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