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Play The truth Untold by BTS

Chapter 21




Kim Taehyung saved you that day. He was there to see everything happened. Even he was the boyfriend of your sister and you didn't knew that. Its then Taehyung said you all those unsaid words. His girlfriend died, that's right but seems like he didn't moved on from her, still

At the grave yesterday, he only talked about his past time spending his happiest moments with Ria. Hearing those you felt sad and angry at the same time. Why'd she hide it to me? That question was roaming around your head. Taehyung even said that he want to back away from the engagement he's in, but what can you do?

Every one knows that Kim Taehyung was the boyfriend of Lee Ria but why you didn't knew about that? His parents, siblings, friends...all of them knew but why not you? 

"Everyone getting confused, yeah. Clear proof is here" Jimin muttered, sighing a bit. Hana slapped his arm to stop him. You smiled bitterly, shifting your gaze to some where else. "Y/n, did Taehyung really said that to you?" Hana asked, holding your palm, which was rested on the couch.

"Yeah...He didn't hide me anything, not like Ria" You whispered the last line, breaking other's heart into pieces. "Don't say like that, Y/n. Ria did lied to you but there was a clear reason for it" Jimin said with dared eyes which you couldn't digest. Why these everyone on her side?

"Shut it!" Hana whisper yelled when Jimin rolled his eyes. "Jimin, She knew everything. I was the one who Taehyung saw at the first place. He thought it was me when he saw Ria at the café that day. Just because of that stupid reason, she didn't even bothered to tell her only sister about her relationship. I'm not angry...I'm just, disappointed" Disappointed about your past. You shouldn't have born with her, being her twin sister. If it didn't happened, then none of these problems won't happen.

She won't die...

Taehyung won't lost her first love...

You won't suffer this much of pain which you don't deserve at all...

You deserve better...

"Hyung is not in a right mind these days. He locked himself inside a room on Ria's birthday. He's behaving like a devil towards outdoor people. He never been like this before. You should talk to him Y/n. Atleast he can-" "Why should I?!" You cut off Jungkook's words with your sharp ones. "Why should I talk to him? Why? He's nothing to me. Who I am to him? I should...avoid him! He don't see Y/n if I face him. He will see his girlfriend from me" Struggling to hold back you tears all this time, you finally let those out from your eyes. 

You haven't another option though. Crying will not be a solution for anything but atleast you can reduce your pain inside. That's why people do crying when they're in a deep sorrowful time. "Don't cry Y/nah...I didn't ment those" Jungkook gulped, hugging you, patting your back. "I'll bring some water" Hana went to the kitchen and bought a glass of water for you to drink.

You wiped away your tears yet your eyes were red and puffy. Gulping the water down, you rested your back on the couch. "If you feel that's right thing to do, then we aren't stopping you" Hana stroke your back when you rested your head on her shoulder. 


The wind breeze from the flowing river hitched your long hairs. Exhaling a deep breathe you relaxed your mind for a minute which is going to mess up on the other second. You really don't have any doubt with Taehyung at all. The doubt was Ria who died instead of you. Thus, she was the one who driving the car so she got hit harder than you. Even she wasn't wearing a her seatbelts. 

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